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25-11-2009, 11:17 AM
copied form somewere... some other forum

Đứng núi này trông núi nọ
The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence

Không có lửa làm sao có khói
There is no smoke without fire

Tránh vỏ dưa gặp vỏ dừa
To jump from the frying pan into the fire

Lúc khó khăn mới biết bạn hiền
A friend in need in a friend indeed;
When good cheer is lacking, our friends will be packing

Bạn bè có qua phải có lại
Friendship should not be all on one side

Tứ đổ tường đưa chân vào rọ
Gambling, women and wine a bad road make

Ngậm bồ ḥn làm ngọt
Grin and bear it

Lắm vai nhẹ gánh
Many hands make light work

Xanh vỏ đỏ ḷng
Warm heart, cold hands

Tri nhàn tiện nhàn đăi nhàn hà thời nhàn
All happiness is in the mind

Bắt cá hai tay, tuột ngay cả cặp
If you run after two hares you will catch neither

Dục tốc bất đạt
Haste makes waste;
More haste, less speed

Đáy biển ṃ kim
Look for a needle in a haystack

Nữ nhi tác quái, gà mái đá gà cồ
It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock

Khẩu phật tâm xà .
A honey tongue, a heart of gall

Mật ngọt chết ruồị
Flies are easier caught with honey than with vinegar

Tay làm hàm nhai, tay quai miệng trễ .
No bees, no honey; no work, no money

Càng nguy nan lắm, càng vinh quang nhiềụ
The more danger, the more honor

Mất ḅ mới lo làm chuồng .
It is too late to lock the stable when the horse has been stolen;
It is too late to spare when the bottom is bare

Đặt con trâu trước cái cày .
To put the cart before the horse

Một cây làm chẳng nên non, ba cây chụm lại nên ḥn núi cao .
If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand

Mất của mới học được khôn .
When house and land are gone and spent, the learning is most excellent

Lươn ngắn lại chê trạch dài .
The hunchback does not see his own hump, but sees his companion's;
The pot call the kettle black

Được voi đ̣i tiên .
Give him an inch and héll take a yard

Nồi nào vung nấy .
Every Jack must have his Jill

Ác giả ác báo .
Those who kill by the sword shall perish by the sword

Có công mài sắt có ngày nên kim.
Step by step one climbs the lađer

Cẩn tắc vô ưu
(Cẩn tắc vô áy náy )
Look before you leap

Đừng vạch áo cho người xem lưng
Don't wash your linen in public

Nước chảy đá ṃn
Little strokes fell great oaks

Đen bạc đỏ t́nh, đen t́nh đỏ bạc
Lucky at cards, unlucky in love; Unlucky at sport, lucky in love

Đi hỏi già, về nhà hỏi trẻ
If you wish good advice, consult an old man

Nhân định bất như thiên định .
Man proposes, God disposes

Quân tử nhất ngôn;
Nhất ngôn kư xuất, tứ mă nan truy
Words bind men

Mỗi thời mỗi khác
Other times, other manners

Trượng phu không thờ hai chúa .
No man can serve two masters

Muốn chỉ huy phải biết tuân lệnh
One must be a servant before one can be a master;
Through obedience learn to command

Càng đông càng náo nhiệt .
Vô đông ăn nhiều;
The more the merrier

Hồng nhan bạc mệnh;
Anh hùng yểu mệnh.
Hoa đẹp chóng tàn.
The mirth of the world lasts but a while

Ḷng tham vô đáy
The more you get, the more you want

Chuyện bé đừng xé ra to
Do not make a mountain out of a mole hill

Nằm trong chăn mới biết có rận
Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches

Chơi dao có ngày đứt tay
One should not play with sharp tools

Tri túc tiện túc đăi túc hà thời túc
He who is content in his poverty is wonderfully rich

Pḥng bệnh hơn chữa bệnh
Prevention is better than cure;
Thatch your roof before the rain begins

Quân tử nhất ngôn
Promise is debt

Quân tử nhất ngôn là quân tử dại, Quân tử nói đi nói lại là quân tử khôn
Promises are made to be broken

Bụt chùa nhà không thiêng
A prophet is without honor in his own country

Yêu nhau lắm cắn nhau đau
Lovers' quarrel are soon mended;
The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love

Bộc phát bộc tàn
Soon ripe, soon rotten

Tích tiểu thành đại
Of saving comes having

Đem muối bỏ biển;
Chở cũi về rừng
Cast water into the sea

Không ai giàu ba họ, không ai khó ba đời
From shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in only three generation

Gieo gió gặt băo
He who sows the wind shall reap the tempest
What goes around, will come around

Sau cơn mưa trời lại sáng
After a storm comes a calm

Ăn miếng trả miếng
Tit for tat

Một giọt nước đào hơn ao nước lă
Blood is thicker than water

Con có khóc mẹ mới cho bú
The squeaky wheel gets the grease

Tửu nhập ngôn xuất;
Rượu vào lời ra
When the wine is in, the wit is out

Bút sa gà chết
Words fly, writing remains

Phú quư sinh lễ nghĩa
Plenty breeds pride

Tối lửa tắt đèn, trắng cũng như đen
All cats are grey in the dark

Vắng chủ nhà gà mọc đuôi tôm
When the cat's away the mice will play

Yêu cho roi cho vọt, ghét cho ngọt cho bùi
Spare the rod and spoil the child

Ḿnh cùng họ Hồng Bàng
We are all Adam's children

Vô phúc đáo tụng đ́nh
A client between his attorney and counselor is like a goose between two foxes

Đèn nhà ai nấy rạng
Every cock crows on his own dunghill

Trâu chậm uống nước đục
The cow that is first up gets the first of the dew;
The early bird catches the worm

Đàn khảy tai trâu
to cast pearl before swine

Đă mang lấy nghiệp vào thân, cũng đừng trách móc trời gần trời xa
Every one must carry his own cross

Kiến tha lâu đầy tổ
Little and often fill the purse

Muốn ăn th́ lăn vào bếp
He who would have fruit must climb the tree

Ta về ta tắm ao ta, dù trong dù đục ao nhà vẫn hơn
There is no place like home

Mèo khen mèo dài đuôi
Every cook praises his own broth

Chủ nào tớ nấy
Like master, like servant

Thua keo này ta bày keo khác
When one door shuts, another opens

Nước chảy đá ṃn
Constant dripping water wears away the stone

Cứu cánh biện minh phương tiện
The end justifies the means

Cá lớn nuốt cá bé
Big fish eat little fish

Thừa nước đục thả câu
It's good fishing in troubled water

Thánh nhân đăi kẻ khù khờ
Fortune favors fools

Ở sao cho vừa ḷng người .
You can't please everyone

Tích cốc pḥng cơ, tích y pḥng hàn
Providing is preventing

Tham th́ thâm
Covetousness breaks the sack

Thua keo này ta bày keo khác
If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again

Kỷ sở bất dục, vật thi ư nhân
(Cái ǵ không muốn th́ đừng làm cho người khác)
Do as you would be done by

Ṃ trăng đáy nước
Draw water in a sieve;
Bark at the moon

Nữ nhân chi trung gia thất
A woman's place is in the house

Nhất ngôn kư xuất, tứ mă nan truy
A word spoken is past recalling

Thiên tử hành vi bất khả vấn nạn
The king can do no wrong

Xấu đẹp tùy người đối diện
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Ăn mày đ̣i xôi gấc
Beggars can't be choosers

Ăn cháo đá bát
Bite the hand that feeds you

Qua cầu rút ván
Burn the bridges behind oneself

Trượng phu không đánh kẻ ngă ngựa
Don't hit a man when he's down

Trao trứng cho ác
Let the fox guard the hen house;
Set a wolf to watch the sheep

Trứng khôn hơn vịt
Teach your grandmother to suck eggs

25-11-2009, 11:19 AM
copied form somewere... some other forum

Mèo mù vớ cá rán;
*** ngáp phải ruồi
Even a blind pig occasionally picks up an acorn;
Even a blind chicken finds some corn now and then

Con giun xéo lắm cũng quằn
Even a worm will turn

Thà chết vinh hơn sống nhục;
Thà làm quỷ nước Nam c̣n hơn làm Vương đất Bắc;
Sĩ khả sát bất khả nhục
I would rather die on my feet than live on my knee

Chia rẻ chết lẻ tẻ , đoàn kết chết chùm
If we don't hang together, we will hang separately

Một bên tám lạng, một bên nửa cân.
It is six of one and half a dozen of the other

Nhất bộ khởi xuất vạn lư hành (Lăo Tử)
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step

Một nụ cười bằng mười thang thuốc bổ
Laughter is the best medecine

Bất chiến tự nhiên thành
Let nature take its course

Tam thập nhi lập
Life begins with forty

Cha mẹ nuôi con từng năm từng tháng, con nuôi cha me tính toán từng ngày
A mother can take care of ten children, but sometimes ten childen can't take care of one mother

Chuyện đầu voi đuôi chuột
The mountain labored and brought forth a mouse

Làm ơn mắc oán
No good deed goes unpunished

Nước chảy chỗ trũng
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer

Tích cốc pḥng cơ
Save for a rainy day

Tiền trảm hậu tấu
Shoot and ask question afterwards

Chậm mà chắc;
Ăn chắc mặc bền
Slow but sure

Ác giả ác báo . Làm ác gặp ác
As the call, so the echo or evil doing does not pay evil

Ai chưa từng đau khổ sẽ không hiểu thế nào là hạnh phúc
Misfortunes tell us what fortune is

Ai biết chờ người ấy sẽ được
Everything comes to him who waits

Bạn xấu c̣n tệ hơn kẻ thù trước mặt
False friends are worse than open enemies

Bề ngoài thơn thớt nói cười, mà trong nham hiểm giết người không dao
To draw in its claws or a honey tonge, a heart of gall

Bụt chùa nhà không thiêng
No man is a hero to his valet

Cái ǵ có lợi củng có lúc có hại
Fire is a good servant but a bad master

Cao lễ dễ thưa or Không đấm mơm th́ chẳng xong
An empty hand is no lure for a hawk

Barking dogs seldom bite
*** sủa ít khi cắn

The beaten road is safest
Con đường quen thuộc là con đường an toàn nhất

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Vẻ đẹp nằm trong con mắt người ngắm

Better late than never
Thà muộn c̣n hơn không

Blood is thicker than water
Một giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lă

Book and friend should be few but good
Sách vở và bạn bè, cần ít thôi nhưng phải tốt

Brevity is the soul of wit
Sự ngắn gọn là tinh hoa của trí tuệ

The more you have ,the more you want
Ḷng tham vô đáy

Every why has a where fore
Mời sự đều có lư do của nó

Everything comes to him who waits
Mời đều tốt đẹp sẽ đến với người biết đợi chờ

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
Ăn miếng trả miếng

The eye is bigger than the belly
No bụng đói con mắt

A fault confessed is half redressed
Thú nhận khuyết điểm là biết sửa ḿnh

First impressions are most lasting
Ấn tượng ban đầu khó mà phai nhạt

Forbidden fruit is sweetest
Quả cấm bao giờ cũng ngọt

Forgive and forget
Hăy quên và tha thứ

Live not to eat, but eat to live
Sống không phải để ăn nhưng ăn để sống

The longest day must have an end
Ngày dài nhất cũng phải qua đi

Make the best of a bad job
Phải biết chấp nhận hoàn cảnh

A man can only die once
Ai cũng phải chết một lần

Marriage are made in Heaven
Hôn nhân là do trời định

Men are blind in their own cause
Con người mù quáng v́ niềm tin của ḿnh

Men make houses, Women make home
Đàn ông xây nhà, Đàn bà xây tổ ấm

Might is right
Lẽ phải thuộc về kẻ mạnh

Money talks
Đồng tiền biết nói

25-11-2009, 11:20 AM
copied form somewere... some other forum

Necessity is the mother of invention
Cái khó ló cái khôn

United we stand, divided we fall
Đoàn kết là sống, chia rẽ là chết

Wake not a sleeping lion
Đừng đánh thức một con sư tử đang ngủ

Walls have ears
Tai vách mạch rừng

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach
Trái tim của một người đàn ông là thông qua chiếc dạ dày.

When in Rome do as the Romants do
Nhập gia tuỳ tục

When one door shuts another opens
Khi cánh cửa này đóng th́ cánh cửa kia mở

Where there's a will there's away
Có chí th́ nên

While there is life there is hope
C̣n sống là c̣n hi vọng

The worth of a thing is best known by the want of it
Khi thiếu cái ǵ mới biết giá trị của cái đó

You may lend a horse to the water but you can not make him drink
Anh có thể dẫn con ngựa đến máng nước nhưng không thể bắt nó uống

Zeal without knowledge is a run away horse
Hăng hái mà không có tri thức khác nào một con ngựa hoang

Life is a grindstone,anf whether is grinds you down or polishes
you up is for you and you alone to dicide.

Cuộc đời tựa như viên đá,chính bạn là người quyết định để viên đá
ấy bám rong rêu hay trở thành 1 viên ngọc sáng

The optimist sees opportunity in every danger;
The pessimist sees danger in every opportunity.(Winston Churchill)

người lạc quan luôn nh́n thấy cơ hội trong hiểm nguy
c̣n người bi quan luôn nh́n thấy hiểm nguy trong mọi cơ hội

Two men look out through the same bars :
one sees the mud
and one the stars (langbridge)

2 người cùng nh́n bầu trời qua chấn song
1 người nh́n chỉ tháy 1 màu đen
người kia th́ thấy những v́ sao nhấp nháy

If your house is on fire,warm yourself by it
nếu ngôi nhà của bạn bị cháy hăy tự sửơi ấm = ngọn lửa ấy

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
hăy đối xử với người khác the cách mà ban jmuốn đối xử với bạn

The greatest power that a person
possesses is the power to choose

life is not a bed of roses(C.Sống ko phải là 1 thảm roses)

He that is full of himself is very emty
(người tự phụ là ng` nông cạn)

Doing is better than saying

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today
việc ǵ làm được ngày hôm nay chớ để ngày mai

The best things are hard to come by
cái ǵ quư cũng khó đạt

The shortest answer is doing
câu trả lời ngắn nhất là làm

• Many people are born crying , live complaining ,and die disappointed .
. Nhiều người đă khóc khi chào đời , phàn nàn khi đang sống và chán chường khi tắt thở

* Praise makes the good feel better and the bad feel worse
. Lời khen làm cho người tốt cảm thấy tốt hơn và kẻ xấu cảm thấy tồi tệ hơn

* Better an ugly face than ugly mind .
. Một gương mặt xấu , tốt hơn một tâm hồn xấu

* He who gives alms doesn't hope to be given alms
. Làm phúc không cầu được phúc

* Better learn your friend than your teacher.
. Học thầy , không thầy , học bạn

* Even a wicked tiger never eats his cubs
. Hỗ dữ không ăn thịt con

* Patient and gentleness are power
. Kiên nhẫn và lịch sự là sức mạnh

* With business , as with bootlaces , patience will untie knots
. Với kinh doanh , cũng như dây giày , kiên nhẫn sẽ cởi được nút

* It often needs an open mind to keep one's mouth shut
. Thường phải có một bộ óc mở mới giữ được cái mồm đóng

* Giving too many alms soon make a man a beggas
. Làm phúc quá tay ăn mày hông kịp

* Who take measure of his anger
. Khi giận ai bẻ thước mà đo

* Be hind every you meet is fighting a hard battle
. Hăy nhân hậu - mỗi người ta gặp đều đang phải vật lộn trong một cuộc chiến khắc nghiệt

* If you would like to know the value of money , go and try to borrow some
. Nếu bạn muốn biết giá trị của đồng tiền , hăy cứ thử đi vay xem

* Those who know how to eat will be with their fills , those who know how to use a blanket to cover will be warm .
. Khéo ăn th́ no , khéo co th́ ấm

* Never stand on your dingity , there's nothing in the word so slippery
. Chớ bao giờ có dẫm chân lên phẩm giá của ḿnh , không có ǵ trên thế gian này lại trơn đến thế .

* When you aim at nothing , you will seldom miss the target
. [i]Khi ta không nhầm vào một cái ǵ th́ rất ít khi ta bắn trượt

* Innocence shall make false accusation blush
. Sự ngây thơ sẽ làm cho lời kết tội sai lầm phải đỏ mặt

* Health to the sick , honour to the brave , success to the lover and freedom to the slave
Sức khoẻ cho người ốm , vinh dự cho người dũng cảm ,thành công cho kẻ biết yêu

* The art of living is to want less and to experience more
. Nghệ thuật sống là bớt đ̣i hỏi và trải nghiệm thêm nữa

* Husstle does not necess arily mean efficiency
. Vội vă không bao giờ mang lại hiểu quả

* You'll never know unless you try
. Ta không bao giờ biết nếu ta không thử

* A talkative is seldom over estimaed some one silent often is .
. Người ta rất ít khi đánh giá cao 1 kẻ hay nói nhưng lại thường coi trọng những người lặng im ^_*

* It is easier for father to have children than for children to have a real father
. Một người cha có những đứa con th́ dễ hơn là những đứa con có 1 người cha thực sự

* Do not walk through time with out leaving endence of your passage
. Đừng bao giờ đi qua thời gian mà không đễ lại dấu vết

* You've go to keep going to ghet any where
. Bao giờ ta cũng phải luôn luôn có 1 nơi nào đó đễ đến

* There is only one success tobe able to spend your life in your ownway
. Chỉ có 1 thành công duy nhất - đó là khả năng sống cuộc sống của ḿnh theo cách ḿnh muốn

* Life is made up os getting and giving ,and forgetting and forgiving
. Cuộc sống được tạo dựng bởi nhận và cho , quên lảng và tha thứ

* It is better to live one day as a lion than a hundred years as sheep
. Thà sống 1 ngày như sư tử c̣n hơn sống trăm năm như con cừu

* It's nice to be improtant but it's more improtan tobe nice
. Là một nhân vật quan trọng th́ cũng dễ thương đấy nhưng sống sao cho dễ thương c̣n quan trọng hơn nhiều ( good)

* We never know the love of parents ,until we become parents ourselves
. Chúng ta không bao giờ hiểu hết được t́nh yêu thương của bố mẹ, cho đến khi chính chúng ta làm bố mẹ

* Wine should be taken in small does ,know ledge in large
. Rượu nên uống từng lượng nhỏ , tri thức nên thu nhập từng lượng lớn

* Good wine reddens the face of man , riches excite his heart
. Rượu ngon làm đỏ mặt người , của cải kích thích trái tim con người

* When you dial a wrong number , you never get a busy singal
. Khi ta quay nhầm số điện thoại, ta không bao giờ gặp tín hiệu máy bận

* No body can hold his fist all day long
. Không ai nắm tay qua ngày đến tối

* Have a heart that never hardens , and a temper that never tires , and a touch that never hurts.
. Hăy có 1 trái tim không bao giờ chai sạn , một khí chất không bao giờ mệt mỏi , và một tiếp xúc không bao giờ làm đau

* I dare you achieve successes with out teachers
. Không thầy đố mày làm nên

25-11-2009, 11:21 AM
copied form somewere... some other forum

* When eating bamboo sprouts ,remember the man who planted them
. Khi ăn măng cụt hăy nhớ người trồng

* It is better to go hungry with apure mind than to eat well with an evil on
. Thà đễ bụng đói mà tinh thần được trong sạch , c̣n hơn ăn no mà tâm xấu

* You will never be a thinker if you can't laugh
. Bạn sẽ không bao giờ thành nhà tư tưởng nếu bạn không biết cười

* A little explained , alittle endured , a little for given , a quarrel is cured
. Giải thích 1 chút , chịu đựng 1 chút , tha thứ 1 chút , thế là không phải căi nhau

* Success is amatter of luch Ask and failuse
. Hỏi bất ḱ kẻ thất bại nào bạn cũng nhận được câu trả lời thành công là nhờ may mắn

* Silence is one great art of conver sation
. Im lặng là một nghệ thuật tuyệt diệu của chuyện tṛ

* Money may mean trouble but it's the only sort ̣ trouble that's difficult
. Tiền bạc có thể gây phiền toái , nhưng đó là thứ duy nhất khó vay

* No man is rich enough to buy back his past oscar wilde
. Không ai đủ giàu đễ mua lại quá khứ của ḿnh

* A wise person hates nobody
. Một người khôn ngoan không ghét ai cả

* Any time that is not spent on love is wasted
. Thời gian không dành cho t́nh yêu là thời gian lăng phí

* When you fell too old to do athing- do it
. Khi bạn cảm thấy quá già không làm được 1 việc ǵ đó - hăy làm ngay việc đó

* The great majority of people exist but do not live
. Phần lớn người ta tồn tại chứ không sống

* And the trouble is if you don't risk any thing , you risk even more
. Điều oái ăm là , nếu bạn không liều mất cáu ǵ th́ bạn c̣n mất nhiều hơn

* You've gotto love what's lovatable and hate what's houtable .It takes brains to see the difference
. Ta cần phải yêu cái đáng yêu và ghét cái đáng ghét . Vấn đề là phải suy nghĩ đễ phân biệt được cái nào đáng yêu và cái nào đáng ghét

* If you have happiness don't use sall up
. Nếu bạn có hạnh phúc đừng hưởng nó hết

* No body loves you , if you think of nobody but yourself
. Không ai yêu bạn nếu bạn chẵng nghỉ đến ai khác ngoài bản thân

* Never for get that the dar kest hour is only sixty minutes
. Đừng bao giờ quên rằng đen tối nhất là 60 phút

* When you meet tempta - tion,turn to the right
. Khi bạn gặp cám dỗ - hăy rẽ phải

* Love is life's wealth - neer spent but ever spending
. T́nh yêu là của cải của người sống - hăy tiêu đi nhưng đừng bao giờ tiêu hết

* If you think you can - you can
. Nếu bạn nghĩ bạn có thể làm - tức là bạn có thể

* Anger is often more hurtful than the in jury that caused it .
. Nỗi tức giận thường lớn hơn nỗi đau gây ra nó

* If you want tobe orriginal be yourself - no two people are a like
. Nếu bạn muốn chính gốc ,hăy là chính ḿnh- không có 2 người nào giống hết nhau

* A moment's in sight is sometimes worth a life's exprience
. Xem xét kĩ một chút đôi khi cũng đáng cho kinh nghiệm că 1 đời

* Before weset our hearts upon anything , let us examine how happy thoé are who already possess it
. Trước khi đặt trái tim của chúng ta vào bất ḱ cái ǵ , hăy kiểm tra xem những người đă có nó hạnh phúc như thế nào

* Give your tongur more holiday than your hands and eyes
. Hăy đễ cho lưỡi của bạn nghĩ ngơi nhiều hơn tay và mắt

* Diplomacy is the art of tranquil fishing in troubled waters
. Ngoại giao là nghệ thuật , ngồi câu lặng lẽ trên vũng nước ngầu đục

* What benefirs a man if he gains a whole world but loses his own soul
. Một con người hưởng lợi ǵ khi anh ta dành được că thế giới nhưng mất đi tâm hồn của chính ḿnh

* People can take everything away from you except memories
. Người ta có thể lấy đi của bạn mọi thứ trừ kỉ niệm

* Glass , china and reputation are easily cracked , but never well mended
. Thủy tinh , đồ sứ và danh tiếng đều đổ vỡ mà không bao giờ có thể hàn gắn lại như mới được

* A flame isn't dead until the embers are black
. Những viên than c̣n hồng th́ ngọn lữa c̣n chưa tắt

* If you can't be asun , don't be a cloud
. Nếu bạn không thể là mặt trời th́ hăy đừng là đám mây

* The greatest fault is tobe conscious of none
. Lỗi lầm lớn nhất là không ư thức được điều ǵ

* Take away love and our earth is a timb
. Lấy mất đi t́nh yêu th́ trái đất chúng ta chỉ c̣n là nấm mồ

* when you a down , you aren't necessarily a failure .It's staying down that makes you a failure
. Khi bạn thất cơ , không hẳn bạn đă thất bại . Nhưng nếu bạn cứ măi chấp nhận cảnh sa sút th́ bạn đă thành kẻ bại trận rồi đấy

* We first make our habits then our habits make us
. Lúc đầu chúng ta tạo ra thói quen , sau đó thói quen tạo ra chúng ta

* Think twice before you speak , and then say it to your self
. Hăy nghĩ kĩ trước khi nói , rồi sau đó tự nói với ḿnh

* God has given us two hands-one for giving ,the other for receiving
. Thượng đế đă ban cho chúng ta đôi bàn tay - 1 đễ cho và 1 đễ nhận

* Some so - called open minds should be closes fir repairs
. Một số cái gọi là đầu óc cởi mở cần được đóng lại đễ sữa chữa


25-11-2009, 12:24 PM
Good work. I will try to understand them and if in doubt, i ask u can?
copied form somewere... some other forum


25-11-2009, 12:26 PM
So high is the income tax, no wonder everyone trying to invade it!!!! Sucker government!!! )(*&^%$@#$%^()

Only the State is a loser in Vietnam’s real estate boom
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VietNamNet Bridge – There are many ways to evade taxes on the sale of houses. Everyone knows them so the State loses lots of revenues, reports the Hanoi daily, Tien Phong.

TDQ had a house in Tan Quy ward (HCM City District 7) that he purchased for 1.5 billion dong, about $75,000. Recently, he bought another house for five billion dong in the same ward. With real estate prices high, Q resolved to sell the first house, but of course he did not want to pay income tax on his gain.

Only people who own two houses or more are liable to pay the tax. Q solved his problem by arranging the paperwork necessary to convey the first house to his son. Once it was in his son’s name, Q sold the house for 2.5 billion dong without having to share one dong with the tax office.

Under current law, Q was liable to pay 25 percent of his gain on the house sale as income tax. Just by registering the house in his son’s name, Q saved himself 250 million dong.

VTT purchased a 90 square metre house in HCM City District 9’s Phuoc Binh residential quarter for 950 million dong. However, T and the seller agreed to declare the sales price was 36 million dong only. Assuming that officials overlook the preposterously low sales price, the seller will face a much lower tax obligation.

A real estate broker in District 7 says the practice of declaring a falsely low sales price is very risky for the buyer, because it increases the apparent gain whenever the buyer decides to sell the property – something many buyers don’t foresee.

Wheeling and dealing

The current regulations were established in the early years of the doi moi policy when people were granted the right to buy and sell real estate. Ownership papers were granted free to people who had been living on a piece of land prior to October 15, 1993. People who bought the right to use a piece of land after that date were required to pay the State a fee equal to fifty percent of the assessed land price.

An official of a ward office in Tan Phu district revealed that to avoid paying that tax, people arrange to ‘make some changes’ with the paper. “We can help them make ‘some changes,’” he said. “However, the fee is high.”

“Travelling by night” (di dem) is the slang term for the many tricks real estate dealers have to minimize the tax liability. In the guise of a prospective buyer, a Tien Phong reporter went to a real estate agency in an upscale HCM City suburb. He said he wanted to sell a house in another place and buy a house in the suburb. Would one of the agency’s staff be his advisor, he asked, on how to hold down his tax liability?

N. T. Chau, the staff member who takes care of tax matters for customers, showed that he was expert in such matters. He enthusiastically advised the reporter on various ways to dodge taxes but also explained that implementing them involved a lot of difficult paperwork, but that he could manage this for the reporter.

Nga, who lives in the upscale South Saigon urban area, purchased her 200 square metre villa two years ago from a person who had bought the villa directly from the Phu My Hung section’s development company, a Vietnamese-Taiwanese joint venture. However, Nga did not have to do a lot of paperwork and pay a tax at the local government office. She only had to deal with the developer.

The Phu My Hung Company managed things simply: it took back the sales contract made with the previous owner of the villa and replaced it with a new contract, where it was the seller and the buyer was Nga.

Nga had to pay five billion dong (about $250,000) for the villa, but the contract showed that the villa was sold for three billion dong only. Nga said she’s heard that sellers have to pay a fee of four to eight million dong (a few hundred dollars) to Phu My Hung every time a new sales contract is issued.

As people have countless ways of evading taxes on real estate sales, it is understandable why the State comes up short.


25-11-2009, 12:33 PM
Take note for ppl travelling within VN......

Train fares for Tet up by 25%

VietNamNet Bridge – Hanoi Railway Station will begin selling train tickets for the Lunar New Year season on December 1 with South-North tickets up by 25% and North-South tickets down by as much as 50%.

The price of seat tickets for the South-North route will rise from 10-25% and the price of soft bed tickets by 10% between January 30 and February 11.

On the opposite route from the north to the south, fixed train fares will fall by as much as 10% while fares for trains with extra cars will fall by 50%.

After the holidays, from February 17 to 25, the fare adjustments will be reversed between north and south bound trains. The price of all North-South tickets will go up by 10% from February 26 to March 7.

To address national travel demand, Hanoi Railway Station will run 12 pairs of trains on the North-South route before and after the holiday. On peak days, Hanoi Railway Station will mobilize customer service agents to the maximum by engaging railway students.

Rather than sell tickets face-to-face, Hanoi Railway Station will sell tickets on the Internet and over the phone at 04 3942 3949.

Customers buying tickets by phone will enjoy free delivery within a seven kilometer radius. As Tet draws near, mobile ticket sales will be made available at local agencies and schools to serve students and workers.

Some 8,000 seats will be sold every day at Hanoi Railway Station but customers are required to present picture ID during peak season, according to stationmaster Mr. Vu Dinh Rau.

Ticket refunds must be made at least ten hours before departure and are subject to a 30% fee. In special situations, the stationmaster will consider a 10% fee for late refunds. Tickets may be transferred to a relative at no extra charge.


25-11-2009, 11:01 PM
She is here le, took a stealth flight in today. Kg co dt va nt. I oni found out when I call her singapore number. Sigh...dunno to feel sad or du lan.

Khi ko co tien, co ay se nt va dt.


Just kidding

25-11-2009, 11:15 PM
I'm scared of this thread.

All the bros here surpass my level by leaps and bounds :(

Now even got idioms. What's next? You all gonna discuss environmental world issues in viet?

zhu star
25-11-2009, 11:32 PM
Bro KT, thank you for your latest posting. I now can use it to impress the gers nhieu2:D

26-11-2009, 02:57 AM
Anyone can help me with this sentence 'cuoi tuoi day, tiep tuc phat huy nao' ?? Thanks ..

26-11-2009, 10:32 AM
Anyone can help me with this sentence 'cuoi tuoi day, tiep tuc phat huy nao' ?? Thanks ..

it means:

"Cheerful smile, keep it up"

26-11-2009, 01:06 PM

(河内综合电)越南国会昨天不顾反对,通过核电法草案,首次批准政府兴建两座核电厂;国会也批准折合至少1 10亿美元(约152亿新元)的初期建造费。
  批评核电计划的议员阮铭说(译音)透露,77%的议员赞同这个计划。他形容国会“激烈”辩论这个草案, 一些议员主张只建造一座核电厂,而非两座核电厂。他说,越南尚未准备就绪,核电计划有“颇大的风险”,提出 的经济理由薄弱。

  批评者也认为越南缺乏合格技师操作核电厂,有关法案条文并不完备,保安措施计划,特别是在处理核废料方 面,有许多疏漏之处。


  政府将在南部宁顺省宁福县和宁海县兴建这两座核电厂,第一机组必须在2020年启用,发电量为1000 兆瓦,四个机组的总发电量为4000兆瓦。

  越南的经济蓬勃发展,电力需求每年平均增加15%。核电计划提供未来电需的目标,最初低于5%,在20 50年之前达到30%。

  前宗主国法国、日本、俄罗斯、中国、韩国和美国,已表明有意参与计划。法国总理菲永则在本月12日在河 内与越南总理阮晋勇签署《和平使用核能协定》。

zhu star
26-11-2009, 01:39 PM
it means:

"Cheerful smile, keep it up"

Waw, din know u also very good in Viet.:) I now got another all singing and walking translator!

26-11-2009, 01:43 PM
Waw, din know u also very good in Viet.:) I now got another all singing and walking translator!

Not too late to know... his Vietnamese no horse run. :D

zhu star
26-11-2009, 01:59 PM
Not too late to know... his Vietnamese no horse run. :D

Phew, confirm by our all mightly master bro naemlo.:) Must jio him for drinks:D.

26-11-2009, 02:15 PM
Jio me to drink "milk" can? I dun like to drink beer :D
Phew, confirm by our all mightly master bro naemlo.:) Must jio him for drinks:D.

26-11-2009, 03:17 PM
Waw, din know u also very good in Viet.:) I now got another all singing and walking translator!

Hehe, heng heng I know the words, not that I am good....the seniors here are much better....

Drink will be on, when I come back!!:D

26-11-2009, 03:19 PM
Not too late to know... his Vietnamese no horse run. :D

Thanks bro!
Can sian VBs only....hehehe

26-11-2009, 03:25 PM
Anyone can help me with this sentence 'cuoi tuoi day, tiep tuc phat huy nao' ?? Thanks ..

it means:

"Cheerful smile, keep it up"

I dun know the sentence so i ask a VN undergraduate studying in HCM and the translation is :

cuoi tuoi day = u smile really nice
tiep tuc phat huy nao = keep smiling like that way

Waw, din know u also very good in Viet.:) I now got another all singing and walking translator!

Thanks bro!
Can sian VBs only....hehehe

If u can translate the sentence w/o help of Long-hair dictionary, u r good. Got time lets meet up!!! ;)

26-11-2009, 04:03 PM
I dun know the sentence so i ask a VN undergraduate studying in HCM and the translation is :

cuoi tuoi day = u smile really nice
tiep tuc phat huy nao = keep smiling like that way

If u can translate the sentence w/o help of Long-hair dictionary, u r good. Got time lets meet up!!! ;)

Hi Bro,
cuoi tuoi = smile
Day = agree (with something)

tiep tuc phat huy nao = keep doing it (in this case, referring to smiling) - this is what I heard from my office people when they talked.

Meet up sure, my honour. Will be away till mid Dec... till then.

zhu star
26-11-2009, 04:46 PM
Jio me to drink "milk" can? I dun like to drink beer :D

Ofcos can, U help so much already. :)

27-11-2009, 10:12 PM
I told my girlfriend Änh yeu em"' and her reply was "Yeu cai dau may '" Can anyone help to translate for me. Many thanks.

27-11-2009, 10:13 PM
Duplicate post.

27-11-2009, 10:15 PM

Please help to translate the bold portion of the following message:

e xin loi tai luc nay may e het pin. e rat thich a. a rat la de thuong. e ve viet nam a o lai giu gin suc khoe nha. e ve viet nam sms cho a chuc a vui va hanh phuc.

The non-red portion I understand, but just included here to give the full picture.


27-11-2009, 10:19 PM
If i not wrong, she reply "爱你的头"
I told my girlfriend Änh yeu em"' and her reply was "Yeu cai dau may '"

27-11-2009, 11:36 PM
Some college graduates opt for low-pay, low-stress jobs
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VietNamNet Bridge – Not every new college graduate is a money-hungry workaholic. A student newspaper, Sinh Vien Vietnam, reports that many in the Class of ’09 are saying ‘no’ to high-pay, high-pressure jobs because they want to have time to pursue their passions.

Seeking low pay jobs

Dat is a well known photographer in Hanoi. For several years, he was an art designer for a telecom company, earning $1,000 a month, high pay for a young man. His prospects for promotion were good, but he suddenly quit. Work responsiblities were interfering with his real love, phuột (motorcycle trekking).

Thuy Minh, only just graduated from the Hanoi University of Foreign Trade, was offered jobs in the offices of big economic groups with starting pay of $400 per month. However, she was indifferent to the invitations. To many people’s surprise, Minh decided to work for Samsung and accepted a lower salary.

“I like traveling. If I worked for that companies, I would not have time for my hobby. Meanwhile, I feel happy with my current job which gives me time to travel whenever I want,” Minh said. “Instead of working on weekend like my friends, I can travel on Saturdays and Sundays.”

Thuy Huong, just graduated from the Chinese Language Faculty at Hanoi University, thinks that people need to ‘live slowly and enjoy life’. Though Huong has been invited to work for many Chinese and Taiwanese companies based on her good record in part-time jobs when she was a student, Huong has refused all offers.

“When I was a student, I wished I could go to belly dance classes and learn to cook,” she said. “However, I was so busy that I did not have time for these things. Now is the right time for me to do what I like.”

‘Decoding’ this strange tendency

SVVN comments that the present crop of students has a novel viewpoint. Unlike their predecessors, many students believe that they not only need to ‘accumulate work experience’ but also they should gain ‘living experience’ as well.

Tien Thanh’s a new graduate of the Trade University. He related that he is working for a state-owned company for a modest salary. However, in return, he can be absolutely ‘free’ on weekends. Thanh spends his spare time traveling to a lot of destinations in the country to ‘accumulate real-life experience’.

It’s not foolish to take a relatively low paying job at a state owned company, Thanh argues. He said that his way prepares him for a better life in the future. Besides traveling, Thanh is seeking a scholarship that will permit him to go abroad to earn a masters degree.

It seems that Vietnamese youths have begun to adopt a Western lifestyle, comments SVVN, offering this explanation: Westerners imagine that time is an arrow and no one can go back to the previous time. Therefore, its important to do the things they like whenever they can. Meanwhile, Vietnamese think that time moves in a circle, and so have a tendency to delay doing things.

Louis, a young Brit, told the student newspaper that many of his Vietnamese friends who teach at an international school are following the western lifestyle.

“They refuse to work on weekends, even though the pay is double, in order to have time for private hobbies,” he said.

In the US, many students now elect to take a ‘gap year.’ After finishing high school, they do not go straight to universities, but go to take jobs, participate in activities or travel before they return to classes one or two years later. In Vietnam, however, it seems that all Vietnamese students know only one way: go to high school, then go to university, then take jobs and earn money.

It seems that girls are more likely to break out of this mold than boys. According to Thu Quynh, who has just gotten her degree at the Institute for International Relations, girls fear that they will not have time for private hobbies after they marry. Therefore, they try to do what they want to do right now, while they still have time.


28-11-2009, 04:40 AM

Please help to translate the bold portion of the following message:

e xin loi tai luc nay may e het pin. e rat thich a. a rat la de thuong. e ve viet nam a o lai giu gin suc khoe nha. e ve viet nam sms cho a chuc a vui va hanh phuc.

The non-red portion I understand, but just included here to give the full picture.


Let me try.

a rat la de thuong - some sweet stuffs like you are a person she dote on or like in a gentle way.

a o lai giu gin suc khoe nha - take care of yourself or your health here.

28-11-2009, 06:29 AM
I told my girlfriend Änh yeu em"' and her reply was "Yeu cai dau may '" Can anyone help to translate for me. Many thanks.


I was with my girl just now and I show her your girl's reply.

The first instance she read it, she slap me on the head. Then, after clarifying that it does not belongs to me, she says...

"Not good. Something like fuck you." :eek:

Well, my girl is from Hanoi (yours may be from HCM) but I would think the difference in meaning won't be great.

28-11-2009, 06:31 AM
Let me try.

a rat la de thuong - some sweet stuffs like you are a person she dote on or like in a gentle way.

a o lai giu gin suc khoe nha - take care of yourself or your health here.

Cam on nhieu lam.

28-11-2009, 11:03 AM
Child labor in VN ..... how fortunate are sgp children

HCM City: Children working 80 hour weeks “paid” once a year
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VietNamNet Bridge – An official from the HCM City Department of Social, War Invalids and Social Affairs admitted to Tuoi Tre newspaper that child labor is a problem in some districts in HCM City, particularly Tan Phu, where many children must work 10-14 hours per day.

On October 30, a Tuoi Tre reporter visited a private garment enterprise at 173/20 Thoai Ngoc Hau Street, Phu Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, accompanied by Phu Thanh ward officials and police officers.

In a small room of several dozens of square meters, nearly ten workers were busy working.

Sitting among piles of cloth was a half-naked boy.

Meet Le Van Nhut, 15, from Quang Ngai.

Nhat said that he works daily from 7.30am to 11.30am and then from 1pm to 5.30pm and from 7pm to 11pm. He had no weekend or day off.

Tuoi Tre asked Nhat about his work contract and he replied “What is a work contract?”

He did not know how much his salary is because his employer promised to pay Nhat at the year’s end.

Same same, but illegal

Tuoi Tre reporters and Phu Thanh officials visited other enterprises, where most of workers told the same stories. They have to work over 80 hours a week, with no weekends and no extra pay.

While their employers sat next to them, some workers said that they do have labor contracts.

When asked about the details of their contracts, such as health and social insurance, they all said they didn’t understand what these things were.

These “workers” are children from many places, mainly Quang Ngai and Thai Binh as well as some southwestern provinces.

At a room of house No. 553/21 in Luy Ban Bich Street, over 20 workers were laboring in a narrow space, surrounded by piles of cloth and material. Tuoi Tre reporters spoke with two of the many child workers.

One is Pham Nhat Cuong, 14, from Quang Ngai. He said he had worked there for three months and knew nothing about his salary. He said he would be paid at the end of the year.

Another worker is Dang Thi Thuy Duong, 15, from Soc Trang Province, who also didn’t know about her salary.

How to stop child labor abuses?

The latest survey of the HCM City Labour Inspector shows that, of 173 inspected firms, 62 employed child workers, with 149 less than 16 years old.

The numbers of child workers is high in the districts of Tan Binh and Binh Tan. Children must work in poor conditions for 10-14 hours per day without labor contracts.

Except for one limited liability company, these businesses are not registered. An official from the Tan Phu District’s Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs Department admitted that there are thousands of such enterprises in HCM City.

The Tan Phu District’s Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs Department Chief Phan Anh Nhan observed that in the January-September 2009 period, the department discovered 23 violations of the Labor Code, including four cases of child labor. Nhan noted that child labor is a common problem of HCM City, not only in Tan Phu district.

He said there are many difficulties in dealing with this problem, including the lack of personnel and the change of workshops to private firms that use child labor.

Newspaper exposé focuses attention on people behind child beggar bands
================================================== ============================

28-11-2009, 11:18 AM
Sweatshop found overworking underage kids
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VietNamNet Bridge - A garment factory in Ho Chi Minh City has been found forcing its illegal under-age laborers to work 17-hour days after a 16-year-old employee was hospitalized last week.

Nguyen Van Den from Hue was rushed to Trung Vuong Hospital last Wednesday when his abdomen and other parts of his body began to swell and he had difficulty breathing, a doctor at the hospital told Tuoi Tre Thursday.

Den visited a medical center in Ho Chi Minh City’s Tan Phu District last Tuesday but his employer sent him back to the factory that same night instead of allowing him to stay at the center for treatment. His condition worsened on Wednesday and he was taken to Trung Vuong, where he was put on a respirator and diagnosed with pneumonia.

According to the doctors, he had suffered a shortage of vitamin B1 due to excessive work.

His mother, Dao Thi No, who came to take care of him at the hospital, called Tuoi Tre on Thursday evening via phone at the Saigon Railway Station, saying that she was taking Den home as they had no money and the employer had refused to pay Den his wages for nine months’ work.


The legal working age is 18 in Vietnam, but Den said he had been working 14-16 hours a day for Nguyen Thi Chau A at a sewing factory on Luy Ban Bich Street, Tan Phu District, where he had half an hour for each meal and was banned from contacting his family.

“The factory recently received large orders for Tet (The Lunar New Year), so I had to stay up until one or two in the morning,” Den said. “I always had a headache and felt dizzy.”

Den said he had felt sick and visited a medical center in August.

“When I returned to the factory and lay down, A kicked me in the head and said I was pretending.”

No said she was sorry her son had gone to Ho Chi Minh City in the first place. “I sent my child so far away to work and I didn’t know that he was mistreated, I just knew that he worked long hours.”

No said he had asked A several times to let her son visit but A told her to come to Ho Chi Minh City instead.

“I don’t know anything about the city and I don’t have money to do that.”

The mother and her son said they had relied on some loose change given to them by other patients at the hospital to buy food.


A said she had not signed labor contract with Den and had only promised his mother that she would pay Den VND5 million (US$279) a year and a bonus of VND1 million if he works well.

She denied beating Den, saying she had only pulled his ears.

A is employing six workers 16-23 years of age, some having been working there since age 14.

Her husband Duong Van Chuong said all garment factories in the area were employing underage workers and forcing them to work overtime. “That’s normal because we sell very cheap.”

Officials from the city Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs have checked the factory and proposed that the city government punish A.

VietNamNet/Tuoi Tre/Thanh Nien

Child labor in VN ..... how fortunate are sgp children

HCM City: Children working 80 hour weeks “paid” once a year
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28-11-2009, 11:23 AM
HCM City: Child labour tales from clothing industry
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VietNamNet Bridge – Many Vietnamese children are spending their childhoods working around the clock for clothing manufacturers.

At a clothing business in HCM City, most child workers have to work 14 hours per day in small, hot, gloomy rooms. Employers openly admit they don’t have work contracts and have to work the whole week.

They explain away their use of child workers by various means, saying it is difficult to hire adult workers or more honestly that they employ children to cut labour costs.

Hoang Van Hanh, who runs a clothing business in Ward 13, Tan Binh district, HCM City, which uses many child workers, said: “We have run this business for eight years. We only earn enough to live on so we don’t have a business licence. Nobody comes here for labour inspections and nobody tells me about how many working hours are set for workers at what age. We work until 12pm here, no problem.”

The owner of an sewing enterprise in Phu Thanh ward, Tan Phu district, said: “It is the same everywhere, all clothing enterprises in the city use child workers who work until 12pm”.

Dang Thi Hai Ly, who runs a garment enterprise in Binh Hung Hoa Ward, Binh Tan district, said: “It is normal for them (children) to work until 12pm. When I was a child, I also worked like this”.

She knew little regarding laws on labour, business registration, labour registration or labour contract.

It is rare to have a few employers who voluntarily cut down the working schedule for child workers. “I ask them to work till nearly 11pm, instead of 1-2am like neighbouring enterprises. I know that I have breached the labour law but I can’t do it any differently,” said Vo Van Chuong, the manager of a private clothing workshop in Binh Hung Hoa Ward.

Sourced from poverty

Many children from the central province of Thua Thien – Hue have to go to HCM City to work like Nguyen Van Den. In Diem Truong village, Den’s hometown, a father named Pham Van Anh said that he has six children and his eldest daughter, 13, recently went to Saigon to work. He said the little girl is working for her aunt and earns 5 million dong ($290) a year.

Anh’s father, Pham Thu, said his nephew was maltreated. This 14-year-old boy started working for a clothing enterprise in HCM City early this year. The employer said the annual pay is 10 million dong ($590).

“Three months ago, he called home and said that he had to work until between one and two am. He couldn’t stand it and wanted to go home but the employer didn’t agree, saying that my nephew had to return the fare from here to HCM City, food expenditures and vocational training fees for the last few months. My nephew’s sister in HCM City had to ask for the police’s assistance. He is now working at the same garment enterprise as his sister,” he told Tuoi Tre newspaper.

Huynh Dien, the chief of Trung Hung village, Vinh Hung commune, Thua Thien – Hue province, said: “Over 100 families in my village have children working in Saigon. Only 30 families here earn enough to eat. They are too poor and have many children so they let their children work in Saigon”.

Everywhere, people said they are too poor and there is no job to do in the countryside so the kids have to go to HCM City to work.

Vo Thi Kim Khanh from the Thua Thien – Hue provincial Department of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs, said there are three reasons for rural children to quit school early to work in cities: their families are too poor and have many children, they follow their friends and they are enticed by labour agencies who come to rural areas to recruit child labour.

VietNamNet/Tuoi Tre

Child labor in VN ..... how fortunate are sgp children

HCM City: Children working 80 hour weeks “paid” once a year
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Sweatshop found overworking underage kids
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28-11-2009, 11:30 AM
School holiday is on.... if u bring the children to hcmc and look at how these children work, i think they will appreciate life and their parents more in sgp...

HCM City’s exploited children – Is there a remedy?
Following up its shocking reportage on child labor and child beggars in HCM City, Tuoi Tre gathered a group of lawyers, child experts and local officials to search for answers to widespread exploitation of underage laborers in the southern metropolis.

Lawyer Nguyen Van Hau opened the discussion. “According to HCM City Bar surveys,” he said, “the demand for child workers in HCM City is on the rise, particularly as peddlers or shop workers, or in garment and brick making. Children are not just abused as workers, but are also subject to sexual abuse.”

“It is not true that the problem is a shortage of laws. Vietnam’s legal system regarding this matter is quite sufficient,” the lawyer said. He said the main factors putting children at risk are hunger, poverty and limited access to education and vocational training.


Doctor of Education Nguyen Thi Bich Hong (HCM City Teachers Training University), agreed with Lawyer Hau. In her recent fieldtrip to the central region, many families told her they were happy to have their children working in HCM City.

Almost all participants agreed that the family situation plays a critical role. The child beggars and workers typically come from poor, rural households with many children. Parents who encourage their children to quit school and work in HCM City don’t understand that they have brought their children to a miserable life. The parents “give many reasons to vindicate their actions, but all of them are unsatisfactory,” said Lawyer Nguyen Bao Tram.

Tan Phu district has many enterprises that rely on child labor. Phan Minh Thang, a ward vice-chairman, acknowledged that local authorities must take much of the blame. “We have not been in very close touch with this problem. We told ourselves that the childrens’ work was light, so we ignored it,” Thang said.

What’s the solution?

According to lawyer Hau, it is necessary to strictly punish people who employ children in illegal ways. He suggested the authorities have a hot line for this matter.

Lawyer Bao Tram also said that a happy relationship between the employers and child workers is impossible. Employers who violate the laws must be punished. Children must have the right go to school, to play and to be cared for. There is lots of talk about punishing delinquent parents and employers, Tram said, she has never yet seen a child abuse case taken to trial.

“In my opinion, enterprises that abuse child workers must be fined seriously and their names must be made public,” Tram emphasized. “We need to build up a social movement aimed at preventing anyone from continuing to exploit children. The law must punish parents who force their children to work. There ought to be bigger fines on individuals and companies that break the law.”

Thang, the ward official, said some child abuse cases must be brought to court to deter others. “Yes,” answered Le Xuan Lang, a senior official of the city’s Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs Department. “However, it is not so easy.” She cited examples: When labour inspectors find children working at a private enterprise and propose to them back home, kids say that if they are taken home, they would return to HCM City very soon because “here we have rice to eat. At home, there is only sweet potatoes and cassava.”

“When we hear this, we have to pull pack in punishing labour law violators,” Lang said. She explained that any enterprises found to be using children of less than 15 must stop immediately. Child workers aged 15 to 18 must be protected under the Labour Code and work lighter hours than adults.

If HCM City is resolute in its effort to wipe out the child beggar rings, argued Dr. Bich Hong and Lawyer Tram, it can succeed. First of all, people need to realize the only ones who benefit are those who exploit the children. There ought to be a program that mobilizes the people to report incidents, and every ward should have a hotline. Then, whenever child beggars appear on any street, the authorities should be informed and react immediately

Doctor of Psychology Nguyen Thi Bich Hong said that many parents unintentionally violate their childrens’ rights when they send them to HCM City to work. The law must be explained to them, and also the terrible consequences for the children. People who exploit child labor ought to be severely punished, of course, but it’s also essential to teach them what the law requires and give them an opportunity to change their behavior.

Lawyer Nguyen Thi Hong Lien said the HCM City Peoples’ Committee has clearly specified which agencies that are responsible for dealing with child abuse but these agencies have not really paid attention to this problem -- thus child abuse is still a problem in the city.

“The law is very clear but if it is not implemented, this matter will exist forever,” Lien said.

HCM City: Child labour tales from clothing industry
================================================== ======

29-11-2009, 12:04 PM
Corruption is everywhere in VN!!!

Health sector afflicted by corruption malaise

Bribes and gifts have become so commonplace that they are not seen as corruption by many patients.

Nguyen Thi Quy Hien paid the hospital cleaner VND20,000 (US$1.08) each time she cleaned the room where her four-year-old daughter was being treated.

“I had to do so to make the cleaner feel happy enough to clean the room for my daughter. Otherwise she would just do it in a very careless manner,” the 30-year-old mother told Thanh Nien Weekly.

Hospital cleaners on average earn monthly salaries of VND1.4 million to 1.6 million ($79-90)

Hien, a teacher in District 7, had her daughter admitted several months ago with high fever at the Children’s Hospital No.2 in District 1. The daughter was discharged after three days.

There were no regulations for extra-payment for the hospital cleaners, but everyone appeared to adhere to the unwritten rules, Hien said.

“For the nurses, I did not give money but bought them some fruits as a token of gratitude,” Hien said.

For another patient in Hanoi, informal payment was a must to fast-track her treatment.

The breast cancer patient at the K Hospital in Hanoi said she was told by another patient sitting next to her in the hospital that in order to expedite the operation, the latter had to pay the doctor in charge VND2 million ($108) in advance, according to an article published on August 7 by Tuoi Tre newspaper.

“She told me that the money was not hidden in the envelope but put right on the desk in front of the doctor,” the patient said, declining to be named.

“One day later, she was able to have the operation,” she said. “For my husband, who had also finished an operation at another major hospital [in Hanoi], I was advised to buy ‘thank-you’ gifts for the doctor in charge and his assistants.”

According to a study on medical ethics released in August by the Hanoi Medical University, over 70 percent of medical staff members interviewed admitted they sometimes or often breached medical ethics. The most common wrongdoing was asking for bribes and gifts from patients.

A study by the Union of Science and Technology of Vietnam done on 140 patients during 2009 shows 25 percent chose medical establishments based on whether they know someone from that establishment. It also found that the cost of presents made to medical personnel amounted to nine percent of the total cost of each treatment cycle.

Offering bribes or presents to doctors is a practice that has been plaguing the Vietnamese health system over the past years. It has become so common and routine that people do not even recognize it as a corrupt practice that could undermine the health sector.

Corruption in the health sector is a particular concern in developing and transitional economies like Vietnam where public resources are already scarce, speakers said at the Anti-Corruption Dialogue between international donors and the Vietnamese Government Inspectorate and other agencies Thursday in Hanoi.

In poor health

“Corruption deprives people from access to healthcare and can lead to wrong treatments being given. Corruption in the health sector hits people when they are most vulnerable and the only way out is to pay in order to get the health service you need,” Swedish Ambassador Rolf Bergman said at the meeting.

The three key corruption-prone areas included state management, service delivery at the health facility and health worker-patient relations, and the management of health-insurance, said Dr. Thaveeporn Vasavakul, referring to a Sweden-sponsored study on corruption in the health sector in Vietnam.

The media has exposed several scams in the health sector during the last two years, highlighting the severity of the problem in Vietnam, according to Jairo Acuna-Alfaro, the UN Development Program (UNDP) Policy Advisor on Public Administration Reform and Anticorruption.

Of the exposés by six major media outlets, that of abusing patients take the majority, accounting 21 percent, AcunaAlfaro said.

Corruption by raising medicine prices to gain commissions also accounted for 18 percent, second on the list.

Doctors who overprescribe and over test patients are driving up healthcare costs for ordinary citizens around the country, the Health Ministry admitted at a teleconference in June.

For example, hospitals in Hanoi used more than VND1 trillion ($54 million) worth of drugs last year but many kinds of drugs prescribed were only supportive drugs, not real treatments, health experts said. It is a waste of money because those drugs are not necessary, they added.

In 2008, medicine expenditures accounted for 45 to 60 percent of all hospitalization costs, the Health Ministry found.

“The root cause is that health staff want to receive commissions from the drugs companies,” Phap Luat (Law) newspaper quoted Ly Ngoc Kinh, the then Health Ministry’s Treatment Department Head, as saying in August.

Patients have also been coaxed into using more medicines than they would need.

While the World Health Organization warns each patient should not be treated with more than five types of medicines, the Health Ministry’s investigation showed 41 percent of patients were treated with combined antibiotics, 7.7 percent received three types of antibiotics, 10 percent received 11 – 15 types of medicine and 1.7 percent received over 16 types of medicines.

Other corrupt practices in the health sector include personal gains from health insurance funds, providing access to modern equipment based on payment by patients, bribes in the process of licensing and mismanagement of public health properties as well as donations.

Given the pervasiveness of corruption in the health sector, no one is immune from the grave consequences of this endemic problem, Bergman said.

“Not only poor people are affected... Corruption in the pharmaceutical chain can also prove deadly, where anybody can be a victim.”

No single measure

There was consensus at the meeting that the Vietnamese government should keep a closer eye on the procurement of health equipment at hospitals.

The management capability and accountability of hospital authorities should also be improved to stop the informal payment system between doctors and patients, participants agreed.

The fight against corruption in the health sector would not be easy and would need concerted efforts from different parties, Bergman said.

“We can never point out one single measure - it is the combination of laws, implementation, monitoring and change in individual behavior that can lead to success.”


29-11-2009, 02:09 PM
Rest assured it'll be in the next series :D

Dear bros,

We have updated the following songs in the forum, some of which are dedications from our bros.

I really like this series. It's got some really nice love songs in there.


With this batch, we have concluded our phase 1 trial. I look forward to your continuous support.

Click here for the following: (http://learnvietthrumusic.forumotion.net/latest-songs-updated-f21/15-new-updates-27-nov-09-t86.htm)

Anh Yêu Em Nhiều Lắm
Chim Trắng Mồ Côi
Đă Không Yêu Th́ Thôi
Chỉ Có Thể Là T́nh Yêu
Huyền Thoại T́nh Yêu
Giọt Sương
Măi Là Người Đến Sau
Ngỡ Như Giấc Mơ
Làm Sao Em Biết
Làm Sao Anh Biết
Người Đến Sau
Nước Mắt Kẻ Đa T́nh
T́nh Yêu Diệu Kỳ
Sao Anh Ra Đi
Sorry - Bao Thy

30-11-2009, 12:43 AM
Bed sharing in VN’s hospitals prompts investment call

VietNamNet Bridge – Patients sharing a single bed or sleeping in corridors at central hospitals is still a normal sight in Vietnamese hospitals.

Now, following a meeting with the Health Ministry’s officials on November 23, PM Nguyen Tan Dung has asked the health sector to further invest in grassroots hospitals and increase patient beds.

According to VNExpress online newspaper, around 40-50 patients had to lie on stretchers in the corridor of the Hanoi-based Viet Duc Hospital’s Trauma – Orthopedics Ward on November 23.

The ward’s chief, doctor Ngo Van Toan said they were victims of accidents. They were bandaged already but they have to wait for free operating-tables. “I can’t say how long they have to wait,” Toan said.

According to the doctor, patients with broken legs and broken bones had to wait because priority was given to more serious cases. After surgery, many had to lie on stretchers in the corridor because the ward didn’t have enough beds for them.

This situation was similar at the National Hospital for Infectious and Tropical Diseases in Hanoi. From the second to the fourth floors, patients lay in corridors, mainly dengue fever patients.

The number of examination rooms had increased from two to six, but an announcement was posted: priority to serious cases, not in registration order.

The Central Pediatrics Hospitals is always overloaded with patients. Around 2-3 children share a bed and up to 4-5 in emergency wards.

PM Nguyen Tan Dung asked the Health Ministry to invest in hospitals in provinces and districts and to increase the number of beds to 25/10,000 residents by 2015.

According to the Health Ministry, the occupancy rate of patient beds in big hospitals in Hanoi and HCM City is up to 200-250 percent. The overload at these hospitals is around 130 percent or up to 300 percent at hematology and growth-cancer wards.

The Health Ministry said that Vietnam currently has only 18 patient beds per 10,000 people and may hospitals at district levels are poorly equipped.

In addition, the imbalance of income between doctors in cities and doctors at provincial and district-level hospitals means skilled doctors tend to leave grassroots hospitals. Patients, as a result, don’t want to be treated locally.

The Health Ministry plans to build ten more hospitals in Hanoi.


30-11-2009, 12:45 AM
Corruption rampant in health industry

VietNamNet Bridge - Bribery has been so common at Vietnamese hospitals for so long that many people don’t even consider it corruption, experts told a healthcare conference in Hanoi Tuesday.

Up to 70 percent of health workers in Vietnam are involved in ethically-questionable medical practices and nine percent of them take bribes during patients’ treatment, UNDP policy advisor Jairo Acuna-Alfaro quoted a report by Hanoi University of Medicine as saying.

Dang Ngoc Dinh, director of the Center of Community Research and Development at the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Association, agreed with the statement.

He said many patients he had surveyed recently said they believed it was not wrong to give doctors “under-the-table” money while doctors considered it a “clean” source of income.

The Hanoi University of Medicine report showed that up to 37 percent of those surveyed said they did not consider health workers taking “extra” money or gifts after doing their jobs as corruption.

Eighteen percent said it was hard to tell what is and is not corruption, according to the report, which didn’t say how many people were surveyed.

World Bank representative Martin Rama, meanwhile, said corruption in the health industry was hurting the poor, who already had difficulty affording treatment fees.

However, Tran Quang Trung, chief inspectorate of the Ministry of Health, didn’t agree that the problem was so widespread. He said that out of 200,000 health workers, there were bound to be some rotten apples.

The conference also reviewed a World Bank report on competitiveness in Vietnam’s drug market, which showed that pharmaceutical sales representatives and drug distributors were collaborating to fix drug prices while also paying doctors commissions to recommend and prescribe their most expensive products.

A representative from the Asian Development Bank said drugs in Vietnam are the most expensive in Southeast Asian region due to commissions paid to pharmacists and doctors who push expensive medicine.

VietNamNet/Thanh Nien/Nguoi Lao Dong

30-11-2009, 09:43 AM
Now vietnamese gambling also go high-tech liao

Part I: Online gambling investigation

VietNamNet Bridge – Gamblers don’t need to find a game anymore – just a computer.

One local site is enjoying such a boom that nearly 2,000 people a day are joining. It’s further fuelled by the fact that people who introduce friends are earning extra credits.

Once online it’s a simple job to set up an account and winnings are transferred to bank accounts.

Like other online gambling sites, this gambling website for Vietnamese allows players to register an account very easily but these beginners can only play small games. To participate in major gambles, they have to pay at least $20 for a “never-die account”. $20 is equivalent to 10 bills in the virtual account.

Online gambler LTN said that 10 bills is enough to play several games of cards. He says that many people buy multiple accounts in order to avoid interruption to games.

LTN believes the server master sells around 400-500 accounts per day.

After buying “never-die accounts”, players can join various kinds of gambling like domino, cards, Chinese dice and others and chat with other gamblers. There are up to 100 casinos for Texas hold ’em and card playing on this site. Each casino is for a type of accounts, depending on the bills inside.

L.T.N said each account worth 10 bills is called “suckling pig”, 100 bills as “golden pig”, 200 bills as “golden cabinet”, 500 bills as “golden car” and 1000 bills as “golden castle”. The VIP casinos are for “golden castle” gamblers, who are mainly Vietnamese overseas in the US, Canada, Australia and South Korea.

Virtual accounts, burning real cash

At a casino for “golden cabinet” gambling, it is very easy to lose 100 bills/game (equivalent to nearly $180). Casinos of this kind are the most popular on the site.

L.T.N gambled till he reached a stage where he could take the place of a gambler who had lost a 500 bills slot. However he quickly learned his lesson in one room.

“I had to move to another room. This room has at least five old foxes which have played on this site for at least three years, who are specialized in wring money from the new comers,” he said.

The room for “golden castle” players is opened each several weeks. The winners can earn up to several thousands USD at a time.

According to LTN, rumors on the site are always suggesting that someone has won enough to buy a car or even a house. Whether they are true or not they continue to attract lure new gamblers.

“Golden castle” players soon become famous in the online community of Vietnamese gamblers. This “virtual fame” has urged many rich men to buy “golden castles” simply as a status symbol.

VietNamNet/Tuoi Tre

30-11-2009, 10:00 AM
Getting close to online casinos

VietNamNet Bridge – Previously, to gamble online, players had to contact agencies in Vietnam and pay fees to “bosses” – but now it is much simpler.

A gambling website.

“You only need to go online to directly make contact with the bankers through e-transaction, dubbed ‘magic wands’ by gamblers,” said former “boss” LTT, who worked as agency for many gambling websites.

However, LTT suggested a site for Tuoi Tre’s reporter to visit.

Seeking magic wand

According to LTT, this site quickly offers “magic wand” or “e banking card”. With this card, players can gamble easily and don’t have to pay commission to agencies. With only one USD, you can bet against the banker.

Following LTT’s guidance, Tuoi Tre’s reporter opened an account with an ATM card at the Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank). Some bankers only accept debit cards from this bank (Visa Debit).

After getting the card, LTT instructed the reporter to register for the bank’s e-banking service. He hen helped set up an account at the online gambling site.

To be accepted players have to show a scan of their ID cards, a document proving they can transfer money from their Vietcombank account to a web account and the front of their Vietcombank card.

Two hours after making a transaction to transfer $50 from the Vietcombank card to the online account, the reporter was informed by email that he was now able to log into the site to gamble.

With many Vietnamese gamblers, this site has five languages, including Vietnamese. The website offers various kinds of betting, from football to basketball, badminton, tennis and also stock indexes of the world.

LTT is the “captain” of Club DLTCL, the name of a group of online betters. This group hired a guest house and an Internet line to gamble. Their account always has over 100 million dong and they earn their living by online betting and commissions from new gamblers.

Spending a whole night with this group to see how they bet online, a Tuoi Tre’s reporter witnessed them losing nearly 50 million dong.

Tuoi Tre asked an official of the Vietcombank why banks transfer money to overseas betting accounts, Trinh Thuong Thuc, chief of the credit card service department, said that only if the government bans people from using bank cards for online payment, can the bank can stop transferring money to online accounts.

He said that whenever its clients use e-banking services, Vietcombank has to pay at client’s request. The payment system works automatically. The bank doesn’t have the right to refuse transactions.

Another option, E-purse is now offered at almost all banks in Vietnam. From this “purse”, clients can use Visa Debit cards to transfer money to any betting accounts in the world.

Dinh The Hien, director of the Institute for IT and Application Economics, said that online betting and gambling is very popular but it is impossible to prevent it. To control online betting, e-banking services must be controlled and this will affect people’s banking transaction in general.

According to AFP, there are around 15,000 sports betting websites, including over 13,000 illegal sites. Their turnover is up to 15 billion euros a year ($23.6 billion). Most of the sites are based in Euro.

A research by an IT security consulting firm named ISSC recently warned that behind many illegal betting sites are criminal gangs.

Other tricks

As the number of online gambling sites rise – so do their victims.

Besides online casinos for Vietnamese professional gamblers, internet users can take part in online games on many websites – a fact confirmed by online gambler H.

With just a few clicks, H became a member of one Vietnamese website. This web supplies new members with virtual coins called gold. To get higher level in the game, players have to try to earn 100,000 gold, 1 million gold or even 100 million gold to become a big player. If they lose the free gold, they will have to exchange real money for virtual gold to continue the game. 10 million gold is equivalent to 50,000 Vietnam dong.

T, an online gambler said that every form of gamble is available on the internet, even popular online games in Vietnam as MU, Sword man, Thien Long Bat Bo, etc. are associated with betting.

He explained that in online games, players can only gamble with virtual money and can only exchange real money into virtual coins. In FPT’s MU game, players can make football bets.

In online games, there are two kinds of ratings: rating in terms of level and in terms of wealth, both associated with betting or gamble.

To serve online gamblers, there are a whole host of service websites attracting visitors with slogans like “How to make much money”, “The most accurate lottery forecast system”, “Football matches that will surely make you win in betting”, etc.

If one clicks to these slogans, he will see “To know the most accurate prediction of tonight’s lottery result, please send message to 6xxx” or “Secret information from lottery spinning room, type SOI and send to 6xxxx”.

After sending a text message by phone to this number, one receives the following message: “Thank you for using our service. We don’t have the latest forecast yet. We will send it to you immediately when we get it” while he pays 3,000-5,000 dong in his phone account.

Victims of online gambles

T is a member of hoancanh.com, a group of addicted online gamblers. This man and his group opened an account for football betting in central Thanh Hoa province. T owed over 500 million dong (over $30,000) and he had to flee to Saigon.

In T’s group was K, who was an excellent student of HCM City-based Ton Duc Thang University and V, a former student of the HCM City University of Natural Sciences. At the beginning, both of them just tried online gaming. Gradually, they have become gambling addicts and they quit university to devote more time to the online world.

To have money for online gambles, K started selling druges – later he became an addict himself. He currently lives at the foot of Saigon Bridge.

“My parents abandoned me two years ago. I want to give up everything to make a new life but it is so difficult because I’m stopped by debts and drugs,” K said.

V is no longer a student but he lies to his parents that he is in order to receive money for online gambling. “I’ve asked my parents to give me 10 million dong for my master course,” he said. V said that he had tried to give up online gambling several times but has so far failed.

Another group of online gamblers – DLTCL club – in District 10 is another example. The group’s leader is an engineer, who had to change jobs several times because of being fired as a result of spending too much time spent playing online games.

All members of this group lost assets like mobile phones, motorbikes and even houses to online gambling. Some have convictions relating to robbery or burglary.

In June 2008, a man in Tan Phu district, HCM City committed suicide after failed online sport bet.

A family in Tan Binh district recently had to ask for police’s protection because a family member lost an online bet worth 200 million. He couldn’t pay the bet and his family were threatened by a gang.

Recently, two men who were born in 1987 in District 11 jumped into the river because they couldn’t pay for an online bet.

Senior Lieutenant Vo Duy Thang from the HCM City Police Agency said that online gambling is a hi-tech crime, which develops in big cities like Hanoi, HCM City and Hai Phong. It is very difficult for police to combat it as evidence is also “virtual”.

However, police have discovered many online gambling gangs.

VietNamNet/Tuoi Tre

Now vietnamese gambling also go high-tech liao

Part I: Online gambling investigation

30-11-2009, 12:24 PM
sao lại có việt nao ở đây nhỉ

30-11-2009, 11:11 PM
Someone asked me just now 'After 1 month, there's only 13 members in your forum. Why do you even bother?'

My reply: 'I bother because there are 13 others who bother'. And for them, I'll continue to try to make this a useful resource for all.


Dear bros,

We have updated the following songs in the forum, some of which are dedications from our bros.

I really like this series. It's got some really nice love songs in there.


With this batch, we have concluded our phase 1 trial. I look forward to your continuous support.

Click here for the following: (http://learnvietthrumusic.forumotion.net/latest-songs-updated-f21/15-new-updates-27-nov-09-t86.htm)

Anh Yêu Em Nhiều Lắm
Chim Trắng Mồ Côi
Đă Không Yêu Th́ Thôi
Chỉ Có Thể Là T́nh Yêu
Huyền Thoại T́nh Yêu
Giọt Sương
Măi Là Người Đến Sau
Ngỡ Như Giấc Mơ
Làm Sao Em Biết
Làm Sao Anh Biết
Người Đến Sau
Nước Mắt Kẻ Đa T́nh
T́nh Yêu Diệu Kỳ
Sao Anh Ra Đi
Sorry - Bao Thy

01-12-2009, 04:00 AM
HCMC drivers not mice for doomed experiment
Lines of cars and motorbikes are in a gridlock on Hoang Van Thu Street in Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City should not rush into installing an electronic toll system downtown. Both the city’s infrastructure and its citizens are simply not ready for it.

A city proposal to implement Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) for cars in HCMC’s downtown has drawn criticism from the public, the National Assembly and outside analysts – just about everybody except for the company set to earn a profit on the project.

Tien Phong (Innovative) Technology Development Corp. (ITD) has been overexcited about employing “the modern technology of Singapore,” in downtown Saigon ever since it was assigned to carry out the project, but no reliable study suggests that such an innovation would suit HCMC.

Lam Thieu Quan, general director of ITD, said such a study would be too expensive. He said the company would only carry out such a study if the municipal administration officially approved the project.

Quite an odd process.

Instead of doing a study and then proposing a method for approval, the method has been proposed and the company is waiting for approval before doing a study.

It should also be known that the city government chose ITD not through bidding but simply because the company operates 70 percent of the country’s automatic toll stations. In other words, ITD was chosen not as the best contractor offering the lowest cost, but as a familiar toll collector.

ITD has cited the successful implementation of ERP in Singapore, London and Stockholm to support the toll system case.

But when you compare those cities to HCMC, the difference is stark. Our infrastructure is poorer, our roads are fewer and of lower quality, and our drivers obey a much smaller percentage of traffic regulations than in those cities.

ERP alone will not solve the traffic problem. Public transportation must be improved and traffic police also have to do their job.

In London, traffic jams were reduced by 50-60 percent after ERP because people switched to public transport. But public buses cannot replace private vehicles in Vietnam, both in terms of quantity and quality. Car owners in Vietnam, who are by definition wealthy, would much rather pay a few dong to take their car into the city than crowd into one of our dirty buses.

Some have said that the city should be brave enough to give the method a try to see how effective it might be. But such a trial will cost VND700 billion (US$39 million) in taxpayer money, and most residents would rather not be the mice in a failed experiment.

By Phuong Thanh

01-12-2009, 07:40 AM
I for one am very thankful for Bro AdGuy for starting the forum. Reason why there's only 13 members in the forum could be due to the fact that registration is not compulsory in order to browse the content. Like me. I just signed up in order to get the translation of the songs I requested. I'm sure others will follow...

01-12-2009, 10:08 AM
Someone asked me just now 'After 1 month, there's only 13 members in your forum. Why do you even bother?'

My reply: 'I bother because there are 13 others who bother'. And for them, I'll continue to try to make this a useful resource for all.


Please keep up. There are 14 people bother now. I just registered but the number did not reflect on your website.

01-12-2009, 10:19 AM
Bro, do u bother to read those news article I posted? if no good response, i will not post anymore...
Please keep up. There are 14 people bother now. I just registered but the number did not reflect on your website.

01-12-2009, 01:47 PM
Webs for teens: a lot of rubbish
VietNamNet Bridge – The boom in Vietnamese language information websites has stirred up many problems, reports Tuoi Tre. Warnings have been released (Stars of scandals). Readers told the daily their worries about some websites for teenage.

As the cost of buying domain names and software and hiring servers gets cheaper, it becomes very easy to have an information website. And, though the number of websites increases, the volume and quality of news seems not to rise. Instead the society sees growing piles of “cultural rubbish”.

Information chaos

If one stumbles into a website targeted on a young audience, for example kenh14.vn, he/she may recoil in surprise, asking “what information are teens reading?

If a visitor types in the keyword “lộ hàng” (exposing ones assets, either accidentally or intentionally) , the Google search box integrated on kenh14.vn returns thousands of articles about this content. Similarly, keyword “ảnh nóng” (sexy photos) brings about 791 articles and 921 articles are returned for “hot girl.” This website was launched only two years ago.

On another website for teenage, dan… net, which calls itself “the place connecting the Vietnamese teen community”, are articles with headlines like “16 postures of love”, “guiding love postures of Kama Sutra”, “teen girl takes off her trousers on the bus”, etc.

“9X” refers to the ‘90’s generation,’ today’s teenagers. A website named 9x…vn has “Teen self-satisfied with dog” or “9x girls with super-big butts” and other sexy headlines. A website for young people named sa…vn posted “One night at a hotel”, “Teen prostitute hairdresser,” etc. Most popular on viet…com, another site aimed at youth, are stories like “Teen rolls up blouse to show bust”, “Naked girls in fighting”, etc.

These websites tell every detail about the personal lives of both Vietnamese and foreign celebrities and backstage show business stories. From them Vietnam’s teens learn that a singer has lost her sexy photos, an actress is having an affair with a rich businessman, a female star smokes and is addicted to alcohol, a famous actress often quarrels with her husband, neglects her pet or … loses her hat. From their body measurements to the colours of their nails, world celebrities are exploited complete with photos to serve teens from 13-19 years old.

Rather ordinary stories are “re-processed” by sub-editors into “hot stories” with liberal use of question marks, quotation marks or thrilling words to excite teen readers’ curiosity. For instance, reporting an actor who played the role of a vampire who goes walking with his son, a website wrote: “Vampire takes his son to street.” The headline of a story about the sudden death of a paparazzi is “The Lady Gaga murders”. An interview with a young singer in a print magazine with the headline “My predestined affinity hasn’t appeared” was posted on a website for teenage with the headline “Why do I need to have baby with [actor Johnny] Tri Nguyen?”

How about educational items? The “Study-Education” column on the teen…vn website introduces how to copy from a friend’s work, how to cheat in sports or win status with other students. The language on these sites is extremely odd, and full of wrong grammar and spelling.

Where are government agencies?

Though these websites are “information webs,” the information posted on these sites is copied from other sources, both online and print, with source quotations like “according to XYZ”, without the name of the authors. In many cases, the copied stories are totally different from original information, harming the prestige of official newswires.

Most of these sites are managed by companies but they operate like e-newspapers. Some websites have titles like reporters, editors, sub-editors, etc. Kenh14, for example, has freelance reporters who are students. The website tuva…com claims falsely that it’s an authorized ‘online newspaper.’ The stories published on this site are unsourced though all of them are copied from legitimate newspapers and magazines.

The goal of these websites is to lure readers and sell advertisements. Leaving aside whether they violate the rules on advertising, it is illegal to use the intellectual property of others to do business. In addition, many sites belong to individuals who have not bothered to get a licence.

“General news websites” are mushrooming on the net with no oversight. They instruct our youth on fashion trends, how to be stylish and and urge them to patronize luxurious entertainment centres. The young tend to learn from their idols. Reading information about a beauty queen who will pose for nude photos for charity and seeing sexy photos of a Chinese student, also for “charitable purpose”, a contestant in a teen pageant stated she too would be “willing to pose for nude photos for charity.”

“Cultural rubbish” is a broad category that not only covers useless and illegally copied information bad things that can affect the young. With all this going on, where are the government agencies?

Reader comments

Duc Thanh writes: “Surfing some foreign sites for teens like teen.com, teenmag.com, kidshealth.org, etc., I’m impressed by their youthful and simple design and information for the young. I tried to make a comparison between these sites and some Vietnamese sites for teens like kenh14.vn, hihihehe.com, and teen.vn to find out the differences.

“The difference is not in design or technical skills of the website designers but the content of information they provide to the youth. Looking through columns on the Vietnamese sites, readers will only see “teen shock” and “gossips” with stories about celebrities with sexy photos, their lifestyles, etc., tricks to woo a girl or a boy, information that teaches pragmatic and flighty lifestyles. There is a little healthy and educational entertaining information or information about studies. We can search for hundreds of dirty articles and photos on these websites.

“The language on these sites is a hodgepodge, with Vietnamese and English mixed together (10 tips cham soc ban chan [10 tips to care your feet]) and languages that one can’t find out in dictionaries (Musik, 2-Tek!, tjm 0x kg ne`, Can` Tym Gap 1 BX). All of these things are harming our teen readers.”

Duc Toan, who identifies himself as an officer of the HCMC Foreign Trade University Student Association, asks “what is Kenh14.vn doing with the young? Bad information about lifestyle, fashion and entertainment has been published freely on this site. Notably, this website is among the top sites in Vietnam in terms of hita and readers, according to Alexa.

“It is not unusual to see clubs named “I don’t like kenh14.vn” on facebook but this website is still very popular. A member of Kenh14.vn’s forum told me “The success of Kenh14 is that it is hated but the kids still visit it”.

“I’m scared that my little sister will be attracted by such website and neglect studies. I wish the authorities would take measures against such websites!”

‘baochau.susu’ writes that “we kids often visit kenh14.vn. Many people say this website is a rag with too many stories about celebrities and sexy photos. This comment is unfair. Many ‘legitimate’ websites for adults are also full of similar content. Adults tell us to not visit kenh14.vn but if we click to the websites they favor, the contents and designs are not different.

“I think instead of absolutely criticizing kenh14.vn, we need to address the content of this website to make it more useful for teenagers. If this website were to give up the lifestyle of “venerating hot boys and hot girls”, the use of deformed English and Vietnamese and have a clear educating direction, I think kenh14.vn can develop strongly, at least in the eyes of teenage readers, who always like entertaining information.”

‘khoa05cvl’ comments that “though I’m a teen, I don’t like such websites like kenh14.vn. It’s a rag full of lies. Reading such things doesn’t help teens in any way. If teens want to relax, they can listen to music and read newspaper or books. There are a lot of other entertaining stuff that is more useful and interesting than information about hot boys, hot girls or singer X showing her bust or actress X falling.”

‘huynh_lemai’ exclaims that we should “notice one simple thing! News like “Poor students overcome difficulties”, “Children in remote areas still go to school,” etc. have never appeared on kenh14. Sad!”

‘Trieuduong85’ asks “why is it only the websites for teens that get criticized? Are websites for adults are so serious? They also post slipshod articles like “The most beautiful Korean busts”, “The butts of celebrity”, “Let’s admire star footballers’ girlfriends in their hot bikinis.” This garbage is everywhere, from online to print newspapers.

“Is it meaningful to forcing kids to learn serious things while “adults” waste their time reading junk news? I’m not a teen anymore and I don’t like such websites as kenh14 but can’t see that I have the right to preach at teens when many adults are not good examples.”

Finally, ‘phanxineblog.com’ asks why we don’t carry out research projects on the impact of trashy websites on the youth or on the society. We should ask why our youth like visiting these websites rather than serious ones. Instead of getting alarmed by the appearance of these websites, let’s study why these websites develop strongly and why the youth like them.

I believe that once readers reach a certain education level or awareness, they will require information at higher level than the stuff supplied by these websites.

VietNamNet/Tuoi Tre

01-12-2009, 04:27 PM
Bro, do u bother to read those news article I posted? if no good response, i will not post anymore...

I do read some of the news you posted here, but not all of them. Without these posts, this forum will become very quite.

01-12-2009, 05:15 PM
Out of 10 persons that i went pubbing with, 8 of them can speak vietnamese.... They are not members of SBF somemore.... So this forum has achieved its aim, to equip everyone with a little knowledge of vietnamese :) ;)
I do read some of the news you posted here, but not all of them. Without these posts, this forum will become very quite.

01-12-2009, 07:09 PM
Out of 10 persons that i went pubbing with, 8 of them can speak vietnamese.... They are not members of SBF somemore.... So this forum has achieved its aim, to equip everyone with a little knowledge of vietnamese :) ;)

I want to say bro jackbl you deserve a reward or medal for all your effort....let me lead all brothers who had benefited from your tieng viet lessons to give you a round of applause...clap clap clap...please continue...:)

02-12-2009, 12:36 AM
I didnt do anything special leh ;) I think they (8 ppl) see members of SBF speak vietnamese in front of gals, so they decided to be like them, able to speak a little vietnamese...... So we need to thank those members of SBF who went pubbing and "dare to speak" and "dare to KC". They become the role model of these 8 ppl :D
I want to say bro jackbl you deserve a reward or medal for all your effort....let me lead all brothers who had benefited from your tieng viet lessons to give you a round of applause...clap clap clap...please continue...

02-12-2009, 12:40 AM
You can write FRs on these gals : Hien (HM), Athao (M51), Hanh (Orchard), Suo (Orchard), Nhien (BL), Tina (M51), Nhung (HM), Trang (J51), Hanh (HM)

Those sms they sent u, and how u decode those difficult one :D ;) These learning experiences will be beneficial to us :)

I do read some of the news you posted here, but not all of them. Without these posts, this forum will become very quite.

02-12-2009, 09:25 AM
More to Saigon than just gridlock traffic

VietNamNet Bridge – Strolling around Saigon can be a fascinating experience with the hurry of pedestrians and the bustle of heavy traffic. Saigon is bustling, hustling and dusty, even smoky. Saigon has no the ancientness of thousand-year-old Athens City or the magnificence of Paris. Saigon is young, small, but entices tourists thanks to its distinctions in culture, history, food and people.

Towering buildings, luxury hotels and trade centers interlace with old architectural works to dress Saigon up with the freshness of a new era. One glance at a line of buildings in Saigon offers visitors many genres of décor, from French colonial designs with meticulous decorations and onion-shaped Indian vaults to three-door Chinese temple gates. And Saigon’s streets capture romance under the shade of seasoned trees.

“Saigon is too weird, amidst the center are towering green trees, making the city poetic,” said a tourist from the Netherlands.

Saigon is also made interesting by its small corner markets which are always busy in a jubilant ambiance of trading. Some trading streets have existed for a long time, such as a 200-year-old trading street in Cho Lon (China Town) in District 5 and a rice selling street called Tran Chanh Chieu that was born in 1750 in the Chinese community.

Those interested in antiques can roam Le Cong Kieu Street in District 1. This small street holds about 40 shops selling antique lamps in thousands of shapes and sizes, ceramics, chairs, tables and clocks. At the end of the street are paintings, wood works and parallel sentences. Coming here, tourists feel they are lost in an antique museum.

Colorful flowers and fruits abound on Le Thanh Ton Street next to Ben Thanh Market. There, tourists can purchase all kinds of Vietnamese fruit and multicolored flowers.

If tourists want to wander colorful streets, Hai Thuong Lan Ong and Trang Tu in District 5 are recommended.

Coming here, tourists can learn more about the daily life and customs of Chinese people and can satisfy their eyes with cute ornaments, especially near Christmas. Luong Nhu Hoc in this district is dazzling with red and yellow dragon costumes, bonnets and gowns for royal and traditional drama performances.

Exploring Saigon on foot, by bicycle or by cyclo to take a taste of Saigon life gives a sense that Saigon is also poetic, charming and gentle, not only bustling and hustling as standard complaints go.


02-12-2009, 10:54 AM
I want to say bro jackbl you deserve a reward or medal for all your effort....let me lead all brothers who had benefited from your tieng viet lessons to give you a round of applause...clap clap clap...please continue...:)

Yes, I salute Bro jackbl too. A round of applause for him.

Clap Clap clap............

zhu star
02-12-2009, 11:43 AM
Bro, do u bother to read those news article I posted? if no good response, i will not post anymore...

Bro, don't stop posting these articles. I find it useful both as a cheongster and as a potential buisness investor. I am sure there are many out there reading this posting w/o replies etc.........:)

02-12-2009, 07:44 PM
You can write FRs on these gals : Hien (HM), Athao (M51), Hanh (Orchard), Suo (Orchard), Nhien (BL), Tina (M51), Nhung (HM), Trang (J51), Hanh (HM)

Those sms they sent u, and how u decode those difficult one :D ;) These learning experiences will be beneficial to us :)

Bro Jackbl: How about this? you write some FR on your girls and I will do 1-for-1 matching. :)

You must have a longer list than mine.

02-12-2009, 10:48 PM
Bro Jackbl: How about this? you write some FR on your girls and I will do 1-for-1 matching. :)

You must have a longer list than mine.

jackbl list is definitely very long.
(your list + my list) x 10 also dunno can match his list or not.


02-12-2009, 11:23 PM
Your phrases have had very good responses.

1 of my Viet friends was saying that she din know Sgp had people who was so proficient in the viet language.

Even Google has sent a bot to read your post and flood my forum with ads :D

Urgently need your support to keep in active.

Thanks in advance. Buy u bia when you released from prison.

Bro, do u bother to read those news article I
posted? if no good response, i will not post anymore...

02-12-2009, 11:37 PM
I for one am very thankful for Bro AdGuy for starting the forum. Reason why there's only 13 members in the forum could be due to the fact that registration is not compulsory in order to browse the content. Like me. I just signed up in order to get the translation of the songs I requested. I'm sure others will follow...

Please keep up. There are 14 people bother now. I just registered but the number did not reflect on your website.

Your support warms my heart and inspires me to make it an even more complete resource :D


03-12-2009, 01:08 AM
Are u sure she say that truthfully? Or just suaning me? Proficient I dare not claim, but u may say I know their culture/geography/history more than their own people. It is because I did spent time to find out :D If everyone here do the same, I think u people will know better and more ;)

What and how Google do? Care to explain more ?

Your phrases have had very good responses.

1 of my Viet friends was saying that she din know Sgp had people who was so proficient in the viet language.

Even Google has sent a bot to read your post and flood my forum with ads :D

Urgently need your support to keep in active.

Thanks in advance. Buy u bia when you released from prison.

03-12-2009, 01:29 AM
Dear all, i found another site teaching vietnamese and it includes chinese explaination:


There are 10 lessons,
?1? --????100??????? (http://www.youyiguan.com/flash/vietnam/100/100_01.html) to ?10? --????100??????? (http://www.youyiguan.com/flash/vietnam/100/100_10.html)

03-12-2009, 07:16 AM
Buy u bia when you released from prison.

Is this the trend now??? :confused::eek:

03-12-2009, 09:49 AM
Three-star Metropole to leave place for deluxe hotel

VietNamNet Bridge – The Que Huong-Liberty Group will have its current 86-room three-star Metropole Hotel in downtown HCMC demolished next year to leave place for the four-star hotel Novotel Saigon Center.

The local hotel group told the Daily on Monday that work was scheduled to begin on the Novotel Saigon Center project at the corner of Tran Hung Dao Boulevard and Nguyen Cu Trinh Street in District 1 in February.

Accor Group has been hired to manage the new hotel under an agreement it clinched with the developer, Que Huong-Liberty Group, earlier this year.

The 350-room Novotel Saigon Center is expected to open in 2012 to cater to the demand for luxury accommodation in the city. The invested capital for the project is not revealed.

The agreement marks Accor’s expansion in Vietnam, a market the international hotel operator entered 20 years ago.

“Accor is delighted to be continuing its expansion in Vietnam with this strategically located Novotel,” said Patrick Basset, vice president for Accor in Vietnam, the Philippines, South Korea and Japan.

Currently, Accor operates four Novotel hotels in Dalat, Phan Thiet, Nha Trang and Halong as part of its network of 82 Novotel hotels throughout the Asia Pacific region.

The new hotel’s rooms will adopt the latest innovations of the Novotel brand, including modern interiors and surfaces, 32-inch LCD televisions and other amenities. The new 24-story hotel will also feature two restaurants, a street bar, a roof level Executive Club lounge, pools for kids and adults, fitness and business centers and other facilities.

The Japanese consultant Kume Sekkei Architecture is designing Novotel Saigon Center, whose façade will incorporate louvers with an aim at reducing energy consumption and meeting the Green Globe Sustainable Tourism standards.

The Que Huong-Liberty Group owns seven hotels in HCMC and plans to develop more in the coming years throughout Vietnam. The company intends to open the 140-room hotel Liberty Central, which is under construction, in downtown HCMC in February.


03-12-2009, 11:58 AM
ok noted. Below 1 article for business venture opportunity :

Vietnamese players prefer online games: survey

Vietnam now has 12 million gamers, the majority of whom are students and office workers, Truong Hoai Trang, vice chairman of Vietnam Software Association (VINASA) told a recent conference in Ho Chi Minh City.

Results of VINASA’s latest survey were released at the conference that discussed the development prospects of Vietnam’s game industry.

The survey of more than 1,250 game players showed 70 percent preferred online games. Forty percent of the players spent between VND160,000-300,000 (US$8.75-16.40) on games each month while others paid VND70,000-160,000 ($3.82-8.75), according to the survey.

It is estimated that game industry earned $130 million last year, accounting for 70 percent of the country’s earnings in digital industry, the conference heard.

Source: Tuoi Tre

Bro, don't stop posting these articles. I find it useful both as a cheongster and as a potential buisness investor. I am sure there are many out there reading this posting w/o replies etc.........:)

03-12-2009, 12:15 PM
jackbl list is definitely very long.
(your list + my list) x 10 also dunno can match his list or not.


That is for sure, but how come I have never see any FRs from Jackbl?

03-12-2009, 01:08 PM
Anh ngu ngon nhe, hom khac se noi chuyen voi a nhieu hon.

What is the purpose of having "ngon" and "hon" there? Meanings? :confused:

03-12-2009, 01:19 PM
Anyone can help?

1) em do roi gan het benh roi. a may bua nay sao roi khoe ko.

This one is even worse. Understand less than half of it. :confused:

2) e co di lam ban wa cho nen toi gio moi nhan tin cho a ne a ko ngu sao

I used dictionary already and got different versions.

03-12-2009, 02:02 PM
hi adguy,

would improvisation include audio clips..?
without hearing, i never could hear the c0rrect tones nor improve my profiency..

03-12-2009, 02:46 PM
Must be from your sugar mummy :D

Anh ngu ngon nhe, hom khac se noi chuyen voi a nhieu hon.

What is the purpose of having "ngon" and "hon" there? Meanings? :confused:

ngu ngon = sleep well
nhieu hon = more than

Anyone can help?

1) em do roi gan het benh roi. a may bua nay sao roi khoe ko.

em do roi gan het benh roi. = I am nearly getting well
a may bua nay sao roi? khoe ko? = you this few days how issit? well/good or not?

gan = near to
do = ???????????????????????????????

03-12-2009, 05:56 PM
anyone can help with the below sms:

Kg co em cam thay anh kg can em nua

the last part is saying "you don't want me anymore" is it. not sure on 1st part.

03-12-2009, 06:27 PM
anyone can help with the below sms:

Kg co em cam thay anh kg can em nua

the last part is saying "you don't want me anymore" is it. not sure on 1st part.

Kg co = No
em cam thay = I feel
anh kg can em nua = You don't need me anymore

03-12-2009, 06:49 PM
Kg co = No
em cam thay = I feel
anh kg can em nua = You don't need me anymore

Thanks lovesprout!! :)

03-12-2009, 07:41 PM
Must be from your sugar mummy :D

ngu ngon = sleep well
nhieu hon = more than

em do roi gan het benh roi. = I am nearly getting well
a may bua nay sao roi? khoe ko? = you this few days how issit? well/good or not?

gan = near to
do = ???????????????????????????????

Haha. You are wrong. Will the real culprit pls stand out? :D

My brain is definitely not working. I know "chuc em ngu ngon" yet I dont know what is ngu ngon. Stupid brain.

03-12-2009, 09:26 PM
This one is even worse. Understand less than half of it. :confused:

2) e co di lam ban wa cho nen toi gio moi nhan tin cho a ne a ko ngu sao

meaning = I am busy working therefore now at night then sms you. you no sleep sao?

last time i got a sms from LINH... ask her what she mean, she explain in tv, I even blur..

hom qua a kg ngu sao. hom nay kg buon ngu.

I thought the "sao" = tai sao = why. But it is not. I forget what it is liao.

03-12-2009, 10:16 PM
Haha. You are wrong. Will the real culprit pls stand out? :D

don't know that you got other gals other then your sugar mummy :D
good good... keep it up

03-12-2009, 10:44 PM
Not sure what you mean by improvisation, but every song has a youtube video attached to it with english tranlsation.

Go check it out!

hi adguy,

would improvisation include audio clips..?
without hearing, i never could hear the c0rrect tones nor improve my profiency..

03-12-2009, 10:56 PM
This cannot be the trend for me.

Buying 1 bia for Jackbl mean I have to drink 1 bia less.

But if you mean being arrested, you need to ask bro jackbl because he seems to be getting arrested more often. :p

Is this the trend now??? :confused::eek:

04-12-2009, 04:01 AM
Not sure what you mean by improvisation, but every song has a youtube video attached to it with english tranlsation.

Go check it out!

Bro AdGuy

Personally, I prefer MP3s as I load the songs into my iPhone.


Maybe you can look at this website:

Nghe nh?c hay | T?i nh?c hot | T́m nh?c vui | Zing Mp3 nhanh s? 1 Vi?t Nam (http://mp3.zing.vn)

Just paste the song name into the box with the "Tim" button. Then click the "Tim" button.

You will get a whole list of songs with the name you entered + the singers. What I do is that I look for the song with the highest listen frequency (it's the last number on the second of each song). Click on the song name and you will see a download button for that song.


04-12-2009, 04:08 AM
meaning = I am busy working therefore now at night then sms you. you no sleep sao?

last time i got a sms from LINH... ask her what she mean, she explain in tv, I even blur..

hom qua a kg ngu sao. hom nay kg buon ngu.

I thought the "sao" = tai sao = why. But it is not. I forget what it is liao.

Once you hear her voice, you blur already. :D

I know where you go to just now and with who. :D Got spies! :D

Yes. The sao is very intriguing. :confused:

04-12-2009, 09:31 AM
hi adguy..

oh i don't mean the songs..was referring to the dialogues adn basic conversations...
without the correct tones, none of the vietnamese i spoke to could smoothly understand me..

04-12-2009, 10:47 AM
do is quite similar but not 100%, bớt = To diminish, to cut down, to decrease, to reduce
do = ???????????????????????????????

04-12-2009, 01:58 PM
meaning = I am busy working therefore now at night then sms you. you no sleep sao?

I thought the "sao" = tai sao = why. But it is not. I forget what it is liao.

There are many meanings for "sao" in Tieng Viet.

1. Why?

ex1. "tai sao em kg thich anh?" (Why you don't like me?)
ex2. "sai lai em kg co tien?" (Why you don't have money?)

2. Tag question.

ex1. "hom qua anh kg ngu sao?" (Last night you didn't sleep, did you?)
ex2. "em kg di hoc sao?" (You don't go to school, do you?)

3. If... then.. (equivalent to 再)

ex1. "co chuyen anh den thoai cho em sao" (If I have somthing, then I will call you again 我有事 「再」 打電話給你)

4. star

ex1. anh song o khach san 5 sao (I live in a 5 star hotel)

5. How?

ex1. ban sao roi? (How are you?)

6. lie (due to misspelling): Many girls spell xao (lie) as sao

ex1. anh sao nhieu nhieu (You lie a lot)

In KangTuo's sms, it should be case 2. Tag question. The girl didn't ask why. She just wanted to "confirm' again that he didn't sleep last night.

04-12-2009, 04:34 PM
Cos everytime the same, no happening, why there's a need to post? (Go in see gal interested, sit wit her, ask name, ask address,etc, tcss, pay tips, go home)
That is for sure, but how come I have never see any FRs from Jackbl?

04-12-2009, 04:58 PM
IMHO, i think the word sao below should be sau.

If i hv sth, then i will call u later.

sau [conj]
behind, at the back of, hind, rear
hereinafter, below, following, as follows

3. If... then.. (equivalent to 再)

ex1. "co chuyen anh den thoai cho em sao" (If I have somthing, then I will call you again 我有事 「再」 打電話給你)

04-12-2009, 07:10 PM
Cos everytime the same, no happening, why there's a need to post? (Go in see gal interested, sit wit her, ask name, ask address,etc, tcss, pay tips, go home)

:eek: No wonder your tieng viet is so good! Because whenever you take your tieng viet lesson, you never harass the female teacher or ask her to do something else. You just go everyday and take your lesson with the teacher with good manners and respect. You are such a good student!

04-12-2009, 07:17 PM
IMHO, i think the word sao below should be sau.

If i hv sth, then i will call u later.

You make a good point here. But when I checked my sms, the girls did use "sao" instead of "sau". Let me check with some native speakers again and get back to this forum later. These long-hair teachers can also make mistakes.

Here are the original sms from two different girls:

1. "em dang di dat ve may bay. Em se nhan tin lai cho anh sao nha" (I am going to book airticket. I will sms you again later, OK?)

2. "ngay mai gap lai anh sao nha" (Tomorrow I will see you again, OK?)

04-12-2009, 07:40 PM
:eek: No wonder your tieng viet is so good! Because whenever you take your tieng viet lesson, you never harass the female teacher or ask her to do something else. You just go everyday and take your lesson with the teacher with good manners and respect. You are such a good student!

No wonder my tieng viet never improve.
Not a good student.
Always harassing for something else :D

05-12-2009, 09:58 AM
Twenty children die a day due to accidents
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VietNamNet Bridge – There were nearly 76,000 accidental injuries among children in 2008, with the worst statistics coming from the Red River Delta, Southeastern and the Mekong Delta regions, reported the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) at a seminar on December 3.

Reports at the national seminar on prevention of accidental injuries in children, held by the MoLISA, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), showed that in 2005-2006, the number of children dying from drowning accounted for more than 51 percent of all deaths from accidents. Elsewhere traffic accidents deaths were at 23 percent with others including burning, electric shocks and explosions.

Experts said that accidental injuries among children constitutes a social issue, and requires a strong determination from relevant ministries and organizations to get to the root of the problem.

Deputy Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, Dam Huu Dac said a number of programmes to prevent accidental injuries among children have been implemented in recent years. In 2001, the Prime Minister approved a national policy on prevention of accidental injuries among children for the 2002-2010 period.

According to Dac, over the past eight years of implementing the policy, 43 provinces and cities have established steering boards and over 50 provincial Departments of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs have developed action plans to prevent accidental injuries among children.


05-12-2009, 10:04 AM
:eek: No wonder your tieng viet is so good! Because whenever you take your tieng viet lesson, you never harass the female teacher or ask her to do something else. You just go everyday and take your lesson with the teacher with good manners and respect. You are such a good student!

No wonder my tieng viet never improve.
Not a good student.
Always harassing for something else

Impress the teacher, then she will be the one to harass u, make her move, rubba u, then when she cant tahan, she jio u go out :D :p After that i will be a BAD student liao :cool:

05-12-2009, 10:12 AM
Biz opp for IT :

Hackers besiege HCM City business
VietNamNet Bridge – HCM City firms are failing to adequately protect themselves from hackers, according to the municipal Information and Communications Department.

Ngo Vi Dong, chairman of the Viet Nam Information Security Association (VNISA)'s southern branch, said security systems at the majority of 200 businesses inspected in the south were failing to invest enough in anti-hacker software.

"Up to 34 per cent of businesses had their sites hacked in the first six months of this year. Around 38 per cent of them were not aware that they had even been hacked. The figures last year were 28 and 26 per cent respectively," Dong said.

Dong said hackers tended to attack not only information systems and databases of private firms but those of State agencies as well.

He said they used a variety of mean to bypass security measures, such as spyware, adware, software, Trojan horses and key loggers.

"However, half of the businesses inspected had no policies or budgets for information security," he said.

He added that only 10 per cent of inspected firms that had been hacked had reported the matter because they were afraid it would detrimentally affect their image.

Recently, the department in co-ordination with the Ministry of Public Security's Economic Crime Police Bureau, took action against Fibo company for hacking into the Queen Bee company's main server using the so-called distributed denial-of-service (DDOS), which makes a company's data unavailable to intended users, and botnet, which is a hidden programme.

An investigation showed that Fibo had been attacking the company over a long period of time.

Nguyen Duong Vu, the company's director, admitted the offence.

According to Tran Anh Minh, general secretary of the association, high-tech crime fell into two categories.

The first involved sending viruses to computer databases or networks in an attempt to steal, attack information system and DDOS.

VietNamNet/Viet Nam News

ok noted. Below 1 article for business venture opportunity :

Vietnamese players prefer online games: survey

05-12-2009, 10:15 AM
IMHO, the translation for below could be:

I have go work, very busy therefore until now then can sms for u, why u no sleep?
2) e co di lam, ban wa cho nen toi gio moi nhan tin cho a ne a ko ngu sao

05-12-2009, 11:19 AM
Corruption is everywhere in VN!!!

Health sector afflicted by corruption malaise

I have had 1st hand experience with regards to this man!!!

$$ really makes them work.

My daughter was brought to the hospital for a severe bout of diarrhea and vommiting and this resulted in the infection of the nervous system and caused fits!! Can u imagine how worried I was in their A & E? But the docs just sat round reading magazines and eating fruits and told me to wait!!??:mad:

Then when money was paid, suddenly my daughter became the most important patient in th whole A & E!!:eek::eek:

Its a very sad but true fact!!!:(

05-12-2009, 11:23 AM
I have had 1st hand experience with regards to this man!!!

$$ really makes them work.

My daughter was brought to the hospital for a severe bout of diarrhea and vommiting and this resulted in the infection of the nervous system and caused fits!! Can u imagine how worried I was in their A & E? But the docs just sat round reading magazines and eating fruits and told me to wait!!??:mad:

Then when money was paid, suddenly my daughter became the most important patient in th whole A & E!!:eek::eek:

Its a very sad but true fact!!!

Hope your daughter is fine now...how much do you have to bribe them...:mad:

05-12-2009, 02:19 PM
Government signs on students, teachers for corruption fight
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The Prime Minister has approved the introduction of anti-corruption studies at several kinds of educational institutions to increase the awareness and responsibility of officials, teachers, and students in fighting graft.

The syllabuses for schools, colleges, and universities as well as schools of administration and professional management for Party, Government, and social and political workers, and military academies are expected to be changed by 2011.

It is expected to highlight the harmful effects of corruption and shape the attitude of students towards it.

The Government plans to improve the capacity of teachers to serve the anti-corruption efforts.

By L.Nguyen – Translated by Kim Khanh

I have had 1st hand experience with regards to this man!!!

$$ really makes them work.

Its a very sad but true fact!!!:(

05-12-2009, 04:59 PM
"Anh dug dan em nha em xin loi anh nha"

anyone can make any sense of above sentence? I checked vdict but there is no "dug" word. "Dan" has so many meanings. "Xn loi" is sorry rite, but what the meaning of "I am sorry your home"???

05-12-2009, 05:17 PM
"Anh dug dan em nha em xin loi anh nha"

anyone can make any sense of above sentence? I checked vdict but there is no "dug" word. "Dan" has so many meanings. "Xn loi" is sorry rite, but what the meaning of "I am sorry your home"???

dug = dung = don't
dan = gian = angry

you don't angry me, I sorry you.

05-12-2009, 06:38 PM
dug = dung = don't
dan = gian = angry

you don't angry me, I sorry you.

so thats what it means! Thanks KangTuo :D

06-12-2009, 08:29 AM
Losing currency
A plan to boost the economy with low-denomination coins has been less than successful.

In daily transactions, most people don’t want to use coins because they are so cheap and easily become rusty

Vietnam’s coin currency has failed to jingle with people preferring not to own cheap and rusty coins.

At the ongoing National Assembly session, a deputy questioned the State Bank of Vietnam governor Nguyen Van Giau over the absence of coins from local transactions.

The question recalled for me an event five years ago when Le Duc Thuy, the then governor of the central bank, introduced a handful of new low-denomination coins, guaranteeing that they help the economy a lot, especially with vending machines.

The former governor’s enthusiasm and optimism seems to have been misplaced. Coins have not become a widely used currency so far. In fact they seem to have disappeared silently.

Some experts say people have lost their interest in the metal currency because of its low-quality material and low denominations.

Tran Du Lich, deputy head of the Ho Chi Minh City legislature delegation, said no one can feel happy keeping a coin cheap and rusty.

Lich said the currency value of the coins is low, so their construction quality has to be low.

However, the central bank in 1958 was very successful issuing coins worth 2 xu* and 5 xu. They were shining and beautiful.

People in Hanoi these days are decorating their bicycles with those coins, which until now still clearly read “National Bank of Vietnam 1958” as though they were minted yesterday.

Governor Giau’s response, telecast live, that the bank will revoke rusty coins and continue to have others circulated, is not satisfactory.

Vietnam’s currency is part of the country’s prestige. Vietnamese people have the right to use beautiful and valuable money that they can be proud of.

By Luu Quang Pho

*xu to dong in Vietnam currency is like cent to dollar in the US.

06-12-2009, 08:33 AM
Dong slump pushes consumer prices up

The fall of the dong has consumers beginning to feel the pinch as importers and producers raise prices, passing on dollar hike costs to end-users.

A survey by Thanh Nien found that since the one-off devaluation of the dong last week, prices have surged at least 5 percent among heavily imported consumer goods including confectionery, beverages, dairy products and electronics items.

Vu Thi Hau, general deputy director of Nhat Nam Company, which owns the Fivimart supermarket chain, said many suppliers had informed her company of possible price hikes of between 10 and 20 percent. Prices of domestic products made with imported materials are also expected to rise, she said.

Cars and construction materials are affected by a stronger dollar as well. Prices of Toyota cars, for instance, have gone up by VND84.6 million (US$4,600) per unit. A ton of construction steel costs an additional VND300,000 ($16.4) since November 30.

The central bank last week devalued the dong by more than 5 percent against the dollar. The move saw the local currency weaken to 18,500 immediately.

As of Thursday morning the exchange rate of the dong was 18,478 per dollar, according to Bloomberg data. This compares with an unofficial rate of about 19,460 per dollar at forex traders, according to telephone information service 1080. A month ago, the dollar was around VND19,000 ($1.04) on the black market.

Huynh Van Thi, director of Petrosetco, a computer and mobile phone distributor, said although import prices in the US dollar remained unchanged, a higher exchange rate left his company no choice but to set retail prices higher.

Fearing sales will be hurt, many other companies say they are trying everything possible to keep prices stable. However, they are not certain for how long they can manage to do so.

Cold feet

Local consumers are well accustomed to price hikes nearing Tet, the Lunar New Year. But with the next Tet still more than two months away, many people say they have been caught off guard by the rapid increase in prices.

A Tuoi Tre report said electronic sales are hit the hardest as consumers decide to put off purchases, unwilling to pay more for a product which was much cheaper just days earlier.

A consumer in Ho Chi Minh City, who wanted to be identified as Hong, told Thanh Nien she already planned to tighten her belt until Tet as she did not want to use her family’s savings.

Economist Nguyen Van Thuan, head of the finance and banking department at the Open University in HCMC, said price hikes are inevitable outcomes of a weakening dong against the US dollar.

“The important thing is local consumers will react to the hikes by cutting back on spending, which can hurt economic growth,” Thuan said.

Le Tham Duong, a professor at the HCMC Banking University, said price increases are “side effects” of the recent changes in monetary policies.

The rise in borrowing costs and US dollars would increase production costs and hence consumer prices, Duong said.

Last week the State Bank of Vietnam also increased the benchmark rate to 8 percent from 7 percent, amid concerns about quickening inflation. Consumer prices gained 4.4 percent in November from a year earlier, the biggest increase since May.

“Without good business plans, local producers will face a lot of difficulties when sales are down and their stockpiles grow,” Duong said.

Positive move

The dong devaluation last week is a positive move helping to narrow the gap between the official and black-market exchange rates for the Vietnamese currency, experts say.

The move is a response to reality and it should have been introduced earlier to ease pressure on the currency market, said Hoang Huu Phuoc, chairman of Mya Business Corporation.

Duong said the local market was facing a tough situation in which the supply and demand for dollars were not in line, causing the dollar hike in the black market.

The government adjustment in the exchange rate would help ease the situation, giving local businesses a better chance to approach dollar supplies, he said.

The central bank’s decision was supported by other measures, including asking state corporations to sell dollars to the bank and forcing commercial banks to strictly follow official exchange rates. The central bank also said it would sell US dollars to commercial banks that have a foreign-currency deficit of more than 5 percent to help stabilize the market.

06-12-2009, 08:38 AM
Vietnam says inflation may accelerate to February
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Vietnam’s inflation will likely accelerate until February, the country’s Finance Ministry said, citing stronger consumer and industrial demand.

The country’s year-on-year inflation rate reached 4.35 percent in November, the third straight increase and the highest figure since May. The figure is likely to rise to “double digits” by next year, the International Monetary Fund said on Thursday.

“The consumer price index’s sharp rise comes from three reasons: first, increased domestic demand; second, a price increase for materials and fuels for production; and third, high credit growth,” the Finance Ministry said in a note distributed at a conference in Hanoi.

Until February 2010, “consumption demand and the demand for construction materials in the dry season will continue to scale up, putting pressure on the consumer price index,” the Finance Ministry said.

The consumer price index will also be driven up by the “delayed impact” of monetary and fiscal policies, the Finance Ministry said. Vietnam’s central bank lowered its benchmark lending rate from 14 percent in October 2008 to 7 percent in February 2009 and held the rate there until announcing an increase last week to 8 percent.

Vietnam’s trade deficit is also a “concern,” the Finance Ministry said, citing a trend toward stronger imports of consumer goods.

Source: Bloomberg

06-12-2009, 08:45 AM
Lack of family values, not just poverty, behind street children
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Experts say bad parenting and the changing face of a modernizing society have created urban Vietnam’s street children.

Nguyen Khac Long, 12, now feels safe and secure at the Children’s House in Ho Chi Minh City’s District 8, where he can study and interact with his peers.

It is a far cry from two years ago.

Long was then begging on the city streets and was abused and beaten by his boss, who had hired him to beg, for a meager commission, in the northern Thanh Hoa Province after paying his father around VND800,000.

“He [the owner] told my dad that he would hire me to sell lottery tickets in HCMC. But I ended up begging there 13 hours per day,” Long told Thanh Nien Weekly.

“My family was very poor and my parents and sister eke out a living on menial jobs,” Long said.

Long’s father brought him back to Thanh Hoa in 2007 but “sold” him again the same year to another boss who also promised to have Long sell lottery tickets in HCMC.

“I was forced to beg on the streets, again. The only slight difference is that I suffered from harsher abuse from the boss,” Long said.

Societal structure

Long’s story is an all too common one.

Hundreds of children like him roam the streets selling lottery tickets or shoe-shining to make money, vulnerable to both imminent and invisible risks.

While poverty has time and time again been blamed for the plight of many children of poor families, experts say a broader view needs to be adopted to pinpoint the root cause of the street child problem.

“Poverty is not the sole cause or reason for the existence of street children,” said Margrit Schlosser, country representative at HCMC’s Terre des hommes Foundation, which promotes children’s rights.

“There are many poor rural families who would never send their children to the big cities on their own. There are many poor families in the cities who would never expose their children to the risk of being in the street,” Schlosser told Thanh Nien Weekly.

“It is related to the disruption of families and communities, and the lack of parental responsibility,” she said.

“It is definitely related to the socio-economic development of the country that has created considerable inequalities.”

Michael Brosowski, country director of the Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation acknowledged that the consequences of economic developments like rising landlessness played a role in creating street children.

The migration of droves of rural people to urban areas attributed to the rapid modernization and industrialization helped feed the street child problem, he said.

“One of the results of modernization is that those in ‘modernized’ or ‘industrialized’ areas suddenly have many new opportunities and sources of income that people in rural areas don’t have,” Brosowski said.

“Rural people see city people with their mobile phones, nice motorbikes, and new fashion – and, quite rightly, they want the same.”

Family, not just poverty

While Dang Hoa Nam, vice head of the Child Rights Protection Department under the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs, agreed that the changing structure of Vietnamese society was part of the street child issue, he was harsher on the street children’s parents.

“A majority of street children make money by doing different jobs. They have to fend for their parents who do not bother to work,” Nam told Thanh Nien Weekly.

“The traditional family values have been compromised as many people have not born their parental responsibility and the kids on the contrary have to support their parents,” Nam said.

Tran Thi Tuyet Mai, coordinator of the Thao Dan social support establishment, illustrated the point.

“When our people go to ask any child selling lottery tickets or shoe-shining near the Cau Muoi Market in District 4 or the backpacker area in District 1, the most common answer was that the kids there were financially supporting their parents who just stay idle at home or kill time gambling,” Mai said.

“So it is the parents that should be blamed first for exploiting their children.”

‘Basic rights’

Experts on the one hand acknowledged governmental efforts to ensure basic child rights but on the other said there was still plenty of room left for improvement in this area.

“The basic rights of a child, besides access to education, must be to make sure that the child has the essential personal documents necessary to start a new life,” said Le Thi Thu Thuy, director of the Thao Dan establishment.

“While the formalities to obtain a birth certificate for a street child have been relaxed as centers taking care of them are now eligible to carry out the procedures, getting an ID card in this regard has remained a cumbersome task,” Thuy said.

The procedures require a family register for a street child to be granted the ID card, while many of them have no idea where their parents used to live, Thuy elaborated.

“This will be a big hurdle for the street children when they try to integrate into normal life,” she said.

Thuy recalled the case of a former street boy she encountered in 1992. He had undergone vocational training that would enable him to fend for himself.

“But so far he has been unable to obtain his own ID card, which is really a big problem for him,” Thuy said.

“We hope that agencies concerned would issue more specific guidance on this issue so that the basic rights of a street child could be guaranteed.”

Nam of the Child Rights Protection Department said the Law on Protection, Care and Education for Children does not cover these issues.

“I think there should be more concrete and feasible regulations on this,” Nam said.

HCM City’s exploited children – Is there a remedy?

06-12-2009, 11:38 AM
Teaching bias by discriminating against children

A fourth-grader at a renowned primary school in Hanoi once came home and sadly told his mother “I was told to have a day off tomorrow, mummy.”

The mother was surprised as this was an announcement that would usually be accompanied by a lot of excitement that he would never bother to hide.

The mother questioned her child for a while and found out that some inspectors from the Hanoi Department of Education and Training would attend his class the next day.

The school was informed of the visit in advance and had chosen the best class in each grade to be inspected. The selected class then had to make a series of changes, including keeping the room cleaner and neater, getting better-dressed and preparing more carefully for the class. And 15 students with average or bad academic records were asked to stay at home.

When the inspectors come, they would only see good and excellent students, who can raise their hands and give correct answers to all questions posed by the teachers.

The mother understood why her son was sad. And that must have been the case for the other students asked to stay at home as well. But it goes beyond being sad. The students are experiencing discrimination from the very people who have to teach them not to do it to others! What is the lesson they will learn from this?

Is a compliment or a nod of agreement from the inspectors so important that a school is willing to hurt some of its students?

And this situation is not limited to one school. Many parents in the city can gather around a table talking tricks deployed by schools, colleges and universities to deal with inspectors.

Is no one concerned that these tricks will teach the children how to be cunning and how to cheat?

The desire for recognition has become a serious disease. It is growing despite the Ministry of Education and Training trying to say no to it. A campaign by the ministry against the disease has been carried out for three years and is going to end by the end of this school year.

Or is that all they need to do – just say no, and what the schools really do afterwards is of no concern to the authorities?

By Tue Nguyen

06-12-2009, 11:40 AM
Public concern mounts over improper teacher conduct
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Eleventh grader Le Anh Tuan, who was punished by his teacher with physical exercise, was later hospitalized in Ho Chi Minh City with an injury sustained during the punishment.

VietNamNet Bridge - Ho Chi Minh City parents are growing angry after recent reports of inappropriate behavior by teachers toward students.

Within the last month, an 11th grade student from Le Quy Don high school was hospitalized after being forced by his teacher to perform physical exercise as punishment.

Local media reported that Le Anh Tuan said he was made to cross his arms while holding his ears and quickly bend up and down 100 times.

The Ho Chi Minh City Department of Education and Training (DoET)’s deputy head, Nguyen Hoai Chuong spoke with Sai Gon Giai Phong about the controversy.

He said his department has received details of the case and is now waiting for a decision from the school on disciplinary action for the teacher.

Also this month, a story surfaced that students at a local school were taking stimulant drugs to stay alert in class as their teacher was forcing them to recite their old lessons.

Mr. Chuong said improper teacher conduct is not new in the city, and school administrators need to learn from past mistakes.

Earlier, a private school in the city sacked a teacher for what it deemed inappropriate punishment of students, he said.

Education experts are also angry at the behavior of some teachers, calling their discipline methods outdated and dangerous. Teachers need to be educated about appropriate ways of dealing with students, they added, and do away with the old adage “Thuong cho roi cho vot” (Hitting is the best formula to raise a child).

Le Quy Don high school Deputy Head Do Thi Bich Duyen said November 25 the school will convene a meeting attended by political party members to decide on disciplinary action for the teacher accused in the Le Anh Tuan case. The decision will adhere to education sector regulations, the school said.


06-12-2009, 11:49 PM
Troi oi!,

This thread become online viet news section liao. :D

06-12-2009, 11:59 PM
yesterday receive very bad 2 sms from a vb (we name her Ah Lian).
not after receiving the sms, I seat opposite 678/V2 for soyabean drink, I saw a commotion involving her.... must be crazy liao :eek:

1) Tui bay la mot lu cho = all are a dog
2) May nho nhan voi cac ban may dum tao. hj hj hj = you remember to forward this sms all your friends for me.

07-12-2009, 03:15 AM
I felt that to learn 1 language, u must also know about its culture, lifestyle, and tradition. Most of the reports here are related to the above mentioned :D ;):p
This thread become online viet news section liao.

07-12-2009, 01:26 PM
Nice rice rolled with soul

VietNamNet Bridge - Steamed rice rolls come in all shapes and sizes, each version representing the culture and spirit of a different region.

White rice is inescapable in Vietnam. Even if you’re not having a “rice-dish,” chances are the noodles you’re eating, whether in soup or fried, are made from rice. Even the cake in Vietnam is made from rice.

Banh cuon, or steamed rice rolls, is one of Vietnam’s most ubiquitous rice-derivatives.

The rolls are made by grinding white rice and mixing it with water to create rice batter. A pot with a thin piece of cloth covering it is put to boil on the stove. The watery batter is then poured on the surface of the cloth and spread wide and thin to make a sheet of what looks like rice “paper.”

The rice sheet needs to be as thin as possible. It is then taken off the cloth and rolled with various fillings, depending on where you eat it.

In each region, namely the north, south and central areas of Vietnam, the steamed rice roll has its own recipe, ingredients and flavors.

In Hanoi, customers often enjoy banh cuon rolled with minced meat and peziza, an edible mushroom-like fungus. The dish is served with fried shallots, nuoc mam (fish sauce) and Vietnamese pork sausage.

In the central town of Hue, the rice sheets are rolled with grilled pork. The dish is served with fish sauce infused with the essence of ca cuong (giant water bug) for extra flavor.

Hue’s other version of the roll, known as banh uot tom chay (steamed rice roll with dried ground shrimp), is popular for the little bit of shrimp powder sprinkled on the surface of the dish.

There are two versions of banh cuon in the south.

The first version is similar to that served in the north.

The second version is vegetarian and rolled without filling, served with fried shallots, scalded bean sprout, cucumber and herbs. The rolls are then dipped in a concoction of fish sauce, garlic, lemon, chili and sugar. The sauce needs to be a little salty and both sweet and sour.

Whatever the color and flavor, banh cuon is a lasting favorite throughout Vietnam and more and more foreigners are making it part of their diet.

Besides traditional versions of banh cuon, an increasing number of modern versions of the dish have appeared in recent years, including steamed rolls stuffed with pate, chicken, salted pork and scallops.

Banh cuon can be found at the following Ho Chi Minh City restaurants:

Banh cuon la
57 Nguyen Du Street, District 1

Banh cuon Tay Ho
127 Dinh Tien Hoang Street, District 1

Banh cuon Hai Nam
11 A Cao Thang Street, District 3

VietNamNet/Thanh Nien

07-12-2009, 07:22 PM
yesterday receive very bad 2 sms from a vb (we name her Ah Lian).
not after receiving the sms, I seat opposite 678/V2 for soyabean drink, I saw a commotion involving her.... must be crazy liao


07-12-2009, 11:24 PM
TRAVEL : Ba Den Mountain: creative architecture of nature
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VietNamNet Bridge – Those visiting Tay Ninh Town for the first time cannot restrict their curiosity and craving for a famous cultural and historical site of the South, Ba Den Mountain, the most striking mountain in Nui Ba. Conquering the 986-meter-high mountain, which is considered the “roof” of Southern Vietnam, is a stunning experience.

Tourists take a cable car trip at Ba Den Mountain in Tay Ninh Mountain.

About ten kilometers northeast of Tay Ninh Town and straddling three communes, Ninh Son, Tan Binh and Thanh Tan, the Nui Ba Complex stretches out over 24 square kilometers and comprises three mountains, Heo (Pig) Mountain, Phung (Phoenix) Mountain and Ba Den (Black Lady) Mountain. With a system of grottoes, numerous
religious works in harmony with the forest and century-seasoned trees, the relic attracts many tourists and pilgrims every day.

Climbing Ba Den Mountain is a chance to be closer to nature and get some good exercise at the same time. The feeling of defeating the mountain is a joyful one.

The path zigzags through splendid surroundings and under the shade of green trees that protect your skin from the scorching sun. From the peak, trekkers are treated to a perfect view of the valley that immediately relieves the fatigue of the climb.

To get down the mountain, trekkers can take a grass slider trip. It is safe as the slope is gentle and tourists can control the brake of the slide.

Also, a round trip cable car ride between Ba Temple and the mountain is VND50,000. Soaring on the cable car, tourists catch a view of a sparking waterfall under the glistening sun, mysterious caves and dense forest.

The Ba Temple Complex includes old pagodas such as Ha Pagoda, Thuong Pagoda and Hang Pagoda and caves such as Ba Co Cave, Thien Thai Cave and Ba Tuan Cave. All present typical features of Buddhist culture and folk beliefs. Upon reaching the site, tourists can explore the biodiversity here and the folk spiritual life of local Vietnamese.

Tay Ninh is about 100 kilometers from HCMC. To get to Ba Den Mountain, take a bus from Ben Thanh Station to Go Dau and another from Go Dau to Long Hoa. On a motorcycle, take Xuyen A Road.


07-12-2009, 11:49 PM
Most imptly must drink saliva.

No wonder I never improve. :(

I felt that to learn 1 language, u must also know about its culture, lifestyle, and tradition. Most of the reports here are related to the above mentioned :D ;):p

08-12-2009, 01:55 AM
TRAVEL : Vietnam’s waterway tourism asleep amidst potential
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VietNamNet Bridge – A lack of concerted efforts and a poorly-funded infrastructure have hindered development of Vietnam’s waterway tourism despite the country’s great potential, officials and entrepreneurs said here last Friday.

Small tourist boats navigate on a canal in the Mekong Delta. Waterway tourism in HCMC as well as southern Vietnam is still underdeveloped due to the lack of orientation.

It is frustrating for a country crisscrossed with waterways when there are still few and unappealing waterborne travel products, they said at the seminar “Developing waterway tourism in HCMC and Mekong Delta” which took place on board the tourist boat Far East Pearl.

Vu The Binh, head of the Travel Department under the Vietnam National Administration for Tourism, said that “waterway tourism is Vietnam’s strength, but we have very few products to meet the demand for this special tourist type.”

Besides, the development is spontaneous and lack of orientation too, he said, citing how HCMC and the Mekong Delta lacked facilities like boats, harbors, and stopovers for tourists. Binh admitted that the lack of such developments was due to the absence of a clear and consistent policy to encourage enterprises to invest more in new projects.

La Quoc Khanh, deputy director of the HCMC Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, shared Binh’s view, saying that up to now the city has not built a wharf for tourists. Meanwhile, he said, there are few attractive stopovers like Binh My Ecotourist Park in Cu Chi District.

He also complained about a lack of vision in the city’s waterway master plan.

“The city has devised a long-term plan for developing its waterway network and ports, but this plan does not mention tourist landscapes. Understandably, most of new bridges across city rivers have been built with minimum clearance, blocking navigation of big boats, while the riverside landscapes are monotonous,” he said.

Khanh of the city’s tourism department therefore proposed both immediate and long-term solutions, including the need to strengthen cooperation between the city and neighboring provinces to design new waterway tours and more destinations.

“The city from next year should start developing a network of tourist wharfs, especially along the three main waterways from Bach Dang Wharf to Cu Chi, Can Gio and Dong Nai,” he said.

At the seminar, other speakers from related provinces like Dong Nai, Tien Giang, and An Giang as well as entrepreneurs agreed that all waterway-travel firms should join forces for better products and services.

According to La Quoc Khanh, the city has a waterway network stretching 975 kilometers linking the city with neighboring provinces, especially the Mekong Delta region and the Eastern Sea.


08-12-2009, 02:04 AM
Is the VB the one with bad breath? :D

Your vietnamese is alot better than i think.. The below sentence took me a lot time to figure out :p
yesterday receive very bad 2 sms from a vb (we name her Ah Lian).
not after receiving the sms, I seat opposite 678/V2 for soyabean drink, I saw a commotion involving her.... must be crazy liao :eek:

1) Tui bay la mot lu cho = all are a dog

08-12-2009, 02:08 AM
TRAVEL : Lo and Behold

VietNamNet Bridge - Ho Chi Minh City’s Notre Dame Cathedral is undoubtedly an architectural masterpiece of immense cultural and historical value.

In the early years of its colonial administration, the French government decided to build a church when planning the construction of Saigon, the capital of French Indochina.

Bishop Leferve was in charge of constructing the church, but the first effort was too small so a larger one known as the Sai Gon church was built on the banks of the Charner canal. However, as it was mostly made of wood, termites ravaged the structure and so the bishop went back to the drawing board.

In 1876, he organised a design competition. The French architect J. Bourad submitted the winning design and construction work subsequently began in 1877. Bourad was actively involved in the bidding process and also directly supervised the work. Incredible, considering every single piece of material used came from France. The work was completed by 1880.

The tiles covering the façade came from the French of Marseille. These tiles have no mortar coating and are immune to moss so they can maintain their rosy-red colour. Hence, the church’s overall radiance and resplendence against the background of the shady green perennials.

The bells, the bells!

The cathedral, 93m long, 35.5m wide and 57m high from the ground to the bell tower, is an imposing building but not as too large as it appears at first sight.

The design incorporates the classical beauty of Romanesque gothic architecture. It also retains its original interior and is home to some uniquely rare antiques.

The six bells weigh 28,850kg in total and ring out a peal of six musical notes-do, re, mi, sol, la, si- everytime they go.

The decorative designs on each bell are very delicate, and the ‘so’ bell is among the biggest in the world weighing 8,785kg with a diameter of 2.25m and 3.5m tall. This bell tolls once a year, on Christmas Eve, the only night when all six bells are rung together.

To ring the bell, it takes three or four robust men to turn the starter on so that the bell can swing as high as possible. On Sundays and during festivals, three bells chime together, but on week days, only one bell tolls, at 5am and 5.30pm. Despite the din of Ho Chi Minh City’s suburbs, you can hear the bells from 10km away.

The giant clock under the vault between the two bell-towers is another rare antique. It was made in Switzerland in 1887 weighing more than 1,000kg. Although the clock still works, it has been left unused for many years.

As time has taken its toll, the huge ancient organ inside the cathedral is not in used anymore as worms have eaten into its woodwork.

Thankfully, a lot of the interior’s ornaments and decorative designs have been kept intact and well preserved. The high altar is made of monolithic marble, featuring engravings of six angels supporting the canons table and the pedestal of three compartments, each being a carving describing a religious event.

Each chapel, stained glass window and vault is a work of art. Everything is engulfed in a gentle light that gives you a sense of complete peace, devotion and holiness. This, despite the fact, that the cathedral is fitted out with electric lights and has no space for candles.

A centre piece of the city

The cathedral is spacious and can accommodate a congregation of 1,200. In front of the cathedral, the paths run across the park in the shape of a huge cross. In the centre of the park stands a marble statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Her arms embrace the globe with a cross while her feet stamp on a snake, expressing a wish to bring peace to all humanity.

The statue, also called the Virgin of Peace, became an international sensation when it was reported to have shed tears in October, 2005.

Thousands of people flocked to the cathedral to behold this supposed miracle, forcing the authorities to stop the traffic around the area. Vietnam’s top Catholic clergy quickly confirmed that the statue had not shed tears but this failed to disperse the crowd for some days. The reported ‘tear’ which flowed down the right cheek of her face was the result of pollution.

For over 129 years, Notre Dame has been a place for Catholics to gather, but it has also become an icon of Ho Chi Minh City.

Although located in the middle of a bustling metropolis, the unique architecture of Notre Dame always brings visitors a quiet and peaceful ambience. At present, the cathedral has a team of volunteer guides who can speak several foreign languages fluently to present the most attractive aspects of its history.


08-12-2009, 07:32 AM
Teachers respond to reports of abuse
VietNamNet Bridge – The stories of teachers punishing students, creating deep psychological and physical wounds, have been reported by the local media recently. People have criticized teachers heavily in response, but they have not asked themselves why teachers use such methods.

“It happened in November 2009,” P. recalled. “My students continued playing in class during the lesson even when I asked them many times to pay attention.

“After the math lesson, I erased the blackboard and asked them to repeat the lecture. Ten students could not do the math questions even after my careful lesson. I could not control myself and so I beat them with a ruler.”

P, a primary school teacher in HCM City, laments that the class has 12 out of 40 students who always make noise during lessons and never concentrate.

He said that he has gotten angry many times over the last 23 years as a teacher. When upset, he usually knocked heavily on the table or went out to ease his frustration.

On that day in November, however, P. asserts that he could not control himself, especially because the students had ignored his words even with the exam drawing near.

D., the teacher made infamous for beating a student’s buttocks black and blue, was known as a level-headed teacher who rarely lost his temper. He always gave extra lessons to the student in question, who had proved to be a difficult one.

The student was discovered ignoring the teacher’s efforts and failed to complete any homework. The student’s laziness also seemed to be supported by his parents. Then, the teacher finally lost his temper and beat the student.

Lazy and unfocused students are but one pressure on teachers today. Some questionable school policies also add to their mental workload and ethical stress.

Le Quy Don School in HCM City strives to offer high quality studies with international standards. Its teachers are now under strict pressure to not allow any student to receive low grades.

If any student makes grades below the allowed level, the teacher will not be allowed to teach any more.

Parents of Le Quy Don High School students pay tuitions much higher than those of state-owned schools and feel they have the right to demand results. These policies, however, place a heavy burden on teachers’ shoulders.

Primary and secondary school teachers also complain that the curriculum is too heavy for students, forcing them to work long after regular teaching hours.

A history teacher from HCM City reasoned that anyone would feel frustrated after speaking themselves hoarse while students play and ignore the lesson.

“Sometimes, classes are noisy like a market, the history teacher observed. “The classroom is so cramped and hot. The teacher is tired from too much work and worries about daily life. You know, no one can be sweet at such times.”


Public concern mounts over improper teacher conduct
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Eleventh grader Le Anh Tuan, who was punished by his teacher with physical exercise, was later hospitalized in Ho Chi Minh City with an injury sustained during the punishment.

08-12-2009, 11:22 AM
Is the VB the one with bad breath? :D

Your vietnamese is alot better than i think.. The below sentence took me a lot time to figure out :p

No better than you.
translated by a long hair dictionary

08-12-2009, 01:23 PM
TRAVEL : Lo and Behold

VietNamNet Bridge - Ho Chi Minh City’s Notre Dame Cathedral is undoubtedly an architectural masterpiece of immense cultural and historical value.

Bro Jackbl, your interesting article brought back so many happy memory. In the daytime, there are many tourists at the Notre Dame Cathedral, as well as the General Post Office next to it. At night, you can see many couples and Christians praying in front of the Virgin Mary statue. I noticed many pigeons like to rest on the arms and shouders of the Virgin Mary.

Last time, my bx like to bring me to the Notre Dame Cathedral after her work at night. There, we just sit around and order the BBQ cutte-fish and some drinks. She'd hold my hand and rest her head on my shoulder. I'd ask her about her day at work, and it was a very peaceful but romantic environment. But our rendevous will always be ended when the cong an come and chase us away from the Cathedral. Till this day, I still don't understand why they chase us away, as we were not making a nuisance of ourselves, we were definitely not making out, so why are couples not allowed there?!:confused:

Anyway, thanks bro for the interesting info about this icon in HCMC. Have a nice day.:)

09-12-2009, 01:29 AM
I m happy that i can make u remember those good days in hcmc. Hope u also like my other articles :D
Bro Jackbl, your interesting article brought back so many happy memory.
Anyway, thanks bro for the interesting info about this icon in HCMC. Have a nice day.:)

09-12-2009, 07:45 AM
Young workers, students in HCMC doing well at English: survey
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Almost half of young workers and students in HCM City have “above average” English communication skills, a survey by the HCM City High Technology Zone Training Center has found.

The rates for those with “good” and “poor” skills are 16.29 percent and 5.3 percent.

But nobody speaks English fluently like a native.

A higher proportion of students (48.7 percent) are able to communicate in English than workers (41.6 percent).

The center announced the survey results at a workshop December 3 on English teaching and studying to meet the demands of a modern working environment.

But teaching remains focused on grammar and sentence structure rather than pronunciation, vocabulary, and speaking fluently, which are of greater practical need.

At the seminar, many students said they have to learn technical English by themselves because it is not taught at university.

Dinh Thi My Quynh, the center’s director, said authorities should carefully review the English language standards existing in the country and ensure basic skills are taught.

By Hg. Lien – Translated by Kim Khanh

09-12-2009, 09:54 AM
Young workers, students in HCMC doing well at English: survey
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I met a Vn gal on the plane about 2 months studying English at the British Council in Singapore. She can speak quite well after 6 months...she is still available and agree to be my long hair dictionary to help translate Vn for me..:)

I always told foreigners to enrol at British Council if you want to learn English in Singapore...:)

09-12-2009, 07:09 PM
Shit! I come too late, let u snatch liao :(
She can speak quite well after 6 months...she is still available and agree to be my long hair dictionary to help translate Vn for me..:)

09-12-2009, 07:19 PM
Shit! I come too late, let u snatch liao :(

How come late!...i didn't need to snatch at all...she wants to find a good man...i am not and dun qualify as good man...if you qualify as good man...can intro this vn gal to you...anyone qualify as good man...:)

09-12-2009, 09:46 PM
How to say "gay" and "lesbian" in Tieng Viet? I remember lesbian is "be de", but I am not sure whether it is correct or not.

09-12-2009, 10:17 PM
anyone qualify as good man...:)

I think I am overly qualify :p

09-12-2009, 10:18 PM
How to say "gay" and "lesbian" in Tieng Viet? I remember lesbian is "be de", but I am not sure whether it is correct or not.

gay: be de
les: wo moi

don't think i spell it correctly :p

09-12-2009, 10:43 PM
anyone qualify as good man...:)

small boy can boh? :confused::D

10-12-2009, 12:47 AM
...anyone qualify as good man...:)

You called me? Yes? :D

10-12-2009, 12:49 AM
How to say "gay" and "lesbian" in Tieng Viet? I remember lesbian is "be de", but I am not sure whether it is correct or not.

Why would you want to learn such things? :confused:

gay: be de
les: wo moi

don't think i spell it correctly :p

Why would you know such things? :D

10-12-2009, 06:04 AM
How come late!...i didn't need to snatch at all...she wants to find a good man...i am not and dun qualify as good man...if you qualify as good man...can intro this vn gal to you...anyone qualify as good man...:)

I just want to define that i dun qualify as good man is because i had em yeu in hcm...so bro KT sure dun qualify as good man...bro Thomo and Adguy oso dun qualify because cheong vb daily or weekly...so who else qualify...so anyone willing to forgo the forest for one tree..:)

10-12-2009, 12:50 PM
Why would you want to learn such things? :confused:

Good question. Because there was a girl who shows no interest in me, no matter how hard I KC her. So I wants to confirm whether she is lesbian or not. If she is, then that will make me feel better. hahaha..

10-12-2009, 12:55 PM
.so who else qualify...so anyone willing to forgo the forest for one tree..:)

u forget good boy, Naemlo.... :D

10-12-2009, 12:56 PM
Good question. Because there was a girl who shows no interest in me, no matter how hard I KC her. So I wants to confirm whether she is lesbian or not. If she is, then that will make me feel better. hahaha..

There 101 reasons y a ger dun like a guy. Y bother knowing the reason? :confused: U r making yourself miserable... Will u accept when she say, "I just dun like your face" or a better reject quote, "we are not compatible"... :D

10-12-2009, 01:04 PM
u forget good boy, Naemlo.... :D

ump...can consider because din read alot about your cheonging....:)

Anybody who objects that Bro Naemlo is a good man and qualify as good man...:confused:

So you are not married, no em yeu,...???

10-12-2009, 01:10 PM
Anybody who objects that Bro Naemlo is a good man and qualify as good man...:confused:

So you are not married, no em yeu,...???

But she needs to come to Hanoi... cos I'm in Hanoi most of my time now. :D

10-12-2009, 01:19 PM
But she needs to come to Hanoi... cos I'm in Hanoi most of my time now. :D

It's not up to me to decide...it's up to fate...:)

10-12-2009, 05:39 PM
dun qualify because cheong vb daily or weekly...so who else qualify...

Time to self-reflect. :(

10-12-2009, 06:45 PM
FOOD : Pungent culinary prize
France has its cheese, Italy its olive oil and balsamic vinegar and Spain its ham, but the one product that defines Vietnam's diverse cuisine is by far the smelliest: sauce made from fermented fish.

Nuoc mam, or fish sauce, is a fixture at almost every Vietnamese meal and the pride of the province of Binh Thuan, one of the country's leading sources of fish sauce and where around 600 factories of varying size produce 36 million liters a year.

The distinct, and pungent, substance can be used as a marinade, a stock base, a flavor enhancer or diluted to create a dipping sauce, and is a major industry in the beach towns of Phan Thiet and Mui Ne, where its production is taken as seriously as vinters take their winemaking.

The quality ranges from simple kitchen standard to high-end connoisseur specialities, depending on when in the fermentation process the liquid is drawn off.

Prices, however, do not vary much, starting at about VND10,000 (US$0.56) and going up to VND20,000. But competition between producers is fierce, with the Sao Vang Dat Viet, or Gold Star, award given to the finest product.

While there is no official tour of the factories, the first stop for curious gourmands is often Phan Thiet's Fish Sauce Joint Stock Company (FISACO), the biggest operation of all, producing 16 million liters of nuoc mam under four brand names a year.

The company gives a somewhat smellier take on a tasting tour, offering a guided walk through the processing compound and the opportunity to sample some of the end products. A stomach strong enough to tolerate the stench is an advantage.

"Anchovies or salmon are best, but you can use pretty much any fish. We collect ours from the port or market as soon as the fishermen dock every morning," said company guide Van Nhi, as he meandered between jars and barrels.

Washed by the sea

The factory makes the fish sauce in two ways. The traditional method entails covering fresh fish with salt and then placing it in earthen jars that are then left out in the sun to basically rot for up to three months.

And then there's the quicker option of replacing the jars with huge, cylindrical wooden tanks, where the liquid that comes out is placed back into the mixture at regular intervals, and then the first sauce is ready to be decanted five days later.

"We don't wash the fish first. They have already been washed by the sea," Nhi added.

At FISACO, visitors can try a selection of sauces, much like at a wine-tasting, and also purchase bottles.

For a more rustic experience, visit almost any house in Phan Thiet and Mui Ne, where yards are more often than not filled with brown earthen jars containing the olfactory-challenging fish mixture and where the air seems to shimmer more from the stench than the midday heat.

"It's very important to keep the temperature constantly high for the first few months," explained Nhu Nguyen, whose family runs a small fish sauce factory in Mui Ne.

"A higher temperature means better fish sauce. Then after a few months, you draw it off and filter it."

Once the first, high-grade sauce has been decanted, manufacturers will add more salt and water to produce a lower grade product, but like olive oil, the first collection is the best quality, and this "black gold" earns around $2 a liter.

Source: Reuters

10-12-2009, 07:12 PM
FOOD : Pungent culinary prize
France has its cheese, Italy its olive oil and balsamic vinegar and Spain its ham, but the one product that defines Vietnam's diverse cuisine is by far the smelliest: sauce made from fermented fish.

Nuoc mam, or fish sauce, is a fixture at almost every Vietnamese meal and the pride of the province of Binh Thuan, one of the country's leading sources of fish sauce and where around 600 factories of varying size produce 36 million liters a year.

Source: Reuters

Reuters surely did not employ a Vietnamese to write this... because OBVIOUSLY Nuoc Mam is definitely FAR FROM being the smelliest sauce in Vietnam!

10-12-2009, 11:30 PM
Telecom charges to fall further

VietNamNet Bridge – From January 15th 2010, the set national charge for phone calls made between different mobile networks will fall by around 30 percent, hopefully allowing telecom service providers to further reduce charges.

Under a new regulation from the Ministry of Information and Communications, charges that a telecom network has to pay for receiving the calls made by its subscribers will reduce by around 30% with the exact amount depending on the market share of the phone provider.

For example, if Viettel holds the major market share, calls made by S-Fone’s subscribers to Viettel’s subscribers, S-Fone will have to pay the connection fees of only 500 dong per minute, instead of 700 dong as the current level.

A charge of 550 dong/minute is also applied to the direct connection between international fixed telephone networks and inner provincial fixed phone networks. The charges for calls will be paid by the subscribers of the international fixed phone network.

When an inner provincial fixed phone network is directly connected with an inter-provincial fixed phone network and a mobile network, the inter-provincial fixed phone network and the mobile network will have to pay connection fees of 270 dong per minute.

Thanks to the new regulation, which will take effect as of January 15, 2010, connection fees will reduce remarkably. The reduction will speed up the process to narrow the gap of telecom charges between Vietnam and the world and enable telecom service providers to further slash their charges.

At present, connection fees account for 50-70 percent of the total cost of mobile service. For example, in a mobile call of 1080 dong made by a subscriber of VinaPhone to a Viettel’s subscriber, the connection fees that VinaPhone has to pay Viettel is up to 770 dong.

Representatives of VinaPhone, Viettel and MobiFone, the three largest mobile networks in Vietnam, said that the reduction of connection fees by 30 percent is significant because they have to pay 3-5 trillion dong ($176.4-294 million) of connection fees a year to partners.

Mobile networks are encouraging subscribers to make inner-network calls, hoping to reduce the connection fees they have to pay to their partners.

Beeline offers a free-charge service package for calls made between its subscribers, named Bigzero. Vinamobile has a service that allows subscribers to make free calls within three hours a day at the charge of only 5,000 dong. MobiFone and VinaPhone also allow customers in Hanoi to make nine minute of calls free of charge, meaning that for a 10-minute call, subscribers will be charged for only one minute.

With the fall of connection fees, customers can hope that they will enjoy cheaper telecom services in 2010.


10-12-2009, 11:52 PM
Is this man deeply in love with his wife????? :confused: :eek: :(

Le Van, the man who sleeps with death

VietNamNet Bridge – Newspaper readers around the world have been amazed by the story of a 55 year-old farmer who has been sleeping with his wife’s remains for five years.

This man is Le Van. He lives in a small house with his three younger children and the remains of his wife in Thang Binh district, Quang Nam province. Next to his house are the houses of his two eldest children and their families.

On the afternoon of November 24, this strange man agreed to meet a VietNamNet reporter to tell his story, and opened his bedroom so the reporter could take photos of the statue containing his wife’s bones.

Pointing, Van said: “That’s my wife, Sang. I have held her in my arms every night for the last five years”.

He carried the statue to the living room carefully and asked the reporter if he wanted to see his wife’s remains.

The man then brought the statue back to his bed. Sitting next to it, he said: “She has been with me for several years. Only her body died, her soul is still alive.”

Van’s youngest son, Le Quoc Hoang Tuan, 12, also shares the bed with the statue contining his mother’s bones. The VietNamNet reporter asked him if he was scared or not. “Not at all,” Tuan said: “My father and I hold my mother while we sleep every night. My mother didn’t die. She was reincarnated!”

“Our house was full of kids,” Van related, “so life was hard, but our marriage was good. We were both from this village. To feed our seven children, I often had to work far away. When my wife died in February 2003, I was working in the Central Highlands. I came back immediately to organize her funeral.

“After burying my wife, I slept on the top of her tomb every night. Nearly twenty months after she passed away, I decided to dig a tunnel to share the tomb with her. However, my children discovered me and they insisted that I stop sleeping with her at the tomb,” Van explained. “I still snuck out there to sleep at the tomb, but it was too hard, so one night I dug up the coffin to bring my wife’s remains home. That was in November 2004.”

“Weren’t you afraid,” the reporter asked. “She was my wife,” Van replied. “Why should I be scared?”

Van’s older children didn’t agree with him and they alerted the local authorities. Officials and police officers forbade Van to keep the remains at home so he had to rebury the coffin.

Four months later, however, Van made a statue of his wife of gypsum and clay and put her bones inside it. When it had dried, he dressed the statue and put it on his bed.

“I spent over one month to make this statue. It is as tall as my wife was when she was alive,” Van said. “Since that time, I hug my wife every night and sleep well.”

Van said his neighbours who knew what he had done were very fearful and they didn’t visit him for over two years after he brought his wife’s bones home.

The man related that he earns his living by breaking up rocks. Van is living with his three youngest children. Two of them have quit school. The youngest son, Tuan, is a sixth grader.

The VietNamNet reporter also met with Tran Trong Sanh, Chairman of the Ha Lam Town Peoples Committee, to ask about the case. Sanh was very surprised when he heard the reporter’s story. He recalled that in 2004, after discovering Mr. Van had dug up his wife’s coffin, local officials consoled him but warned him not to dig into the tomb. They explained that he should not pollute the environment. Van said he understood.

“That’s the last I heard about Mr. Van until now,” Sanh said. “We didn’t know that he brought the remains home.

Some neighbours told the reporter that just seeing Van scares them.

Before they said goodbye, Van gripped the reporter’s hand tightly and said: “I’m a person who does things others don’t do. I’m different from others.” His pride to be a faithful husband was evident.

Since VietNamNet reported Van’s story, local police have investigated this case. Lieutenant Colonel Duong Van Dien, chief of police at Ha Lam Town, said that officers met with Van and heard his explanation. According to the police officer’s report, Van admitted to a breach of the environmental regulations. Yes, he was wrong to bring his wife’s remains home, Van said, but he couldn’t explain the depth of his love for his wife.

Dien said that police are still seeking to confirm if the statue contains bones or not.

On November 28, while many reporters looked on, Van “operated” on the gypsum statue. After cutting and removing the gypsum, cloth and paper layers from one of its arms, two brown bars were exposed. Van said they were his wife’s bones.

As of 30 November, the local authorities still haven’t reached an official judgment whether the statue contains the remains of Van’s wife or not.

Meanwhile, Ha Lam Town, where the strange man lives, has been stirred by this case. A neighbor, Vo Van Phuoc, said that many curious people have come to Van’s house to see the statue. Some people have embellished extraordinary stories about Van.

Phuoc called Van’s decision to put his wife’s remains into the statue and live with it “ghastly.” Like other local people, he wanted the local government to quickly resolve this case to stabilize the situation in Ha Lam.

Local government officials have visited Van’s house and invited him to come to the People’s Committee for a meeting, but Van has refused. He is determined to stay at home to protect the statue.

Local police and officials said that Van’s act is contrary to Vietnamese customs and habits as well as illegal. However, Van has stated that he would “live or die” with the statue so the local government hesitates to use force, afraid that Van may have an extreme reaction.

Local officials say it is very difficult for them to solve this case – that is, to verify if Van’s wife’s bones are still inside the statue and then act accordingly -- because there is no precedent in Vietnam and it is also rare in the world.

Some scientists speculate that Van suffers from a syndrome called “pseudonecrophilia,” and he needs to be cured.

Vu Trung

10-12-2009, 11:57 PM
December to be climax for 3G market

VietNamNet Bridge – Viettel and MobiFone have joined the race to provide three generation (3G) services, both hoping to institute service by December 2009.

In its contract, MobiFone committed to supply 3G services in 100 percent of populated cities in 63 provinces of Vietnam as of December 2009. This firm reported it is in the final stages of meeting its commitment, with installation of 2400 3G base transceiver stations and 7700 more stations planned within three years.

When launched, MobiFone promises to offer 3G service for over 52 percent of the population, using the HSPA technology which permits clients to have access to the internet, send or receive email and use content services at 7.2Mbps. The firm will also provide 3G roaming services with at least 50 3G networks worldwide.

MobiFone confirmed that the 3G band would help it improve the quality of the 2G network and reduce jams. On September 2, the company conducted its first 3G call.

MobiFone’s recent efforts reflect its goal to surpass other rivals and become the second provider of the 3G services in Vietnam.

At the same time, Viettel stated to complete its 3G tests in HCM City and will also supply 3G services in December, six months earlier than scheduled.

According to its 3G contract, Viettel had promised to launch 3G services by June 2010. The company will invest up to 12.8 trillion dong (over $711 million) in the 3G network within three years. Upon its launch, Viettel’s 3G service will cover 100 percent of the population, with 15,000 BTS.

However, Viettel is aiming to make shortcuts. A Viettel official said the company may provide 3G service by December 2009. It introduced 3G services at trading centres in HCM City from October 10-15.

VinaPhone was the first telecom network offering 3G services, beginning October 12, 2009, but in the first month, faced problems in terms of quality and coverage. These matters were resolved in November and the 3G quality is now stable.


Telecom charges to fall further

VietNamNet Bridge – From January 15th 2010, the set national charge for phone calls made between different mobile networks will fall by around 30 percent, hopefully allowing telecom service providers to further reduce charges.

11-12-2009, 12:27 AM
I just want to define that i dun qualify as good man is because i had em yeu in hcm...so bro KT sure dun qualify as good man...bro Thomo and Adguy oso dun qualify because cheong vb daily or weekly...so who else qualify...so anyone willing to forgo the forest for one tree..:)

...cannot speak TViet..so no qualify?:rolleyes:

11-12-2009, 12:29 AM
Something similar to sgp currently, chinese student very bad in mandarin.

Vietnamese children said to ‘lose roots’ at international schools
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VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnamese parents who send their children to ‘international schools’ dream they will gain the skills there to become ‘world citizens.’ Must this be at the cost of their ability to function effectively within a Vietnamese cultural context?

Students of Horizon International School in HCM City are learning Vietnamese

“I was astonished to realize that many of my nine and ten year-old students can speak English very well, but find it difficult to express their ideas in Vietnamese,” said a teacher at one of HCM City’s ‘international schools.’ “If you shut your eyes and listen, you’d think they were foreigners, not Vietnamese children.”

“One of my students whispered to me that his father had been keen for him to study at international school. However, now that he cannot speak Vietnamese easily with his father, his father has gotten angry and forces him to go to learn Vietnamese,” the teacher added.

The Tuoi Tre reporters to whom the teacher confided then decided to find out if it’s true that some Vietnamese children may grow up into foreigners.

Vietnamese is not a core subject at international schools

At many international schools in HCM City, students study foreign curriculums in the morning. In the afternoon, they have a few periods of instruction in the Vietnamese language as well as more English practice.

Trang, a teacher who teaches subjects in the national curriculum as set by the Ministry of Education and Training, said: “At my school, Vietnamese language, history, geography and morality are treated as extracurricular subjects. Therefore, the students’ results in these subjects is not used to assess or grade them.”

“I teach only one period each day to every class,” she added. It’s impossible to go into details in such a short time. Because the school doesn’t assign much importance to these subjects, the school management board does not examine the lessons regularly. I get no professional training and little in the way of teaching materials. Moreover, because these are regarded as “extracurricular” subjects, the students do not give them their whole mind.”

Le Ngoc Diep, Head of the Primary Division at the HCM City Department of Education, insists that under the current regulations, international schools which teach foreign curriculums can only enroll foreign students.

However, as an ‘experiment,’ the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has allowed international schools to enroll Vietnamese students in recent years, provided that the schools teach the Vietnamese students certain subjects stipulated by MOET. These include Vietnamese language, morality, and social studies.

Diep said that there are some 15 such international schools in HCM City. However, it is his Department’s view that many of them either fail to teach in accordance with MOET’s curriculums, or just teach the subjects in a cursory way.

Tuoi Tre’s investigation found that some schools cut the number of classes and lessons for the “Vietnamese” subjects, lack learning materials and don’t support the teachers the way they should.

Tongue-tied in their mother tongue

A father who requested anonymity related that when he enrolled his son in an international school in HCM City’s District 5, he had to sign a commitment that the child will study there until he graduates.

“They warned me that students will learn in English in the morning, and that they will have only one period of Vietnamese per day,” the man said. “At that time, I did not much care about this. As far as I was concerned, the important thing was that my child could study in a good environment and within a modern education scheme which allows him to create and play.

“However, I feel sad now, having realized that my son is very bad at Vietnamese. Though he is at fourth grade, he cannot read fluently the worlds on signs in the supermarket,” he said.

Loan, mother of a student at Horizon School, said she knows some parents who cannot communicate with their children because they cannot speak English, while their children are not good at Vietnamese.

Fearing that her child “might lose her roots,” Loan said, she investigated the schools carefully before choosing a school that teaches the Cambridge curriculum in the morning and the MOET curriculum in the afternoon. “However ‘up-to-date’ they may be, children must know their origins,” she said.

Is truly bilingual education hopeless?

Some international schools have admitted that they find it hard to follow the current regulations on teaching a Vietnamese curriculum.

Le Thi Hong Lien at the new Canadian International School (Binh Chanh district, HCMC) said time pressure prevents the school from providing as many periods as MOET requires. And if the children had to learn all the required lessons, she speculated, parents will complain and even transfer their children to more lenient schools.

Huynh Van Ngon from APU International School (Binh Chanh) explained that the students will be overloaded if they have to follow both curriculums. He said it’s natural that students of international schools are not as good at the Vietnamese language as the students at state-run schools

The Deputy Director of the HCM City Education and Training Department, Nguyen Hoai Chuong, doesn’t buy these excuses.

“I’ve been to lots of countries; Vietnam is like none other. Though in other countries children are taught foreign languages from an early age, they aren’t taught a foreign language in place of their mother tongue.”

“Sure, we can learn international technologies, but we must retain a Vietnamese spirit,” he said. “Schools that want to develop and endure must follow the requirements of Vietnamese law.”


11-12-2009, 12:35 AM
VietNamNet launches VietNamNet mobile service
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VietNamNet Bridge – VietNamNet newspaper initiated the VietNamNet Mobile application on December 6, which allows mobile subscribers to read VietNamNet on their phones.

From their mobile phones, users can visit mobi.vietnamnet.vn to download the application to receive information from VietNamNet anywhere, anytime.

VietNamNet Mobile can be downloaded and installed on over 80 percent of mobile phones in Vietnam, even the low-cost brands. This application only requires Java support and a GPRS connection for download.

Articles on VietNamNet Mobile are suitably shortened for mobile users to receive the latest updates on Vietnam and the world.

VietNamNet Mobile readers will be exempt from service and content fees during the initial period. Later, fees will be only 500 dong per day.

As of today, you can reach VietNamNet on your cellular phone at VietNamNet Mobile (http://mobi.vietnamnet.vn).

Huy Phong

December to be climax for 3G market

VietNamNet Bridge – Viettel and MobiFone have joined the race to provide three generation (3G) services, both hoping to institute service by December 2009.

11-12-2009, 12:41 AM
Tension builds between students and teachers
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VietNamNet Bridge – The stories of teachers punishing students, creating deep psychological and physical wounds, have been reported by Vietnamese media recently.

DTT, who teaches living skills at a high school in Tan Binh District in HCM City, said students nowadays do not have basic skills. They do not know how to take care of themselves and how to react to every day situations.

Dr of Psychology Dinh Phuong Duy, chairman of the HCM City Psychology-Education Association, agreed, saying some students do not have the skills to protect themselves. “It explains why some students dare not disobey teachers. As the result, they can become so sick that they need medical help”.

In some cases, however, teachers feel students are too rebellious and teachers find themselves powerless.

N, a chemistry teacher at a school in Binh Thanh District, said: “They are so bad that they do not listen to anybody. They and their parents seem to think nothing of teachers’ words. Some have told me that if I expel them, they will simply move to study at a better school”.

Dr Duy believes it is necessary to have more thorough research about young students’ psychology.

Meanwhile, teachers have complained that they are now under too much pressure which can lead to them losing their temper in class.

An official of the HCM City Education and Training Department said that in Finland, every primary class only has 20-25 students, and has two teachers with master degrees. He also said that a group of teachers in France went on a strike recently, because their school put 27 students into one class - two more than the allowed number.

Meanwhile, Vietnamese teachers now have 58-60 students per class and they have to work 10-12 hours per day to get very low wage.

Le Ngoc Diep, head of the Primary Education Department under the HCM City Education and Training Department, said people now demand teachers have higher qualifications and, on top of that, they wanted teachers to genuinely care and look after students’ wellbeing.

However, they do not care if teachers’ salaries are enough and how hard teachers have to work

Nguyen Minh An, a well known researcher from the HCM City Development Research Institute, said teachers nowadays meet too many challenges - overloaded curriculums, overly high numbers of students and limited wages.

“It is understandable that teachers sometimes cannot control themselves when students make mistakes. The heavy burden on teachers’ shoulders is obviously a reason behind the abuse,” he said.


Teachers respond to reports of abuse
VietNamNet Bridge – The stories of teachers punishing students, creating deep psychological and physical wounds, have been reported by the local media recently. People have criticized teachers heavily in response, but they have not asked themselves why teachers use such methods.

11-12-2009, 07:33 AM
Where is our Vietnamese language?
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VietNamNet Bridge – Is the Vietnamese language inferior to foreign languages in Vietnam itself? This has become a burning topic of discussion in Tuoi Tre Daily after a reader sent his complaint about this phenomenon to the newspaper.

The reader, named Minh Long, complained about this fact when he read a story about the construction of a tourist centre to serve the Miss World 2010 pageant in Thoi Son islent in the Mekong Delta province of Tien Giang on Tuoi Tre in October.

This article went accompanied with some photos about the site. In the photos were banners with English words: “Welcome to the home of Miss World 2010” and “Sorry for any inconvenience caused”.

“Looking these words, I thought I was living in an English-speaking country like America, Britain or India and Singapore, but these banners are hung in Thoi Son islet in Tien Giang province in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta,” Long wrote.

He questioned who can understand that language when beauties and guests will go to this small islet next year, not now, and the local people are poor farmers who don’t know English.

Based on his experience, Long said that not many places in the world that he has traveled to use English rampantly like in Vietnam.

“In big cities like Hanoi and HCM City, I feel like I travel in Europe or America when store boards are in English. Even products for Vietnamese have labels in English. Who can understand them when over 75 percent of Vietnamese people are farmers? The rampant use of English is an erosion of culture?” Long questioned again.

When Vietnamese people don’t care of their own language, how guests respect it? He asked.

Long’s opinion has stirred up controvery and Tuoi Tre received many more opinions from readers.

A reader named Truong Dung wrote: “Watching a TV show named “The Key to Success” on the national VTV1 channel about CEO. I wondered what is CEO? I googled and founded out that it is chief executive officer. I questioned myshelf why Vietnamese people loves English so much, even the national TV channel”.

Dung worried that Vietnamese language will gradually Dung worried that Vietnamese language will gradually lose in oblivion.

He cited an example. Once Dung and his Belgium boss traveled to Da Nang. At the Da Nang airport, they saw a tourism information stall, where all pamphlets are in English. The Belgium man asked the receptionist in Vietnamese: “Tai sao khong co Tieng Viet” (Why you don’t have Vietnamese pamphlets). She answered in English: “Because this is an international airport”.

Dung questioned: why a foreigner asks us in Vietnamese but we answer him in Vietnamese? That is the national sense.

“Some may think that this is a minor thing but if we don’t care about it from now on, Vietnamese language may become a dead one,” he worried.

Reader Xuan Uyen wrote: “Most of the people prefer to add English words to their conversations and I don’t like it. I’m a 8X (was born in the 1980s) and I have to use English in my job everyday but I feel angry whenever I talk or chat with my friends who use English”.

According to Uyen, many people don’t use Vietnamese correctly but they like using English, also wrong in both gramma and spelling.

“I see that this is a common mistake of Vietnamese people, especially the youth. Consequently, their Vietnamese gets worse while their English is not improved much,” she wrote.

Many readers reported lot of examples in using English rampantly on Vietnamese radios and TV channels.

Reader My Duyen said that in a cable channel for the youth named Yeah1TV of the Saigon Cable TV Company (SCTV), up to 90 percent of programmes completely use English. If one reads the names of these shows, they would think that these shows are produced by a foreign channel: 51Job, Style& star, Hot music, Teen sport, Yeah1 countdown, Teen diary, Imusic, 2!Idol, Imovie, K-pop Zone, Yeah1 city...(!)

“Even the host of the 51job show said “MyHa would like to say hello to everybody”. Belows was a line of introducition “MC MyHa”. I tried to add accents to guess her name M? Hà, My H? or M? H?. Doest that girl change her name to sound like a foreign name?”

A cable music channel on SCTV also used English as the names of its shows: Yan live, Yan me, Hey Yo!, Rock on Yan, Rew while a TV channel of Dong Nai province has “It’s me…” show, My Duyen reported.

“Some young TV audience told me that Vietnamese TV channel abuse English to make their shows stylist and fashionable to serve modern young people in cities. But TV channels are not for these people only,” Duyen wrote.

“For any purpose, the consequence of this is the losing of Vietnamese and encouraging the ludicrous half-Vietnamese, half-English way of speaking of some people,” she commented.

Reader Cao Thi said: “I work for a foreign company but I only speak English when it is really necessary. My colleagues often speak English at work. When I asked them why, they said sometimes they couldn’t find out the suitable Vietnamese words to explain to others and speaking English has become their habit”.

“I’m sad when I read or listen to English words like ‘kool, cute, hot, etc.’ on the local media. Even Vietnamese songs have English “Mat em because I am stupid” (I lost you because I’m stupid). Vietnamese is our mother tounge. I hope we will not have to launch a campaign “Vietnamese speak Vietnamese”.

An old reader named Dang Khoi complained that whenever he told his first-grade grandchild anything, the kid, 6, replaced “Vang ah” (yes, grandfather) by “ok”.

“For some young people, ok, thank you, bye bye and sorry have become the words at their lips,” he wrote.

“This is not the first time the media reporting the rampant use of English in Vietnam. The abuse of English is not only reflecting in banners, advertisements, labels, boards, etc. but also in daily conversations at offices, on the road and in markets. You raised the question ‘Where is Vietnamese language?’ Let me ask one more question ‘Where are linguists and the authorities?” a reader named Trung Hieu wrote.

“As a student studying in the US, I have a different point of view regarding using language and in particular the differences between Vietnam and the US,” wrote a student named Minh.

“In my opinion, American considers language as a standard for learning. Their language is used in different contexts and in certain contexts, it is used at high standards. Through the use of language, spoken and written, you can know a specific person’s knowledge and understanding.”

“It is unfair to say that a standard of language doesn’t exist in our country but it is obvious that our concern over linguistic standards is not as high as in the US. Our students often compete for ability in natural sciences but not in language. Even high-ranking events in Vietnam don’t reach high standards of language so we should not blame youth or ordinary people when they use language in unofficial environments,” Minh added.

Another reader wrote: “The beauty of the Vietnamese language is the six accents, which make the melody in our language. Foreigners like Vietnamese speaking Vietnamese because they think that we are singing and they try to pronounce accurately our accents. But Vietnamese don’t.”

“I believe that the love of our country and nation must originate from the national pride. Vietnamese people have to be proud of and respect their language,” she wrote.

A reader at hoanhkhanhhoa@yahoo suggested: “To preserve and highlight Vietnamese language, we should start from the media and the statements of state agencies”.

This reader cited an example: “Around one year ago, leaders spoke about a plan to build subway routes in Vietnam. I don’t understand why they always used the word ‘metro’. Does our dictionary have a word for metro? My wife – a university lecturer who was busy in the kitchen - heard some words from the TV so she asked me “Do they plan to build another Metro supermarket?”

“Not only officials, the media also used the word ‘metro’. I can assure you that many people don’t understand the meaning of ‘metro”.

An elderly reader wondered: “I have two grandchildren at the age of 7 and 10. They are studying at an international primary school, where they speak English very often. At home, they also watch cartoons in English. When they play with each other, they often use English to speak, such as “I hate you”, “No”, “Thanks”. Their mother doesn’t speak English but they still talk to her in English!”

“Looking at my grandchildren and thinking about the future and whether they can speak their mother tongue fluently when their mark for English at the primary school is 10 but the mark for their Vietnamese is only 5-6?”

Reader Anh Thu complained that even young singers abuse foreign languages. Some of them use nicknames in English, Japanese or Korean, such as Yuong Uno, Akira and Midu.

Reader Minh Hai said that Vietnam still lacks agencies and websites guiding the use of Vietnamese language while students no longer learn how to use their mother language after general schools.

VietNamNet/Tuoi Tre

11-12-2009, 11:14 AM
...cannot speak TViet..so no qualify?:rolleyes:

Dun need to know how to speak tieng viet la...she can speak quite good english liao...now still taking course at British Council...:)

But you are willing to give up your cheonging with KT gang for her meh:confused::p

11-12-2009, 12:25 PM
Dun need to know how to speak tieng viet la...she can speak quite good english liao...now still taking course at British Council...

But you are willing to give up your cheonging with KT gang for her meh

I am willing to give up cheonging daily from 5am till 10pm...
so I am a good guy now :D

11-12-2009, 10:57 PM
Dun need to know how to speak tieng viet la...she can speak quite good english liao...now still taking course at British Council...:)

But you are willing to give up your cheonging with KT gang for her meh:confused::p

with KT & frens I will stick to lim kopi/teh** during early evening/weekend loh.. to learn TV a bit, better right. Now I picked up 5-10 words more roi...

(** ok..ok..teh/kopi without fresh milk..:o)

12-12-2009, 11:12 AM
I am willing to give up cheonging daily from 5am till 10pm...
so I am a good guy now :D

I remembered you use this phrase from ICA "I regret to inform you that your application as a good boy was disqualified"

with KT & frens I will stick to lim kopi/teh** during early evening/weekend loh.. to learn TV a bit, better right. Now I picked up 5-10 words more roi...

(** ok..ok..teh/kopi without fresh milk..:o)

Can consider...need you to pm me your personal data so that I can pass to the gal for consideration...:)

12-12-2009, 02:14 PM
Now I picked up 5-10 words more roi...

These :confused:

khach san = hotel
lam tinh = make love
mot dem = 1 night
bao nhieu tien = how much? :D:D

12-12-2009, 06:45 PM
港报: 中越网民因旧海战视频对骂

  (联合早报网讯)香港《南华早报》网站报导:鉴于互联网可让人们瞥见一直以来并未引人关注的历史,它或 许还可以为可能更加凶险的未来打开一扇窗子。举例来说,几个月前, YouTube网站上出现了一些据称是中国和越南1988年在南中国海有争议的斯普拉特利群岛(南沙群岛) 进行海战的视频画面。
  经过短暂战斗,中国控制了6个岛屿,战斗还导致70多名越南海军人员死亡或失踪。那场战斗虽已基本被人 遗忘,但它仍是在东亚地区发生的与当前相隔时间最短的一次大规模海战。
  中越两国民族主义者对海战的评论是你能在互联网上找到的最刻薄的言论了。评论中夹杂着恶毒的种族主义叫 嚣和粗俗的性讽刺。人们由此完全可以想见,随着南中国海紧张局势再次升温,中越两国政府将置身于何种危险境 地。
  两国都在竭力主张对南中国海拥有主权,但也都会时不时表示,完全有能力掌控本国的民族主义情绪。而两国 也都清楚,民族主义情绪很难驾驭,并可使自身的处境岌岌可危。
  目前没有迹象表明,中越两国政府是网上公佈海战视频画面的幕后操纵者。而显示这两个前盟国在1979年 进行边界战争的视频画面如今也在网上十分行。那些画面虽然简短但极为血腥,而附在后面的评论也 十分恶毒。
  世界此后发生了很大变化。中越两国在1991年实现了关係正常化。虽然双方之间的猜疑和不信任感一直挥 之不去,但两国已在许多领域取得了进展。两国间贸易、投资和旅游业不断扩大,官方接触也在不断升级。两国已 通过谈判解决了全部陆地边界纠纷和有关北部湾的纠纷。目前两国仅在帕拉塞尔群岛(西沙群岛)和斯普拉特利群 岛—具有极高的战略价值且蕴藏有丰富资源—还存在争端。
  中越两国社会都曾十分封闭,且受到严密掌控。而今网上出现的此类极具挑衅性的画面大都尘封在国有媒体宣 传机构的档案里,只是在关係紧张时才偶尔被重新派上用场。
  而今,人们可以在互联网上自由发表言论。为应对这种开放的局面,中越两国政府须在该地区展示真正的领导 风范和成熟心态。
  河内在上周举办了首次南中国海问题国际学术研讨会。虽然学者观点针锋相对,但他们一致认为,中越两国政 府需给该问题降温。学者强调,两国政府都未能控制好本国的民族主义情绪。
  互联网如今已成为一种现实。然而,就北京和河内这样的政府能否展示出提升两国关係所需的开放度和灵活性 而言,目前还远不能确定。


12-12-2009, 11:42 PM
BIZ : The Vietnamese cosmetics industry needs a makeover
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VietNamNet Bridge - Cosmetics made locally are unable to compete with products made cheaply by Vietnam’s near neighbors never mind more exclusive western brands.

According to Nguyen Thi Kim Thoa, chairwoman of the HCM City Cosmetics Association, 90 percent of cosmetics products on the domestic market are imports.

Domestically made products can’t even compete on sale price, since Chinese and Thai made products are cheaper still.

Phan Thi Viet Thu from the HCM City Customer Protection Association also says Vietnam’s cosmetics cannot compete in the high grade market segment which is dominated by imports from Japan, Europe and the US.

Most of domestic producers focus on competing on the popular lower end of the market. However, the problem remains that production costs of domestic products are nearly the same as that of big brand names.

Besides, as Vietnamese enterprises do not have budgets for big advertising campaigns, they still cannot target more affluent customers.

With 20 year of experience in trading cosmetics at Pham Van Hai Market, Luu Thi Lien Huong said domestic products are not chosen by customers because producers do not pay attention to the packaging and do not make sufficient investment in assisting retailers.

Huong also said counterfeit goods are killing domestic products. Counterfeit products can appear on the market very quickly, especially skin and shower cream.

In the first 10 months of 2009, the HCM City Market Control Sub-agency discovered 91 cases of violating laws in producing and trading cosmetics. A lot of counterfeit goods have been discovered entering the country from China and Thailand.

According to the HCM City Cosmetics Association, the quality of made in Vietnam cosmetics is in no way inferior to imports. Saigon Cosmetics products, Da Lan toothpaste and Thorakao skin cream, for example, have been exported to the Middle East, Japan, the US, China and Cambodia.

Therefore, experts believe that the key to helping domestic producers to compete with imports is to settle problems in the distribution and improve marketing skills.


12-12-2009, 11:51 PM

Voters upset by city leaders’ ‘broken promises’
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VietNamNet Bridge – In HCM City, people are tired of repeating their petitions about pollution, traffic jams and floods at meetings of the local People’s Council because, reports VietNamNet, the local authorities fail to keep their promises to deal with these issues. In Hanoi, voters are upset about clogged streets.

Traffic jam in HCM City.

At the 16th meeting of the HCM City Peoples’ Council (legislature) in July, residents presented many petitions. They addressed issues of transportation, architectural planning, land and environment, flood protection and compensation for expropriated land and site clearance. Petitions that were accepted by the Council were forwarded to the City’s executive arm, the People’s Committee, for action.

Before the 17th meeting, which opens on December 8, a report by the People’s Committee said that related departments “have exerted efforts to solve petitions and sent reports to the People’s Council to answer the people.”

Lots of people say that’s not true, according to VietNamNet.

Nothing is solved

Referring to a voters’ petition that the City control and supervise the implementation of water drainage projects on roads to prevent traffic jams and ensure the good appearance of streets, the HCM City authorities’ report said “the city is focusing on implementing many key infrastructure projects, including water drainage projects funded by ODA capital. These projects have to be carried out at the pace committed with the donors. Contractors have been asked to work three shifts per day to speed up the construction.” There’s no detail on how the Department of Transportation implemented the city’s instruction.

HCM City residents still see many barricaded roads that are empty of workers. Thus, the city’s request to contractors is not obeyed and the people’s petition is not answered at all.

Similarly, people are upset by the authorities’ answer to a question from Tan Phu District voters as to why the City doesn’t allow advertising on buses to reduce the burden on the city’s budget. The report said: “The People’s Committee has allowed advertising inside buses on a trial basis. More time is needed to research the question of whether to permit advertising on the outside of buses, to avoid visual pollution and negative impacts on traffic safety. Many buses are old and they will be replaced by new buses. The People’s Committee has assigned the Department of Transportation to continue researching and report to have specific guidance”.

This ‘issue’ is a hardy perennial. Advertising on buses was proposed by the Department of Transportation itself several years ago. Specialized ministries and agencies have confirmed that advertisement on buses is legal and that it is up to HCM City to manage this matter.

The People’s Committee refers to “solutions” to local people’s petitions in its report, says VietNamNet, but nothing is solved.

In Hanoi, congested streets focus complaints

In a second story, VietNamNet reports that Hanoi citizens, downtowners and suburbanites alike, are intent on raising their concern about clogged and torn-up streets when that city’s Council convenes on December 8 for a four day session. Petitions are piled high, says the online newspaper, about the sorry state of streets such as Au Co, Lang and La Thanh, the Post Office-Cau Am intersection in Ha Dong, and many more tie ups in high-construction districts like Tu Liem, Gia Lam and Tuong Tin.

Slow compensation for expropriated land is another hot issue.

Action is needed, not explanation

In the eyes of the people, when leaders fail to solve problems thoroughly, they don’t fulfill their responsibility, asserts VietNamNet.

A member of the City People’s Council, Nguyen Dang Nghia, said that at the 17th meeting of the People’s Council, he will ask officials to provide specific solutions for the people’s petitions, not just explanations. Deputy Nghia’s opinion is perhaps just what the city’s people want; they have tired of repeating their petitions about pollution, traffic jams, flood, etc. from meetings to meeting but seeing no concrete result.

VietNamNet judges that the local authorities’ “failure to keep promises” has eroded the people’s trust in them, and urges the members of the People’s Council to flex their muscles. The Council members “are the ones who can put pressure on the authorities and supervise their work. . . . This role and power must be exercised routinely, not just at Council meetings,” the online paper says.

13-12-2009, 02:50 PM
BIZ : Sold as Vietnamese but really made in China
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VietNamNet Bridge – Jams and dried fruit sourced from China are being sold as Vietnamese products in order to scam customers.

Small merchants at Ben Thanh Market in HCM City have been found to be lying about the origins of products because prices for local goods are always double tjat of products made in China.

Dried fruits sourced from China, for example, sell at 50,000 dong per kilo, while made-in-Vietnam products cost customers 120,000-130,000 dong per kilo.

Tuoi Tre reporters purchased dried fruits described as being made in Da Lat. Included inside was a small label showing an address. However, when they followed this up they found it to be a supplier who distributes made-in-China products.

This HQ was just 50 square meters large, and there was no suggestion of any production happening there.

Under cover Tuoi tre reporters were told they just needed to make a call to place an order.

Believing the reporters were retailers, they were persuaded to buy products in large quantity for retailing. “My prices are low, just 40,000-50,000 dong per kilo. And you can re-sell at 100,000 dong per kilo, and make a good profit,” reporters were told.

The lady who met them also said retailers just needed to put the small label with address of producer into the boxes of products to persuade customers that the products were made in Vietnam.

Duong Cong Khanh, senior official from the HCM City Market Control Sub-department, said this is fraudulent behavior. He stressed products could only be labeled ‘made in Vietnam’ if that was genuinely the case.

Meanwhile, imports from China must be labeled as such and have a sub-label in Vietnamese.

Khanh said his agency has been making inspection tours to retail kiosks and has discovered many cases where sellers have changed the names of products to swindle customers.


13-12-2009, 04:03 PM
I remembered you use this phrase from ICA "I regret to inform you that your application as a good boy was disqualified"

Can consider...need you to pm me your personal data so that I can pass to the gal for consideration...:)

Bro Hurricane, we can be friend with her, right? ;) R/S needs to be developed over the time.. :)

13-12-2009, 04:15 PM
I remembered you use this phrase from ICA "I regret to inform you that your application as a good boy was disqualified"

Can consider...need you to pm me your personal data so that I can pass to the gal for consideration...:)

Bro Hurricane, we can be friend with her, right? ;) R/S needs to be developed over the time.. :)

Yeah, I agree with Killer_c. Pass her our tel and we can chat with her online.... whether we qualified or not, rest on her :D

13-12-2009, 04:16 PM
Pass her our tel and we can chat with her online....

you use Tel to chat online? so high tech
I use computer to chat online
i use tel for voice call


14-12-2009, 03:00 AM
Do u know something call Broad Band On Mobile? :D And some handphone can access yahoo? :D
you use Tel to chat online? so high tech
I use computer to chat online
i use tel for voice call


14-12-2009, 03:10 AM
These :confused:

khach san = hotel
lam tinh = make love
mot dem = 1 night
bao nhieu tien = how much? :D:D

no..no... hurricane will not approve...pick the good ones eg. "thich", "vui lam", "nya"...

14-12-2009, 07:19 AM
Sorry to interrupt...

"thich" and "vui lam" I know, what is "nya"?? I only can find nha (which is "house").

14-12-2009, 09:45 AM
Bro Hurricane, we can be friend with her, right? ;) R/S needs to be developed over the time..

Yeah, I agree with Killer_c. Pass her our tel and we can chat with her online.... whether we qualified or not, rest on her :D

no..no... hurricane will not approve...pick the good ones eg. "thich", "vui lam", "nya"...

Agree with you...pm me your details...name, tel no, single/divorce, occupation...will pass to her and let her decide...I dun want to be involved...geh poh dun earn anything...oredi said b4 dun need to know tieng viet to qualify...:)

14-12-2009, 10:27 AM
Hi all, here is 1 good site to learn basic vietnamese, contributed by AdGuy's website:


14-12-2009, 11:09 AM
Came across some youtube teaching vietnamese:

If the teacher teaching us vietnamese is as pretty as the one below, i think we will improve v fast!!!

YouTube - Learn Vietnamese: Lesson 1: Thank You, You're Welcome, and No Problem in Vietnamese (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ol-SxJgOSQs&feature=related)

YouTube - Learn Vietnamese: Lesson 2: Yes, No, Maybe, and No, Thank You in Vietnamese (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=funAgxkPXRg&feature=related)

YouTube - Learn Vietnamese: Lesson 3: Hello, How Are You, My Name Is, and What Is Your Name in Vietnamese (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAmMn37K9N0&feature=related)

Too bad she taught for 3 lessons and go MIA.

14-12-2009, 01:50 PM
with KT & frens I will stick to lim kopi/teh** during early evening/weekend loh.. to learn TV a bit, better right.

(** ok..ok..teh/kopi without fresh milk..:o)

Sure or not??? :D

PS: Mr Tua Hong, how old is she by the way huh? :p

14-12-2009, 04:14 PM
PS: Mr Tua Hong, how old is she by the way huh? :p

No longer a syt...should be 27 liao...:)

14-12-2009, 05:17 PM
Sorry to interrupt...

"thich" and "vui lam" I know, what is "nya"?? I only can find nha (which is "house").

..sori..."nha" correct... then there's the gia, gah, va, xe-vit, xe-dap, xe-om, xe-mai...

14-12-2009, 05:30 PM
Agree with you...pm me your details....oredi said b4 dun need to know tieng viet to qualify...:)

me too old le (> 44), no$noROOF, IT/job (work like shit), MC-cert (the VLvr type) = "cuming"...sori, sori dun qualify oredi, I think - I dislike play-play with gd gers, I treat them with respect...:o:p

But I admire your willingness to help (kowtow)... I wud do so for genuine gd bros if I have innocent lobangs too... (mm...maybe Thom, once he comes out from the 'cocoon' & ready to settle down... nice & hansum guy huh... Sori, got no chance to bring Thom to recce CN - can't wait so long for him to come out...the task will be past to Zaryl/VK/Das, etc..).

15-12-2009, 12:40 AM
No longer a syt...should be 27 liao...:)

Bro is she willing to give part time tieng viet lessons? I seriously consider to take lessons, will be more motivated if can learn from female teacher leh :p:D

15-12-2009, 12:43 AM
Big losses but huge salaries – is it acceptable?
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VietNamNet Bridge – Tien Phong Daily has roused the public by its revelation of the towering salaries of officials at some money-losing state-owned companies. VietNamNet Bridge summarizes the series.

A record-high salary

Deputy Minister of Finance Tran Van Ta retired in 2007. Immediately afterward, he was appointed the General Director of the State Capital Investment Corporation (SCIC).

At a ceremony marking the SCIC’s funding by three state-owned firms subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development last year, Ta observed that though he reached the age of retirement, but he was not allowed to rest, but instead he had to assume the great responsibility of managing a new model corporation with many challenges.

At that time, some commented that Ta must have been very self-sacrificing to assume this difficult mission.

A recent report of the State Audit Agency (SAV), however, shows that Ta’s annual salary is at least 942 million dong (about $51,000), more than ten the salary of general directors and chairmen of major state-owned economic groups.

Why was Ta paid so much?

In 2008, SCIC argued that it had to recruit expert staff with foreign language skills and 5-10 years’ experience to do difficult jobs, so it asked for and was granted permission to pay staff at a higher salary level. In addition, its number of its employees is much lower than the approved plan of recruitment. SCIC has authority to employ 180 staff members but it had only 130. For these reasons, the pay for SCIC’s workers is very high in comparison with other state-owned companies.

The Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) agreed that SCIC could use 10.38 dong from each 1000 dong of income to pay salaries. According to SCIC’s salary plan for 2008, the total fund for salaries is 21.9 billion dong (nearly $1.29 million).

Remarkably, the MoLISA approved this plan on September 12, 2009, at which time that it could have known about the actual situation at SCIC. It didn’t check, however, and approved SCIC’s plan.

MoLISA authorized SCIC to use 1.473 billion dong (nearly $87,000) to pay the salaries of SCIC’s management board and general director but in fact this corporation paid nearly 2.7 billion dong in salaries, not including bonuses and other emolument.

In the workplan it submitted to the MoLISA and the Finance Ministry, SCIC proposed a monthly payroll of 40 million dong ($2350) for members of the Management Board and the General Director. Their pay in fact reached 78.5 million dong per month on average, 1.96 times higher than stated in the approved plan.

The State Audit of Vietnam Agency says that income allocation is problematic when the pay for top officers is many times higher than that of employees, as at the SCIC.

The available data shows that employees were nicely compensated, too. The average income of department chiefs at SCIC was 29 million dong per month ($1600 at the current exchange rate) and it was 12.4 million dong for ordinary employees.

Some officials were paid twice. In 2008, SCIC designated 18 employees to join the management boards and control boards of companies to which SCIC contributed capital. These people were paid by SCIC and also by the companies where they represented SCIC, and collectively earned an extra 949 million dong in 2008.

SCIC had its own unique way of using this last sum. Sixty percent of it (451 million dong) was added to its trade union fund and 40 percent was allocated directloy to these staff.

Auditors have called this illegal and instructed SCIC to pay to the state budget the 451 million dong from its trade union fund. They also proposed to deduct 3.8 billion dong from the SCIC’s salary fund in 2009 to compensate for excessively high 2008 salary payments.

According to auditors, a benevolent Finance Ministry and the MoLISA paid SCIC staffs too well. They asked the Finance Ministry to instruct SCIC’s officials to clarify which individuals were in charge of designing the salary plan and allocating salary in 2008.

The state owns 76%, but can’t control Jetstar salaries

Since its establishment in 1991, Jetstar Pacific Airlines (JP) has never earned a profit. Its losses reached a record level in 2008, 546 billion dong ($32 million). In that same year, JP’s Vietnamese officials received a billion dong in salary while a foreign deputy general director earned more than 5 billion dong.

JP’s capital is contributed by four shareholders. In December 31, 2008, its shareholders were SCIC (490 billion dong of paid-in capital or 76 percent), Qantas Asia Investment Company (116 billion dong,18 percent), Saigontourist (40 billion dong, 6 percent) and former General Director Luong Hoai Nam 200 million dong (0.04 percent). Nam bought the shares from one of the other shareholders.

Also by December 31, 2008, JP’s accumulated losses were 1,137 trillion dong and its stockholder equity deficit had reached 121 billion dong. This airline suffered the extraordinary loss in 2008 because it guessed wrong in a bet on the future cost of petrol. JP has continued to post losses -- up to $31.2 million from July 2008 to May 2009, including $8.9 million for 2008 and around 22.5 million from January to May 2009.

The State Audit of Vietnam Agency judged that JP’s executive board didn’t obey the instruction of the management board, and the board didn’t closely supervise the effort to hedge petrol costs, leading to a huge loss for the company.

While taking these losses, JP’s officials earned towering salaries. The remuneration of its chairman of the management board soared from 360 million dong in 2007 to 986 million dong in 2008. The general director earned 444 million dong in 2007; his salary jumped to 2.2 billion dong in 2008. The pay for two Vietnamese deputy general directors was nearly one billion dong in 2008. Two foreign deputy general directors were paid at an annual rate of 5.1 billion dong and 4.0 billion dong that year.

There’s no explanation why the salaries for officials of a loss-incurring company like JP skyrocketed like this. “It is unacceptable! Executive directors at state-owned enterprises must step down if their companies take losses for two consecutive years,” commented an official of a state-owned group.

Auditors instructed SCIC to make clear the responsibility of individuals and the management board of JP in its missed bet on petrol prices and to review the salary for officials of JP since 2007.

However, Tong Thi Minh, chief of the MoLISA’s Labour-Wage Department, explained that according to regulations, the salary fund of joint stock companies is decided by the shareholders’ meeting and the pay for officials is decided by the management board. On the management board, the representative for state-contributed capital has only one vote. In other words, even when the state owns the majority of shares in a joint stock company, it can’t intervene in salary payment.

It appears, therefore, that the management of SCIC and JP took advantage of loopholes in the law to reward themselves handsomely even though their companies operate ineffectively.

SCIC currently holds shares at over 800 companies, mainly state-owned. If all these firms pay salary like JP, comments Tien Phong, the state would very soon be empty-handed.

VietNamNet/Tien Phong

15-12-2009, 12:44 AM
Continue from above posting:

What are the salaries at other state-owned groups?

The state manages salaries at state-owned groups in the following way: annually, companies calculate a total amount for salaries based on the business results of the previous year and submit the plan to the MoLISA and the Finance Ministry. Based on this approved salary plan, companies may allocate the funds according to their own rules.

At the Vietnam Coal and Mineral Group (Vinacomin), the average income of 13,000 workers is over 4.3 milllion dong per month, according to a recent auditing report.

The director of a subsidiary of Vinacomin said that the highest salary in any of the Vinacomin companies may not be more than 22 times the lowest, in case the company’s profit 5 percent higher than the previous year.

“The monthly income of Vinacomin Group chairman Doan Van Kien is around 40 million dong. It’s nearly 40 million dong for the general director and 30 million for members of the management board and deputy general directors,” this official said.

He said that as the director of a subsidiary, he earns over 20 million dong a month. The income of Vinacomin department chiefs is also around 20 million dong per month.

The Deputy General Director of the Electricity of Vietnam Group (EVN) subsidiary in Quang Tri province said that the income of this group’s workers is not as high as people think. The average income for 84,000 EVN employees is around 3.9 million dong a month. The pay for top officials is around 4-5 times above that average.

Tri said that the group has lost a lot of talented people due to its payment mechanism and this is a problem for EVN.

A former deputy general director of EVN said that according to regulations, the salary for officials is not allowed to exceed nine times’ the pay of a staff member. The earnings of a department chief cannot be more than five times the pay of professional staff and the experts’ pay cannot be more than four times the pay of normal employees.

However, the salaries of top officials of state-owned economic groups differ depending on their position, their qualifications and their performance.

According to this former official, a department chief at EVN earns from 17 to 18 million per month and a deputy department chief from 12 to 13 million. “This level of salary is high in comparison to the common level but not high compared to the oil and gas (Vietnam Petroleum and Gas Group), aviation groups (Vietnam Airlines) and VNPT (Vietnam Post and Telecommunications Group),” he said.

According to Tien Phong’s survey, the current pay of a deputy general director at EVN is over 20 million dong per month and its chairman is paid over 30 million.

Vu Ngoc Hai, chairman of the Vietnam Petroleum Import Export Corporation (Petrolimex), recently told reporters that though the corporation makes the biggest contribution to the state budget, the average income of its staff is only 3.6 million dong per month. Hai, as the corporation’s chairman, earns only 17-18 million dong a month. The pay for the general director and deputy general director is several million less than Hai.

At the Military Telecom Corporation (Viettel), staff don’t know each other’s income. On average, employees who have worked for Viettel for several years earn around 10 million dong a month. A division chief disclosed that he earns more than 30 million dong per month.

It is strange that though the monthly income of staffs at state-owned groups is legitimate, it is not public information.

A Tien Phong reporter contacted an official of the VNPT to ask about salary. The official answered “I’ll tell you when there’s a convenient opportunity.” Some officials at other groups also refused to talk about salary and bonuses.

VietNamNet/Tien Phong
Big losses but huge salaries – is it acceptable?
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15-12-2009, 12:45 AM
Bro is she willing to give part time tieng viet lessons? I seriously consider to take lessons, will be more motivated if can learn from female teacher leh :p:D

your hands and fingers will be very very motivated right? :D

15-12-2009, 12:50 AM
Bro is she willing to give part time tieng viet lessons? I seriously consider to take lessons, will be more motivated if can learn from female teacher leh :p:D

As far as I can remember, you should have no problems finding female teachers.

On a serious note, if you really want to learn the language, some of my forum members are Viets working in Singapore who may be able to give you lessons. But if you want quick-fix phrases like a yeu e, a nho e, di ks, just ask bro jackbl. :D

15-12-2009, 12:52 AM
I'm hoping to develop my 'tieng viet for lovers' section in the forum.

I've already started the 1st topic.

It's an area that many bros here should be an expert in, so I appeal for your contributions. :)

15-12-2009, 09:03 AM
BIZ : In turbulent era, some businesses find ways to escape exchange rate risks
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VietNamNet Bridge – The sharp dollar price increases have hurt a lot of businesses because they have to pay more for goods. Others are immune from ‘dollar fever’ because they can negotiate payments in dong.

Smart deals

Though it’s Government policy to prevent the ‘dollarisation’ of the national economy – requiring that all transactions in Vietnam be expressed and settled in dong, the national currency – it’s evident that most businesses nevertheless ‘follow the dollar.’ The businesses claim that their suppliers and customers just won’t accept contracts denominated in dong.

However, that’s not always true, reports Saigon Tiep Thi.

HCM City food importer Nguyen Thi Hong says that she placed a new order in late November 2009 and the dong/dollar exchange rate was fixed right in the contract. “When the imports arrive, I will pay the Vietnamese representative of the supplier in dong,” she said.

Hong went on to say that at first, the representative of the supply company in Vietnam refused to accept the payment in dong. “However, they have changed their mind,” she said. “My order is big, double my order before Tet last year, and I always pay at once on deliveries. Therefore, I insisted and they agreed.

Hong says she was advised to fix the exchange rate at the moment of signing the contract and to pay in dong by a friend who distributes electronic gear.

In late November, when the dollar price was rising daily, a lot of chains had to ask their headquarters to adjust retail prices regularly. It’s rumored that the ‘BK’ retail chain in HCM City, because it was not quick to adjust the posted prices in dong, lost 200,000 dong per laptop.

Meanwhile, at laptop retailers The Gioi Di Dong and Vien Thong A, the prices do not change despite the exchange rate fluctuations. Dinh Anh Huan, a senior executive at The Gioi Di Dong, explained that it is because the retailer has reached an agreement with suppliers to set prices in dong.

Hoang Ngoc Vy, Director of Vien Thong A, said that the retailer and suppliers fix the exchange rate when invoices are issued, so the retailer does not have to adjust its prices every day like other retail chains.

With sales weak, sellers no longer have the upper hand

Vu, a senior executive of Spa TA in downtown HCM City, says that in the past when he imported machines and cosmetics from foreign distributors, he always had to agree to import prices calculated in accordance with the dollar price.

“Since mid-November, however, my suppliers have agreed to fix the exchange rate at the moment I place orders,” the spa executive said. “In order to make a sale, some of them agreed to an exchange rate that is intermediate between the official rate and the higher black market rate.”

Electronics distributors explain that there are two methods of calculating the value of contracts. Prices can be set either at the exchange rate at the moment of ordering the goods or at the moment of payment.

Doan Hong Viet, Director of DigiWorld, says that both methods have risks, but he prefers the first one.

A retailer said that the balance of power has shifted. Previously, distributors were able to force retailers to bear the exchange rate risk. Now, however, says Viet, “we are able to insist that we will only pay in dong. If our distributors do not agree, we will choose other distributors,” he said.


15-12-2009, 09:43 AM
me too old le (> 44), no$noROOF, IT/job (work like shit), MC-cert (the VLvr type) = "cuming"...sori, sori dun qualify oredi, I think - I dislike play-play with gd gers, I treat them with respect...

But I admire your willingness to help (kowtow)... I wud do so for genuine gd bros if I have innocent lobangs too... (mm...maybe Thom, once he comes out from the 'cocoon' & ready to settle down... nice & hansum guy huh... Sori, got no chance to bring Thom to recce CN - can't wait so long for him to come out...the task will be past to Zaryl/VK/Das, etc..).

Aiyo...you should ask SS08 or Carrot...I am included in oldie hall of fame...can help I try to help...:)

Bro is she willing to give part time tieng viet lessons? I seriously consider to take lessons, will be more motivated if can learn from female teacher leh :p:D

You saw bro Adguy post...so if you really want her to teach you tieng viet then I try to ask her...btw, I dun always speak to her...:)

15-12-2009, 11:58 AM
No longer a syt...should be 27 liao...

Oh. Then I really had to call her 姐姐 already if there is a chance. :)

But I admire your willingness to help (kowtow)... I wud do so for genuine gd bros if I have innocent lobangs too... (mm...maybe Thom, once he comes out from the 'cocoon' & ready to settle down... nice & hansum guy huh... Sori, got no chance to bring Thom to recce CN - can't wait so long for him to come out...the task will be past to Zaryl/VK/Das, etc..).

I'm so touched. :o

Bro is she willing to give part time tieng viet lessons? I seriously consider to take lessons

Sure or not? MIA so long because of who huh? :D

15-12-2009, 01:12 PM
Aiyo.... u look older than your age. Ppl may think she is your 妹妹 :D

Never mind, the gal going back end of the week :p He will be out of "prison".

BTW your vietnamese improved alot. How come huh? Can share your experiences?

Oh. Then I really had to call her 姐姐 already if there is a chance. :)

Sure or not? MIA so long because of who huh? :D

15-12-2009, 01:18 PM
Aiyo.... u look older than your age. Ppl may think she is your 妹妹 :D

Wah. Thanks for saying that I looks old. Huhu....

Never mind, the gal going back end of the week :p He will be out of "prison".

Wah. He is machiam your mistress like that. Even fine details like this you also know. :D

BTW your vietnamese improved alot. How come huh? Can share your experiences?

Self-mediation up high and alone in the cold mountain. :p

15-12-2009, 03:47 PM
Any bros here can help with the second sentences? I think she was testing whether I want to develop a serious relationship with her or not.

neu chi noi chuyen thi khong du dau (If just talk, then not enough)
anh bao khong can yeu cung lay nhau duoc co ma (???)

Thanks in advance.

15-12-2009, 08:50 PM
anh bao khong can yeu cung lay nhau duoc co ma (???)

let me guess.

bao = bảo = To tell, to say
lay = lấy = to wed ; to marry

you say no need love also can be together mah.

16-12-2009, 03:16 AM
Here's a website that I found:

Language Exchange Community - Practice and Learn Foreign Languages (http://www.mylanguageexchange.com/)

You can use it to find foreigners who are staying in this country and is interested in learning language that you're proficient with. Not restricted to vietnamese.

16-12-2009, 01:44 PM
Thanks bro for sharing. I went to this website, didnt register as user, just get the yahoo nicknames and add them to the contact list of yahoo. Have chitchat with 2 ppl in VN already :D :)

Here's a website that I found:

Language Exchange Community - Practice and Learn Foreign Languages (http://www.mylanguageexchange.com/)

16-12-2009, 01:51 PM
There are 40 lessons. I hv finished 20. Not bad for a start :D ;)

Hi all, here is 1 good site to learn basic vietnamese, contributed by AdGuy's website:


16-12-2009, 05:23 PM
Why does the quality of telecom services remain poor?
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In recent years, Vietnam’s telecommunications industry has seen an impressive growth. However, the overall quality and stability remain poor.

What should the management agencies do to improve the quality of telecom services and protect consumer interests? Nguyen Duc Trung, Deputy Head of the Department for Information and Technology and Communication Quality Control under the Ministry of Information and Communications talked to the media on the issue.

Reporter: The Telecommunications Law was adopted by the National Assembly in its recent session. How is the quality control of telecom services regulated by law?

Mr Trung: The Telecommunications Law has specific terms stipulating the responsibility of businesses and telecom service providers and regulations on service users’ rights and obligations.

On the telecom market, there are 11 businesses allowed to set up telecom networks, eight mobile telecom service providers, four 3G service providers and 81 internet service providers.

Article 15 regulates that telecom service providers are responsible for ensuring the legitimate rights and interest of telecom service users. Under Article 16, telecom service users are entitled to use telecom services with the quality and charges reflected under the contracts signed with telecom businesses. Article 52 also stipulates standards, and technical specifications for the telecom services as well as businesses’ responsibility for examining and supervising the telecom service quality.

Reporter: What improvements do the above-mentioned regulations make to those stipulated in the 2002 Ordinance on Post and Telecommunications?

Mr Trung: Under the 2002 Ordinance on Post and Telecommunications, businesses must clarify the telecom service quality but their responsibility for ensuring the quality is not regulated as agreed in contracts with service users. The ordinance also does not regulate service users’ rights in line with the quality in their contracts signed with service providers. Therefore, the Telecommunications Law has increased the responsibility of businesses and protected consumer interests.

Reporter: Recently, telecom service users have often received spam (unsolicited mass advertisement messages). Does this violate any articles of the law?

Mr. Trung: In the Telecommunications Law, processing spam is also mentioned. However, the law puts forth a basic principle. After the law is approved, there will be additional regulations on what spam is and how to treat administrative violations.

Reporter: What will happen if businesses supply services fail to meet registered standards or assist their customers comprehensively, resulting in dissatisfaction with the quality of services?

Mr. Trung: Right now there are decrees addressing administrative violations in this regard. Businesses failing to ensure the quality of telecommunications services will be punished following Decree 142 issued in 2004 and businesses failing in terms of the quality of internet services will be punished following Decree 28 issued in 2009. All information on such violations will be announced to the public on the website of Department for Information and Technology and Communication Quality Control.

Reporter: Competitiveness among businesses supplying service is more and more critical, what can we do to increase the quality of telecommunications services?

Mr. Trung: Recently, we have employed many measures to warn and guide businesses to follow regulations on the management of the quality of telecommunications service. Every year, the Department carries out audits of businesses. When the Telecommunications Law is approved, regulations will be put in place to create conditions for pushing up oversight.

Reporter: Does the Telecommunications Law put forth sufficient sanctions against businesses failing to fulfil their telecommunications service quality commitments?

Mr. Trung: The Law only lays out basic principles. When the Law becomes effective, we will build the regulations to deal with such violations. Before being issued, all normative acts are registered on websites of Ministry of Information and Communications to acquire the opinions of businesses and people. Therefore, we hope people will contribute their opinions on how to increase the quality of these regulations.


16-12-2009, 06:33 PM
let me guess.

bao = bảo = To tell, to say
lay = lấy = to wed ; to marry

you say no need love also can be together mah.

Your explanation totally makes sense to me. Thank you very much.

16-12-2009, 11:36 PM
your hands and fingers will be very very motivated right?

Dun lidat say leh, during lesson time I will be super duper serious de...:D

if you want quick-fix phrases like a yeu e, a nho e, di ks, just ask bro jackbl.

Master Jack now dun teach only simple things like di ks le. His level now is translating vietnamese version of kamasutra 101 stances :p

Sure or not? MIA so long because of who huh?

Must ask Master Jack, I'm amazed that he knows things about me better than myself :eek: scary hor :D

16-12-2009, 11:53 PM
You saw bro Adguy post...so if you really want her to teach you tieng viet then I try to ask her...btw, I dun always speak to her...:)

Thanks bro for your reply. I do not want to trouble you or her and impose on both of you too. Thought just try my luck and ask. Anyway I really appreciate :)

17-12-2009, 12:59 AM
"Sao minh kem coi wa', that buon...i hate myself "

bros i try to use vdict but failed to really translate everything.. any website good for translation

17-12-2009, 01:46 AM
Why myself(i) very weak, very sad.....

"sao minh kem coi wa', that buon...i hate myself "

bros i try to use vdict but failed to really translate everything.. Any website good for translation

17-12-2009, 09:09 AM
anh bao khong can yeu cung lay nhau duoc co ma (???)

Your explanation totally makes sense to me. Thank you very much.

just wondering if the gal who sms this is from the northern side...

i sms the hanoi gal i know "toi nay di lam tinh"
she reply "ok"
few minute later, she sms "e dua a nay, e kg di dau. bjbj"

according to tieng bac specialist aka carrot007, he say that it is tieng bac, that is why i don't know. She is saying that she is joking with me only.

for joking with someone, I will write "a choc e thoi" or "a noi choi voi e thoi"


17-12-2009, 09:26 AM
just wondering if the gal who sms this is from the northern side...

i sms the hanoi gal i know "toi nay di lam tinh"
she reply "ok"
few minute later, she sms "e dua a nay, e kg di dau. bjbj"

according to tieng bac specialist aka carrot007, he say that it is tieng bac, that is why i don't know. She is saying that she is joking with me only.

for joking with someone, I will write "a choc e thoi" or "a noi choi voi e thoi"


For me, to joke I will write: Anh noi dua....;)

17-12-2009, 09:49 AM
Thanks bro for your reply. I do not want to trouble you or her and impose on both of you too. Thought just try my luck and ask. Anyway I really appreciate :)

It's ok la...no harm done...I had already intro one bro to her...wish them luck...hope they can develop their relationships...:)

Dun intend to intro anymore unless she ask for more...of course sure will ask her why...btw, I dun intend to divulge who is the bro unless he wants to tell himself...:)

17-12-2009, 12:53 PM
Wow now vn so rich liao huh? Even school children also owned handphones....

Schools ponder policy on mobile phones
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VietNamNet Bridge – Some educators believe that in the digital era, it is impossible to ban mobile phones from schools, while others say mobile phones distract students from their lessons.

A lot of schools have banned the use of mobile phones at school. They argue that constant phone calls make students unfocused and cause troubles at schools.

Not surprisingly, students are strongly opposed. They haven’t hesitated to criticize the bans on online education forums.

Some parents point out that if schools prohibit kids from packing phones, they won’t be able to call home in case there’s an accident.

There’s been no official survey on impact of mobile phones on the study results of students, reports Saigon Tiep thi, and no central guidance. Perhaps, suggests the newspaper, it’s time for schools to agree on a common solution.

Resisting the tidal wave . . .

Early this school year, during an impromptu walkabout at Thu Duc Senior High School (HCM City), Principal Nguyen Huu Dieu discovered seven students using mobile phones during class hours. They were listening to music and sending SMS messages.

The principal asked the students to write a confession of their mistakes and planned to meet their parents to talk about their children’s behaviour. While the students were writing reports, their mobile phones continued vibrating as more messages arrived.

Principal Dieu is persuaded that the use of mobile phones at wrong places and wrong moments interferes with teaching and learning, and therefore mobile phones have been banned at Thu Duc High.

Many other schools have also banned mobile phones from the classroom. At least three HCMC senior highs, Nguyen Thi Minh Khai in District 3, Le Minh Xuan in Binh Chanh District and Sao Viet in District 7 have been ‘no phone zones’ for the last several years. Their students here have been told that their mobile phones will be seized and returned only to their parents. Repeat offenders get a bad conduct demerit.

These schools are holding out against a tidal wave. The mobile phone has become so popular that even 5th graders pack their own. Not just the kids, but their parents have come to consider the mobile phone an ‘indispensable part of life’.

Meanwhile, teachers complain that ringing phones interrupt their lessons. “I know they don’t like our rule, but if students are busy with ‘playing with mobile phones’ during study hours, they will not have time to get knowledge,” stressed teacher Le Viet Cang from Le Minh Xuan High School.

. . . or accomodating to it?

In contrast, many other schools allow students to carry and use mobile phones at school, provided that they turn them off while they are in class. While many schools insist on the need of prohibit mobile phones at schools, others believe that no need to do that in the digital era.

Lam Van Trieu, a deputy principal at Le Hong Phong High School, said that 80 percent of the students at this ‘gifted and talented’ school in HCM City have mobile phones. “The phones are a device that allows individuals to stay in touch with family and friends. While we are teaching the kids to use new technologies, there’s no reason to forbid them to carry phones.”

However, Trieu insisted, any students caught using their phone during class hours will be required to write a ‘self-criticism’ and their parents will be informed. Repeat violators can lose a full mark in their ‘behavior’ grade – as a few kids found out during the last school year.

Nguyen Thi Phi, Principal of Duc Tri Junior High, says it is left entirely up to the schools to decide whether or not to ban phones – there’s been no guidance from the Ministry of Education. “There are pros and cons. What’s important is to observe how the kids are using the phones, and then discuss appropriate procedures with parents in a timely way.” It’s OK for students to use the phones to communicate with friends and family, Phi thinks, but essential to discourage “chat,” watching video clips or accessing the Internet, and there must be no tolerance for youngsters who load debauched photos and film on their phones to show each other.

17-12-2009, 12:57 PM
TRAVEL : Smooth sailing

VietNamNet Bridge - My Tho Town offers a welcome respite from the rough and tumble of Ho Chi Minh City.

After five days of shop-tillyou-drop in Ho Chi Minh City, a splendid place for such activity, we were sorely in need of another short holiday to recover from this one.

“Why don’t you travel to My Tho this weekend?” a Saigon friend of mine, suggested. She described the perfect antidote to our days in HCMC: “It’s a peaceful, riverside town hidden in lush orchards.”

A day trip to Tien Giang Province sounded like a great idea to us – me, this northern girl, and two friends of mine from Los Angeles.

On the road to this town, there was a curious sense of homecoming for me as my father used to work here as an engineer during the subsidy period.

My Tho is around 72 kilometers south of HCMC. Since the 17th century, the fertile land in the north of the Tien River has been reclaimed and developed by generations of inhabitants into an area lush and green with rice fields and orchards, and trade has thrived for centuries along its river banks.

As the road became broader and many small canals, green rice fields and orchards came into view, I knew we would be in My Tho before long.

In the town, we started to stroll aimlessly through peaceful lanes with no names, inhaling the fragrances of garden fruits carried by the breeze. Then we entered a small lane leading to one of the tributaries of the legendary Mekong River. It was noon and we could see the sun shining brightly and proudly on the magnificent river with many colorful boats sailing up and down.

Both banks of the river were bordered by water coconut groves and orchards. It was so peaceful it seemed that it was only yesterday I was walking with my father on the green banks of the river to the wooden wharf looking at pretty goby fishes swimming by.

“It’s so beautiful! I have seen this river in a film on old Indochina and I hope one day we can travel along this river up to Cambodia,” said my friend Robert Sheen.

Accepting our tour guide’s suggestion, we took a boat on the Mekong River and later moved to one steered by a woman in a conical leaf hat, through the red canals were shaded by water coconut trees. It was not difficult to blend into the surroundings with our silence broken only by the slapping sounds the boat made as it moved through the water.

“The water here is red because of the alluvial soil which creates fertile islands like Thoi Son, which we are going to visit now,” said Muoi, our tour guide.

On the island, sitting in the shade of the orchard, tasting its fruits plucked fresh off the trees, listening to don ca tai tu (amateur southern Vietnamese Opera) – it was exactly the experience we wanted. Then we walked around some gardens, listening to the crunch of dry leaves under our feet and watching, but not envying, the hard working tiny bees flying from one tree to another to make honey and pollinate flowers.

As the sky got darker, we had to travel back to HCMC. I was a bit jealous as I saw other relaxed tourists coming into the town. But I knew I would come back to My Tho to discover the place afresh, every time.

Tours to Thoi Son Island – My Tho can be booked at:

60 Vo Van Tan St., Dist. 3, HCMC
Tel: (08) 3 930 3909
Fax: (08) 3 930 4416
Email: [email protected]

246-248 De Tham St., Dist.1, HCMC
Tel: (08) 3 838 9593
Fax: (08) 3 836 9322
Email: [email protected]
TheSinhTourist | Travel in VietNam | SinhCafe | Sinh Tourist (http://www.thesinhtourist.vn)

230 De Tham St., Dist. 1, HCMC
Tel: (08) 3 837 7764
Fax: (08) 3 838 0462
Email: [email protected]

VietNamNet/Thanh Nien

17-12-2009, 01:05 PM
With respect to their salary rate, I wonder how they can afford...

Luxury smart phones sell well

VietNamNet Bridge – Even though they face low-priced competitors and imitations, brand name smart phones still sell well thanks to discounts, nice designs, modern technologies and the arrival of 3G in Vietnam.

Recent studies by GfK Retail and Technology showed that the smart phone revenues have been on the rise, accounting for 13.4 percent of the market in Vietnam. Meanwhile, GfK Market Insight Asia reported that such revenues are up 142 percent for 2009.

The most popular brands of smart phones in Vietnam are Nokia, Samsung, iPhone and HTC. Favorite models include iPhone, Nokia E71, N97, Samsung Omnia HD, Sony U10i, U1, LG KP500, HTC HD2, Snap and Hero.

Trinh Hoa Giang, General Director of FPT Retail, commented that the launch of modern models like iPhone 3G and Nokia N97 created “fever” in the local market. FPT’s turnover of smart phones increased by 35-40 percent for 2009 and in the future the company plants to focus on sales of HTC, Nokia, Samsung and iPhone brands.

Online markets like chodientu.vn also reported doubled sales of luxury smart phones early this year. Nokia N97 has been the top choice, followed by Apple iPhone 3GS and BlackBerry Storm. The website’s prices for smart phones have lowered by 10-20 percent, so sales have risen. The site reports, for example, a drop from 13 million to 11 million dong for a Nokia N97 and from 12 million to 9 million dong for Samsum Omnia 2.

Most smart phones purchased on eBay.vn are high-end products, not officially available in Vietnam. The revenue for these phones account for over 70 percent of the total value. Blackberry models have become the top choice of Vietnamese clients on ebay recently. The most popular models are Blackberry Storm, Blackberry Curve, Blackberry 8830, Blackberry Bold and Blackberry 8700. Vietnamese consumers also buy Blackberrys from the US to save from 500,000 up to 1 million dong.

A Telecom A Company representative stated that promotions explain why the smart phone market is so busy at the year’s end. Product revenues have also risen since 3G services were introduced. Nokia holds up to 80 percent of the market for smart phones in Vietnam.

Nguyen Hong Chau, representative of HTC Vietnam, said that his firm has a growth rate of over 500 percent for 2009 and holds around 15 percent of the mobile phone market in Vietnam.

Analysts maintain that the market in Vietnam for smart phones would continue growing in the future.


Wow now vn so rich liao huh? Even school children also owned handphones....

Schools ponder policy on mobile phones
================================================== ====

17-12-2009, 01:49 PM
UV tattoos – hot trend or dangerous fad?
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VietNamNet Bridge – Luminescent tattoos or UV tattoos have recently become the “fashion” among young Hanoians. It differs from normal tattoo only in that the normal ink is replaced by imported luminescent or UV ink. This kind of ink, best known as a way for gamblers to mark cards, can only be seen under ultraviolet light or when one wears special glasses.

The people with UV tattoos like going to discotheques and clubs to show off their tattoos because under ultraviolet lights, their tattoos shine.

A VNExpress reporter met several young people at a tattoo shop in Hanoi. They had paid a deposit to book the tattoos they liked.

“It is hard to find a tattoo shop like this where we can get UV tattoos, explained a girl named Lan Anh. The shop owner learned in France and his equipment is clean. Many people like tattoos, but they don’t dare use UV ink.”

A girl named Hoa acknowledged that “Tattoos are art so there is no specific price.” She pulled up her sleeve to show a new tattoo featuring a 10cm pattern and bragged, “This costs me 900,000 dong. So cheap! It would usually be 1.5 million dong!”

Linh had five tattoos already, but he wanted another UV tattoo to be “different from the others.” He admitted that he felt burning pains around the tattooed area and sometimes had to take anti-allergic medicines.

Many stylish youths have paid for UV tattoos. Dung, a hair designer, said when this kind of tattoo arrivedin Vietnam, he liked it very much. After he was tattooed, however, his skin burned and he had to go to a hospital.

Tu, a university student in Hanoi, didn’t feel pain during the first week after she got her UV tattoo, but on the eighth day itchy vesicles grew around the tattoo, which then broke out and swelled.

Tran Chi Hieu, chief of the Tattoo Club, finds that many young people come to his club for UV tattoos, but he doesn’t encourage them.

“We brought UV ink to test at the Central Dermatology and Venerology Hospital and the results showed that this ink contains some elements that can cause cancers,” Hieu explained.

Doctor Nguyen Thanh from the Central Dermatology and Venerology Hospital also recommends avoiding this ink because it can cause allergies and even cancers.


17-12-2009, 02:04 PM
Vietnam offers cozy life for expats

Vietnam is one of the leading countries offering expats a comfortable life and it’s also a good place to make friends with other expats, a survey has found.

A report by HSBC Holdings Plc. lists Vietnam as the second easiest country in the world for expats to make friends with other expats in 2009.

Asia emerged as the place to go for making friends in general, with Thailand ranking the easiest country overall, followed by Vietnam, Hong Kong and Malaysia, according to the Expat Experience report produced by the HSBC.

The survey covered 26 countries and territories across four continents - Europe, Middle East and Africa, Asia Pacific and the Americas.

For the overall quality of life for expats, Vietnam was ranked seventh among 10 Asia Pacific countries as well as among 13 emerging markets; and 19th worldwide.

It is also valued as a country that offers luxuries to expat life. “If you’re lucky enough to be an expat in Vietnam, the chances are you’ll have staff – some 91 percent of expats in Vietnam have household staff at hand,” the report said.


Radhanath Varadan, a 45-year-old journalist who’s lived in Vietnam for 8 years, said it was easy to meet expat friends at restaurants and while playing sports.

“I don’t go much to bars and nightclubs, but it’s still fairly easy,” he said.

He also said his Vietnamese friends were always friendly and helpful.

Patricia Norland, Cultural Attaché of the US Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City told Thanh Nien Weekly that while Vietnamese people were friendly, it wasn’t always easy to cultivate a deep relationship across cultures.

“I think it depends on how you define ‘make friends.’ If we mean ‘easy to meet someone and chat,’ then yes [it’s easy to make friends with Vietnamese].”

But she added that if making a friend is building trust and knowing someone well, then differences across cultures means that may well take longer. “After my brief experience of two and a half years, I am still learning a lot about cultural interactions among foreigners and Vietnamese, as well as among Vietnamese.”

Meanwhile, Thai midfielder Isawa Sittong of Dong Tam Long An football club said he couldn’t count how many Vietnamese friends he had.

“I have so many Vietnamese friends here and dozens of them are close ones,” said the footballer who has lived here for seven years.

“I have never faced any difficulties living here. I love football, Vietnamese rice and friendly locals,” he said.

Anthony Barnes from the US also said the Vietnamese people he met were “friendly in general.” He is a student of Vietnamese Studies Faculty at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanity (USSH).

South Korean Kim Hyo Sung, another student at USSH, said he had more than 50 Vietnamese friends after more than a year living in HCMC.

“Vietnamese are very kind, easygoing and humorous. It’s easy to make friend with them, especially since I can speak a little Vietnamese,” he said.

The 24-year-old student said he also enjoyed cheaper daily expenses in HCMC than in South Korea. “I rent a room on Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street for US$200 a month. A similar room in my hometown would be at least $1,000.”

In another country

Besides the good aspects, foreigners interviewed by Thanh Nien Weekly also point out some disadvantages in Vietnam such as poor infrastructure, taxi cheats and cultural misunderstandings.

Patricia of the US Consulate said, “Everyone seems to agree on the urgent need to take action on the poor public transportation system, the pervasive road work that causes traffic jams, and the air and water pollution.”

Anthony of the USSH said there might be a cultural gap when trying to make friends with local women.

“I can’t really have a real female friend. Everybody would think you are couple,” he said, adding that he has a local girlfriend and no Vietnamese female friends after a year and a half year in Vietnam.

Sung said getting around wasn’t easy in Vietnam.

He complained that taxi drivers often take detours to charge foreigners higher prices. He also said many claimed to have no small bills or coins in order to keep the change.

But Varadan from India said “there’s nothing I can think of, really,” when asked what could improve expat life in Vietnam.

In the report, major difficulties expressed by the expats included learning the local language, organizing schools for their children, finding accommodation and organizing their finances.

The Expat Explorer survey, commissioned by HSBC Bank International and conducted by third party research company FreshMinds, is the largest global survey of expats. More than 3,100 expats were asked between February and April 2009 to describe the opportunities and challenges they experience living away from home.

Reported by Thanh Nien staff

17-12-2009, 10:31 PM
sorry another sentence needs translation...
THanks to bros who had helped me.. really com on

VietNam thua rui huhu...khong biet bao gio moi gianh duoc huy chuong vang?! thoi danh hen lai 2 nam sau

17-12-2009, 11:14 PM
sorry another sentence needs translation...
THanks to bros who had helped me.. really com on

VietNam thua rui huhu...khong biet bao gio moi gianh duoc huy chuong vang?! thoi danh hen lai 2 nam sau

"Cam on"

let me guess the meaning.

Vietnam loss already. huhu. don't know when then can lift the cup (gold). Must wait another 2years.

18-12-2009, 12:07 AM
Cam On Bro KT...

how to translate to Vietnamese for the below >?

As long as you do not leave me , i am willing to sacrifice ( or do) anything.

18-12-2009, 12:27 AM
As long as you do not leave me , i am willing to sacrifice ( or do) anything.

As long as == if only = gia ma
sacrifice = hy sinh

Gia ma em khong bo anh, anh se hy sinh cho em

i will put it in a simpler way....
if you do not leave me, you want me to do whatever also can.
"neu em khong bo anh, em muon anh lam gi cung duoc"

whao... this is for real of what? So big gamble ha?
Do not make such big promises to vn gals. If one day you can meet their request, they will say you xao nhieu nhieu.

18-12-2009, 12:45 AM
As long as == if only = gia ma
sacrifice = hy sinh

Gia ma em khong bo anh, anh se hy sinh cho em

i will put it in a simpler way....
if you do not leave me, you want me to do whatever also can.
"neu em khong bo anh, em muon anh lam gi cung duoc"

whao... this is for real of what? So big gamble ha?
Do not make such big promises to vn gals. If one day you can meet their request, they will say you xao nhieu nhieu.

what does this really mean ? Gia ma em khong bo anh, anh se hy sinh cho em
mmm this is my last ditch effort ... :) my gal is not a wl ..

18-12-2009, 12:47 AM
what does this really mean ? Gia ma em khong bo anh, anh se hy sinh cho em


As long as you do not leave me , i am willing to sacrifice ( or do) anything.


18-12-2009, 12:51 AM
mmm this is my last ditch effort ... :) my gal is not a wl ..

last ditch effort so big big promises ha?
wl or not wl, also a gal. If you give such big promise to a gal but later cannot fulfill, everything comes to square one... she will still say you xao nhieu nhieu

last ditch effort = desperate measure = no good end.
I don't think it is a good way to hold back a gal.... sorry if i 'splash you cold water'

18-12-2009, 12:58 AM
i have not say to her(thinking)...cos ask her to meet she dun want ..say she will meet me if she can but not now.. i tink i had put in too much heart into her.. i think i dun really handle vn gals well hehe

18-12-2009, 09:15 AM
斥资36亿 越南将向俄购潜艇和战机

  阮晋勇前天在俄罗斯首都莫斯科的新闻发布会上宣布这项消息,但他并没有进一步说明该协议的 内容。

  据俄罗斯国际文传电讯社(Interfax)报道,俄罗斯将向越南出售6艘“基洛”级636型柴电动力 潜艇,总价值大约20亿美元(约28亿新元)。


  据了解,636型“基洛”级潜艇被认为是世界上最安静的潜艇之一,专门用于浅海水域反舰和 反潜艇作战。


  该名官员还说,越南可能会再购买另外12架这一型号的战机,交易价格约6亿美元(约8亿3810万新元 )。

  越南这次军购料将引起关注,因为越南声称拥有南中国海南沙群岛领土主权,而文莱、马来西亚及菲律宾,以 及中国大陆和台湾都声称拥有该群岛领土的全部或部分主权。

  另一方面,越南和俄罗斯原则上同意设立一个总值达5亿美元的基金,以便在越南、寮国和柬埔 寨进行投资。

  越南官方新闻社报道,这项协议是由越南投资发展银行和俄罗斯外贸银行(VTB)所拟订,双方将在进一步 的谈判后才签署协议。


18-12-2009, 12:12 PM
if you really want to learn the language, some of my forum members are Viets working in Singapore who may be able to give you lessons

Hi bro, your viet friends really do conduct lessons? Serious?

I checked that Spring lang sch charge $315.65 for the basic course for duration of 10 lessons. Anyone got feedback about them? Can share share info? :)

18-12-2009, 02:00 PM
If u can get a personal tutor, it will be better. Can get more attention. If u go class, teacher's attention will be diverted. :D but it also got some other advantages.
Hi bro, your viet friends really do conduct lessons? Serious?

I checked that Spring lang sch charge $315.65 for the basic course for duration of 10 lessons. Anyone got feedback about them? Can share share info? :)

18-12-2009, 02:16 PM
Hi bro, your viet friends really do conduct lessons? Serious?

I checked that Spring lang sch charge $315.65 for the basic course for duration of 10 lessons. Anyone got feedback about them? Can share share info? :)

Dun waste time with Spring. Their lesson plans which they make you pay ($50 I think) are plagiarised from online sites.

Their Viet teacher, yes enthusiastic and is a guy during my time, lacked experience.

Tell you what I learnt from the 10 lessons - very basic things like Khoe ko,
ten la gi kind, which you can well pick up from here for FREE.

Get a VB to teach instead....

18-12-2009, 03:07 PM
a bro ask me to help to translate... but i only know the 1st portion. What the 2nd portion means? anyone to help?

Trong cuoc song nay em chi co anh la duoc. Nhung thu do khong quan trong lam dau anh ah.

In this life i only have u is ok. But 'thu do' not very important at all anh ah.

No sign difficult...
Khong quan trong lam = not very important
dau = đâu = Not; not at all

thu do= ????

18-12-2009, 03:12 PM
a bro ask me to help to translate... but i only know the 1st portion. What the 2nd portion means? anyone to help?

Trong cuoc song nay em chi co anh la duoc. Nhung thu do khong quan trong lam dau anh ah.

In this life i have u can already. But 'thu do' not important 'lam dau anh ah'

Let me try:
Thu do = that (do) thing (thu)
dau = at all. khong quan trong lam dau means "Not important at all"
anh ah = You (to complete the sentence only, no meaning)

18-12-2009, 03:14 PM
Let me try:
Thu do = that (do) thing (thu)
dau = at all. khong quan trong lam dau means "Not important at all"
anh ah = You (to complete the sentence only, no meaning)

haha .. i still editing, you already help.
so i am quite accurate... :p

18-12-2009, 09:48 PM
If u can get a personal tutor, it will be better. Can get more attention.

Dun waste time with Spring...Get a VB to teach instead....

Thanks for the suggestions and info, I was really hoping to find a co giao too. Anyone can help to intro? :D

18-12-2009, 09:52 PM
Thanks for the suggestions and info, I was really hoping to find a co giao too. Anyone can help to intro? :D

Chio me bah...we go JC and talent spot together....heheh:D

Bro Jackbl can also give his expert input...

19-12-2009, 01:16 AM
Chio me bah...we go JC and talent spot together....heheh:D

Bro Jackbl can also give his expert input...

Dun waste time.... u concentrate on your Hanoi ger.... :D

19-12-2009, 01:46 AM
Vietnamese student dead in Singapore dorm
================================================== ===

A Vietnamese student was found dead in a closet in her dorm room in Singapore last Tuesday (DATE?), local police said, adding she is likely to have died at least two days earlier.

Nguyen Cao Minh Ngoc, 24, who joined the Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) in November, was found sitting upright with all her clothes on. The body carried no signs of injuries and had started to decompose, police said.

After some Vietnamese students said they didn’t see Ngoc at class for a few days and also couldn’t contact her, the employees of Queensway Student Hostel checked her second-floor room and finding one of her legs sticking out of the closet door. They called the police.

Albert Tan, a police officer in Queenstown, told Thanh Nien the death was not natural and they are investigating the cause. The body has been sent to the Singapore Medical Science General Bureau, the only place that conducts forensic tests on the city-state.

Fellow students said Ngoc shared the two-bed air-conditioned room with another Vietnamese student who went returned to Vietnam on Saturday.

Ngoc and was attending a course in finance and banking English and had applied for a masters course in banking and finance.

Elaine Tan, assistant communication director of MDIS, said the school had eight other Vietnamese students and all of them were staying at the hostel.

Ngoc’s brother arrived from Vietnam Wednesday evening and Tan said the school will help the family any way they can, including financially.

Ngoc had graduated from the Da Lat College in the Central Highlands’ Lam Dong Province and intended to return home and set up a company after studying for two years in Singapore.

Nguyen Cao Minh Huy, Ngoc’s 18-year-old brother, on Wednesday told Thanh Nien at their home that he chatted with Ngoc every night since she left for Singapore in late October but she was not online from Saturday onwards.

Huy said Ngoc also told him that she didn’t get along well with her roommate, but on Friday said they’d made peace with each other. He said Ngoc’s blog was updated until around 10 Saturday morning.

Many students at MDIS are in panic and the school invited monks to pray in Ngoc’s room on Wednesday, Tan said.

Nguyen Viet Kien, second secretary at the Vietnamese Embassy in Singapore, said he is waiting for an official report from the police.

Huynh Thao, a student at the hostel, said two of its three doors were open most of the time and anyone could enter the premises.

Thanh Nien found on Wednesday that the two doors were closed and one was guarded by a man who said he was working there for the first time.

But Lynn Sim, director of the hostel, said the area is guarded all the time and there are cameras on day and night.

Reported by Thuc Minh

19-12-2009, 03:16 AM
You can try these:

Free online software to learn viet - www.Byki.com (http://learnvietthrumusic.forumotion.net/everyday-tieng-viet-f12/free-online-software-to-learn-viet-wwwbykicom-t91.htm)

There are mp3 to listen to the pronunciation....
Thanks for the suggestions and info, I was really hoping to find a co giao too. Anyone can help to intro? :D

19-12-2009, 04:35 AM
If u can get a personal tutor, it will be better. Can get more attention.

Thanks for the suggestions and info, I was really hoping to find a co giao too. Anyone can help to intro? :D

You can try these:

Free online software to learn viet - www.Byki.com (http://learnvietthrumusic.forumotion.net/everyday-tieng-viet-f12/free-online-software-to-learn-viet-wwwbykicom-t91.htm)

There are mp3 to listen to the pronunciation....

jackbl, don't you understand?
vagrant want a co giao to teach him 1-to-1 only...
after TV lesson he also want ECA with his co giao

19-12-2009, 09:09 AM
Thanks for the suggestions and info, I was really hoping to find a co giao too. Anyone can help to intro? :D

You serious or not...offered you last time no action...aother bro pm me and I Intro liao...:)

19-12-2009, 01:52 PM
Chio me bah...we go JC and talent spot together....heheh:D

Dun waste time.... u concentrate on your Hanoi ger.... :D

Thanks SING bro for offer to help. Your big bro Naemlo angry le :p better guai guai stay with your gal ba :D

19-12-2009, 02:04 PM
You can try these...
Learn Spanish, French, German, Italian and over 70 languages with Byki software. (http://www.Byki.com)...

jackbl, don't you understand?
vagrant want a co giao to teach him 1-to-1 only...
after TV lesson he also want ECA with his co giao

Thanks Jack, will try to learn something from there.

KT is really good at understanding people :D No wonder he easily collect the title VB 天字第一杀手 :D

19-12-2009, 02:16 PM
You serious or not...offered you last time no action...aother bro pm me and I Intro liao...:)

paiseh paiseh bro, I dilly dally too much :p:D But I am still grateful for your reply de. Anyway, I wish that things turn out well for that bro and your viet friend :)

19-12-2009, 04:48 PM
Thanks Jack, will try to learn something from there.

KT is really good at understanding people :D No wonder he easily collect the title VB 天字第一杀手 :D

Oi, where you go ah? How come awol already?

19-12-2009, 05:47 PM
Thanks SING bro for offer to help. Your big bro Naemlo angry le :p better guai guai stay with your gal ba :D

Dun worry abt bro Naemlo....just get him a syt VB he will be fine...

I am establishing a few bases....in JC, in HCMC, in Hanoi, etc,,,,the more the merrier

19-12-2009, 06:02 PM
Dun worry abt bro Naemlo....just get him a syt VB he will be fine...

It is Sat.... not going JC to establish base??? :rolleyes:

19-12-2009, 06:24 PM
Oi, where you go ah? How come awol already?

Coming down from mountain next week :D

Btw did you go to Ratchada already? How was the place?

19-12-2009, 08:03 PM
It is Sat.... not going JC to establish base??? :rolleyes:

I want to, but you not around to provide cover story for VISA:(

20-12-2009, 12:34 AM
sorry bros need help on the below for translation

Doi khong noi dung chan ben do, khong bit minh se troi dat ve dau...

20-12-2009, 08:45 AM
Can tell us what u and the gal are saying before the sentence pops up???
sorry bros need help on the below for translation

Doi khong noi dung chan ben do, khong bit minh se troi dat ve dau...

20-12-2009, 09:37 AM
its not a conversation . its jus on a staus message on facebook, and i jus wan know what is it. ok my gf and me are having a cold war now wich is quite serious as she had ignored me 1 week. thats y i want to know what this message mean

20-12-2009, 09:41 AM
Can tell us what u and the gal are saying before the sentence pops up???

is it very serious thing? its sound scary to me bro jackbl the way u ask me

20-12-2009, 10:39 AM
Wher got scary? Just normal way of asking... u write the sentence w/o the vietnamese sign, not many ppl can decode easily.... Currently my standard have not reach the level to be able to translate 100% correctly if write w/o signage..... If u can copy and paste the sentence with signage i will ask my vietnamese fren to translate for u
is it very serious thing? its sound scary to me bro jackbl the way u ask me

20-12-2009, 10:59 AM
Wher got scary? Just normal way of asking... u write the sentence w/o the vietnamese sign, not many ppl can decode easily.... Currently my standard have not reach the level to be able to translate 100% correctly if write w/o signage..... If u can copy and paste the sentence with signage i will ask my vietnamese fren to translate for u

there is no signage jus plain words as it is . i was jus trying to see if anyone can decode as this is the original source.

20-12-2009, 11:57 AM
sorry bros need help on the below for translation

Doi khong noi dung chan ben do, khong bit minh se troi dat ve dau...

According to my long hair "she said something like this dun understand where i want to be"

20-12-2009, 02:54 PM
Coming down from mountain next week :D

Btw did you go to Ratchada already? How was the place?

Ratchada was a disappointment. No diff from the other regular thai place, just more nicely decorated.

Can we expect to see you at the foot of the mountain then? :D

20-12-2009, 03:23 PM
Hi all,

Due to some technical difficulties with the forum sign up, I have to make everything public for awhile.

As such, no sign up or log in is required for the moment.

Please continue to support the forum and make it a good resource for all.

20-12-2009, 07:27 PM
so sorry i ahve lots of thing to learn but really cam on to bros who had tried or helped me.

Khong bit ngay mai ra sao nua?! ma co ra sao cung chang sao

20-12-2009, 07:35 PM
Hi all,

Due to some technical difficulties with the forum sign up, I have to make everything public for awhile.

As such, no sign up or log in is required for the moment.

Please continue to support the forum and make it a good resource for all.

Tks, went over have a look...good work!

You have my vote!!

20-12-2009, 08:09 PM
so sorry i ahve lots of thing to learn but really cam on to bros who had tried or helped me.

Khong bit ngay mai ra sao nua?! ma co ra sao cung chang sao

paiseh . one more sentence to convert from english to vietnamese. :P

I feel very loss now. Like in a world of no return.
My heart will always belong to only you and forever.

21-12-2009, 12:03 AM
xao nhieu nhieu!!!
Ghost written: Vietnam’s university students outsource their theses
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VietNamNet Bridge – A lot of students nowadays are so lazy that they do not want to spend time on preparing their thesis, but instead rely on a ‘service’ for their bachelor thesis.

According to Nguoi Lao Dong newspaper students spend five or six million dong to hire people to write their theses. The service is so good that the ghost writer even gives ‘know-how’ tips to help students succeed in their subterfuge.

Nguoi Lao Dong’s reporter, who complained that he purchased a lot of theses via an online market but he could not use them thanks to the bad quality, received advice from a friend that he should call the ‘thesis writing service’. The friend said the ‘service provider’ was very good and that he himself once used the service.

Le Pham T, the ‘service provider’ the reporter contacted, finally agreed to write a thesis for six million dong. T said that he does not want to write any longer as the job does not bring in much money.

“Now I specialize in writing masters’ theses I can earn 12 million dong for each,” he said.

T said that after the thesis subject is approved by the university he will write it in part and email it to the reporter. The reporter then has send the money to his bank account.

“Don’t worry about the thesis. My service is guaranteed,” he said.

In principle, T will have no responsibility any more when the thesis is approved by the lecturers. However, T said that he will provide some ‘know-how’ which can help the reporter to ‘go through all the doors’

It has been discovered that T is a lecturer at a junior college in HCM City and is studying for his master’s degree.

Nguoi Lao Dong also contacted Huy H, who has advertises on bacgiangonline.net. H said that he has 10 years’ experience writing theses, specializing in accountancy, auditing and business administration.

H assured that his work is high quality and promised to ‘give back money if students fail to defend theses’.

According to H, it takes three weeks to write a thesis, while students have to pay five million dong only, a ‘soft price’.

Phu Le Quyen, a lecturer at Can Tho University, said that she knows that many third and fourth year students are writing theses for the students who are learning in in-service training courses.

Quyen said that the theses get high scores, because they are good. She emphasizes the role of the lecturers who guide students in writing theses, saying that if the lecturers consider the theses properly they will discover their problems. If so, students will not dare to use the theses written by others any more.


21-12-2009, 02:36 AM
Surfing webs to get thesis

VietNamNet Bridge – It can cost as little as 100,000 dong to purchase a thesis oline that, with just a little bit of personalizing, can lead to a master’s degree.

On the students’ forum at HCM City Economic University (Vi.KiloBook.Com Th? Vi?n ?i?n T? Vi?t Nam (http://forum.ueh.vn)), ‘aeonz’ offered pay to purchase a thesis provided they could obtain at least an 8/10 mark. Meanwhile, ‘jackal’ on a Yahoo! message board wrote: “I am going to write a thesis and I am looking for one or two theses on construction for reference. Please tell me where I can purchase these.”

The online thesis market
“In order to meet the increasingly high demand for theses for reference, LUẬN VĂN, TIỂU LUẬN, CHUYÊN ĐỀ, ĐỒ ÁN, ĐỀ ÁN, BÁO CÁO THỰC TẬP, LUẬN ÁN, THẠC SĨ, CAO HỌC (http://luanvan.net) has been unceasingly upgraded and developed. Its advert states: “Contact us when you need theses”.

Elsewhere tat choluanvan.net, thuvienluanvan.com, luanvanonline.com and luanvan.net, you can find everything from essays to short and graduation reports to higher education theses. Prices start from 50,000 dong and go up to 200,000 dong. Discounts of 20-50 percent are offered to repeat purchasers.

Nguoi lao dong’s reporters called the mobile phone given on the website and were given simple instructions on how to pay for the work. It took only 10 minutes.

After ringing another number advertised on site they spoke to Tuan, he explained he provides a service of writing theses for students. The fee is two million dong for a university graduation thesis and five million dong for a masters thesis

Meanwhile ‘condauhoiem’ on 5giay.vn forum said: “No one would be silly enough to spend time to write a thesis nowadays. They have to take extra jobs to get money. Meanwhile, it takes one week only to purchase a thesis and edit it a little till it’s yours.”

Students have become experts at cutting and pasting from many sources. On occasions they may have to provide updated figures but that is where their research ends.

Thanh Nghia, a former student of the HCM City Economics University wrote on 5giay.vn that thanks to the purchased thesis, he successfully graduated university. “I had to use someone else’s thesis, it’s something which I once hated. However, with the thesis, you do what you can to pass.” he wrote.

Meanwhile, university lecturers admit it is very difficult to discover frauds. Phu Le Quyen, Lecturer of the Can Tho University said that it is almost impossible to find out which theses are copied from others, unless the theses exactly repeat the topics of the old theses or use out of date figures


xao nhieu nhieu!!!
Ghost written: Vietnam’s university students outsource their theses
================================================== =====

21-12-2009, 03:29 AM
xao nhieu nhieu!!!
Ghost written: Vietnam’s university students outsource their theses

My Hanoi girl is telling me she even take tests / exams on her university friends' behalf. Definitely not only us who xao nhieu nhieu...

21-12-2009, 10:44 AM
So scary!!!!

Drug prescriptions unreliable: officials
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VietNamNet Bridge – Around 73 per cent of doctors’ prescriptions have not been properly checked, nor have patients been properly advised on drug prices and potential side-effects, health officials said yesterday, December 14, during a conference held in Ha Noi.

According to the Ministry of Health’s Examination and Treatment Management Department’s deputy director Cao Hung Thai, the main reason for the situation was a serious shortage of pharmacists nationwide.

"Technically, pharmacists are in charge of consulting and guiding patients how to use medicine effectively, safely and properly at reasonable costs. They play an important role in medical treatment," Thai said.

However, many patients still purchase drugs without professional consultations as the number of pharmacists at hospitals and health clinics remains inadequate and their professional skills are limited.

A survey made among 245 hospitals nationwide showed that there were only 470 pharmacists serving nearly 52,000 hospital beds, or a ratio of 0.009 pharmacists per bed, while the ministry’s required rate was 0.06 per bed.

Le Viet Hung, rector of the Ha Noi University of Pharmacy, said an inadequate curriculum, out-of-date teaching and studying methods and shortage of educational equipment at colleges were the main reason for poor-quality pharmacists.

As a result, many graduates lacked practical experience, independent research capacity and other requirements such as foreign language and computing skills, he added.

Viet Anh, a pharmacist working at pharmaceutical company Merck Serono, said students only had a two-month probation period at hospitals during their five year study, while clinical treatment still remained a short-term subject, so the quality of pharmacists could hardly meet the requirement.

"The number of qualified pharmacists is generally limited. It will take time to fix the problem," he said.

University representative Thai Nguyen Hung Thu, said the Ha Noi University of Pharmacy would adjust the curriculum on training pharmacists for the next academic year.

It would focus on professional skills for students during their five-year study and create some new modules, including communication skills and medical and moral psychology to improve pharmacist training.

The ministry has set a target of 15 pharmacists per 10,000 people by 2015. The current rate is 1.19 over 10,000 people, according to deputy minister Nguyen Thi Kim Tien.

Tran Quoc Kham, from the ministry’s Science and Training Department said the ministry would work with the Ministry of Education and Training to renew the curriculum, conduct a pilot project to co-operate with international universities and colleges, and build supporting policies to attract students to study and work in rural areas.

VietNamNet/Viet Nam News

21-12-2009, 11:52 AM
bros can ignore my previous post on the english translation to Vietnamese i just need to know what the below means.. really sorry i do not have the sign notes on the words ...

Khong bit ngay mai ra sao nua?! ma co ra sao cung chang sao

21-12-2009, 02:22 PM
Khong bit ngay mai ra sao nua?! ma co ra sao cung chang sao

don't know tomorrow what outcome?! but what outcome, it doesn't matter

21-12-2009, 02:28 PM
You such a nice guy and Your viet improved more and more, not wonder u hv more and more gals like u :D

I noticed 1 more to your "killer list" Huong674 6524

don't know tomorrow what outcome?! but what outcome, it doesn't matter

21-12-2009, 08:26 PM
You such a nice guy and Your viet improved more and more, not wonder u hv more and more gals like u :D

I noticed 1 more to your "killer list" Huong674 6524

yes... just added :D
but kana 'car accident' again after makan :(

21-12-2009, 09:24 PM
sorry bros need help on the below for translation

Doi khong noi dung chan ben do, khong bit minh se troi dat ve dau...

I try to translate fro you using v.dict.
cannot wait don't stop here, don't know I will drift to where...

trôi = to drift, to float along to pass, to elapse (most likely meaning)
trồi = to emerge, to go (come) up
dạt = to drift; to be driven (most likely meaning)
dắt = to lead; to tow; to guide

paiseh . one more sentence to convert from english to vietnamese. :P

I feel very loss now. Like in a world of no return.
My heart will always belong to only you and forever.

this very chim to translate... anyway I suggest another sentence of same meaning.

Eng: Now I don't know what to do. I don't have you, my heart won't beat.
My heart only belongs to you and forever.

TV: Bay gio anh khong biet phai lam sao. Anh khong co em, trai tim cua anh khong dap douc. Trai tim anh chi cua em 1minh va mai mai.


From you story, it seems like the gal do not want the r/s with you liao... move on bro... There are many many trees in the forest for you to choose from. No point stocking her liao...

21-12-2009, 11:53 PM
bros can ignore my previous post on the english translation to Vietnamese i just need to know what the below means.. really sorry i do not have the sign notes on the words ...

Khong bit ngay mai ra sao nua?! ma co ra sao cung chang sao

hmm your gong tau not that deep yet....when u start to learn viet very hard...then u really kanna gong tau :D

22-12-2009, 12:56 AM
Are u saying about me :confused: :( :o
hmm your gong tau not that deep yet....when u start to learn viet very hard...then u really kanna gong tau :D